lib/s3/grantee.rb in aws-2.4.5 vs lib/s3/grantee.rb in aws-2.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
-module Aws
- # There are 2 ways to set permissions for a bucket or key (called a +thing+ below):
- #
- # 1 . Use +perms+ param to set 'Canned Access Policies' when calling the <tt>bucket.create</tt>,
- # <tt>bucket.put</tt> and <tt>key.put</tt> methods.
- # The +perms+ param can take these values: 'private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write' and
- # 'authenticated-read'.
- # (see
- #
- # bucket = s3.bucket('bucket_for_kd_test_13', true, 'public-read')
- # key.put('Woohoo!','public-read-write' )
- #
- # 2 . Use Grantee instances (the permission is a +String+ or an +Array+ of: 'READ', 'WRITE',
- #
- # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true)
- # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c', FULL_CONTROL, :apply)
- # grantee2 =, 'xy3v3...5fhp', [READ, WRITE], :apply)
- #
- # There is only one way to get and to remove permission (via Grantee instances):
- #
- # grantees = bucket.grantees # a list of Grantees that have any access for this bucket
- # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c')
- # grantee1.perms #=> returns a list of perms for this grantee to that bucket
- # ...
- # grantee1.drop # remove all perms for this grantee
- # grantee2.revoke('WRITE') # revoke write access only
- #
- class S3::Grantee
- # A bucket or a key the grantee has an access to.
- attr_reader :thing
- # Grantee Amazon id.
- attr_reader :id
- # Grantee display name.
- attr_reader :name
- # Array of permissions.
- attr_accessor :perms
- # Retrieve Owner information and a list of Grantee instances that have
- # a access to this thing (bucket or key).
- #
- # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
- # ...
- # Aws::S3::Grantee.owner_and_grantees(bucket) #=> [owner, grantees]
- #
- def self.owner_and_grantees(thing)
- if thing.is_a?(Bucket)
- bucket, key = thing, ''
- else
- bucket, key = thing.bucket, thing
- end
- hash = bucket.s3.interface.get_acl_parse(bucket.to_s, key.to_s)
- owner =[:owner][:id], hash[:owner][:display_name])
- grantees = []
- hash[:grantees].each do |id, params|
- grantees << new(thing, id, params[:permissions], nil, params[:display_name])
- end
- [owner, grantees]
- end
- # Retrieves a list of Grantees instances that have an access to this thing(bucket or key).
- #
- # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
- # ...
- # Aws::S3::Grantee.grantees(bucket) #=> grantees
- #
- def self.grantees(thing)
- owner_and_grantees(thing)[1]
- end
- def self.put_acl(thing, owner, grantees) #:nodoc:
- if thing.is_a?(Bucket)
- bucket, key = thing, ''
- else
- bucket, key = thing.bucket, thing
- end
- body = "<AccessControlPolicy>" +
- "<Owner>" +
- "<ID>#{}</ID>" +
- "<DisplayName>#{}</DisplayName>" +
- "</Owner>" +
- "<AccessControlList>" +
- { |grantee| grantee.to_xml }.join +
- "</AccessControlList>" +
- "</AccessControlPolicy>"
- bucket.s3.interface.put_acl(bucket.to_s, key.to_s, body)
- end
- # Create a new Grantee instance.
- # Grantee +id+ must exist on S3. If +action+ == :refresh, then retrieve
- # permissions from S3 and update @perms. If +action+ == :apply, then apply
- # perms to +thing+ at S3. If +action+ == :apply_and_refresh then it performs.
- # both the actions. This is used for the new grantees that had no perms to
- # this thing before. The default action is :refresh.
- #
- # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
- # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c', FULL_CONTROL)
- # ...
- # grantee2 =, 'abcde...asdf', [FULL_CONTROL, READ], :apply)
- # grantee3 =, 'aaaaa...aaaa', 'READ', :apply_and_refresh)
- #
- def initialize(thing, id, perms=[], action=:refresh, name=nil)
- @thing = thing
- @id = id
- @name = name
- @perms = perms.to_a
- case action
- when :apply then
- apply
- when :refresh then
- refresh
- when :apply_and_refresh then
- apply; refresh
- end
- end
- # Return +true+ if the grantee has any permissions to the thing.
- def exists?
- self.class.grantees(@thing).each do |grantee|
- return true if @id ==
- end
- false
- end
- # Return Grantee type (+String+): "Group" or "CanonicalUser".
- def type
- @id[/^http:/] ? "Group" : "CanonicalUser"
- end
- # Return a name or an id.
- def to_s
- @name || @id
- end
- # Add permissions for grantee.
- # Permissions: 'READ', 'WRITE', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL'.
- # See .
- # Returns +true+.
- #
- # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL') #=> true
- # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL','WRITE','READ') #=> true
- # grantee.grant(['WRITE_ACP','READ','READ_ACP']) #=> true
- #
- def grant(*permissions)
- permissions.flatten!
- old_perms = @perms.dup
- @perms += permissions
- @perms.uniq!
- return true if @perms == old_perms
- apply
- end
- # Revoke permissions for grantee.
- # Permissions: 'READ', 'WRITE', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL'
- # See .
- # Default value is 'FULL_CONTROL'.
- # Returns +true+.
- #
- # grantee.revoke('READ') #=> true
- # grantee.revoke('FULL_CONTROL','WRITE') #=> true
- # grantee.revoke(['READ_ACP','WRITE_ACP']) #=> true
- #
- def revoke(*permissions)
- permissions.flatten!
- old_perms = @perms.dup
- @perms -= permissions
- @perms.uniq!
- return true if @perms == old_perms
- apply
- end
- # Revoke all permissions for this grantee.
- # Returns +true+.
- #
- # grantee.drop #=> true
- #
- def drop
- @perms = []
- apply
- end
- # Refresh grantee perms for its +thing+.
- # Returns +true+ if the grantee has perms for this +thing+ or
- # +false+ otherwise, and updates @perms value as a side-effect.
- #
- # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL') #=> true
- # grantee.refresh #=> true
- # grantee.drop #=> true
- # grantee.refresh #=> false
- #
- def refresh
- @perms = []
- self.class.grantees(@thing).each do |grantee|
- if @id ==
- @name =
- @perms = grantee.perms
- return true
- end
- end
- false
- end
- # Apply current grantee @perms to +thing+. This method is called internally by the +grant+
- # and +revoke+ methods. In normal use this method should not
- # be called directly.
- #
- # grantee.perms = ['FULL_CONTROL']
- # grantee.apply #=> true
- #
- def apply
- @perms.uniq!
- owner, grantees = self.class.owner_and_grantees(@thing)
- # walk through all the grantees and replace the data for the current one and ...
-! { |grantee| == @id ? self : grantee }
- # ... if this grantee is not known - add this bad boy to a list
- grantees << self unless grantees.include?(self)
- # set permissions
- self.class.put_acl(@thing, owner, grantees)
- end
- def to_xml # :nodoc:
- id_str = @id[/^http/] ? "<URI>#{@id}</URI>" : "<ID>#{@id}</ID>"
- grants = ''
- @perms.each do |perm|
- grants << "<Grant>" +
- "<Grantee xmlns:xsi=\"\" " +
- "xsi:type=\"#{type}\">#{id_str}</Grantee>" +
- "<Permission>#{perm}</Permission>" +
- "</Grant>"
- end
- grants
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+module Aws
+ # There are 2 ways to set permissions for a bucket or key (called a +thing+ below):
+ #
+ # 1 . Use +perms+ param to set 'Canned Access Policies' when calling the <tt>bucket.create</tt>,
+ # <tt>bucket.put</tt> and <tt>key.put</tt> methods.
+ # The +perms+ param can take these values: 'private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write' and
+ # 'authenticated-read'.
+ # (see
+ #
+ # bucket = s3.bucket('bucket_for_kd_test_13', true, 'public-read')
+ # key.put('Woohoo!','public-read-write' )
+ #
+ # 2 . Use Grantee instances (the permission is a +String+ or an +Array+ of: 'READ', 'WRITE',
+ #
+ # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true)
+ # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c', FULL_CONTROL, :apply)
+ # grantee2 =, 'xy3v3...5fhp', [READ, WRITE], :apply)
+ #
+ # There is only one way to get and to remove permission (via Grantee instances):
+ #
+ # grantees = bucket.grantees # a list of Grantees that have any access for this bucket
+ # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c')
+ # grantee1.perms #=> returns a list of perms for this grantee to that bucket
+ # ...
+ # grantee1.drop # remove all perms for this grantee
+ # grantee2.revoke('WRITE') # revoke write access only
+ #
+ class S3::Grantee
+ # A bucket or a key the grantee has an access to.
+ attr_reader :thing
+ # Grantee Amazon id.
+ attr_reader :id
+ # Grantee display name.
+ attr_reader :name
+ # Array of permissions.
+ attr_accessor :perms
+ # Retrieve Owner information and a list of Grantee instances that have
+ # a access to this thing (bucket or key).
+ #
+ # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
+ # ...
+ # Aws::S3::Grantee.owner_and_grantees(bucket) #=> [owner, grantees]
+ #
+ def self.owner_and_grantees(thing)
+ if thing.is_a?(S3::Bucket)
+ bucket, key = thing, ''
+ else
+ bucket, key = thing.bucket, thing
+ end
+ hash = bucket.s3.interface.get_acl_parse(bucket.to_s, key.to_s)
+ owner =[:owner][:id], hash[:owner][:display_name])
+ grantees = []
+ hash[:grantees].each do |id, params|
+ grantees << new(thing, id, params[:permissions], nil, params[:display_name])
+ end
+ [owner, grantees]
+ end
+ # Retrieves a list of Grantees instances that have an access to this thing(bucket or key).
+ #
+ # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
+ # ...
+ # Aws::S3::Grantee.grantees(bucket) #=> grantees
+ #
+ def self.grantees(thing)
+ owner_and_grantees(thing)[1]
+ end
+ def self.put_acl(thing, owner, grantees) #:nodoc:
+ if thing.is_a?(S3::Bucket)
+ bucket, key = thing, ''
+ else
+ bucket, key = thing.bucket, thing
+ end
+ body = "<AccessControlPolicy>" +
+ "<Owner>" +
+ "<ID>#{}</ID>" +
+ "<DisplayName>#{}</DisplayName>" +
+ "</Owner>" +
+ "<AccessControlList>" +
+ { |grantee| grantee.to_xml }.join +
+ "</AccessControlList>" +
+ "</AccessControlPolicy>"
+ bucket.s3.interface.put_acl(bucket.to_s, key.to_s, body)
+ end
+ # Create a new Grantee instance.
+ # Grantee +id+ must exist on S3. If +action+ == :refresh, then retrieve
+ # permissions from S3 and update @perms. If +action+ == :apply, then apply
+ # perms to +thing+ at S3. If +action+ == :apply_and_refresh then it performs.
+ # both the actions. This is used for the new grantees that had no perms to
+ # this thing before. The default action is :refresh.
+ #
+ # bucket = s3.bucket('my_awesome_bucket', true, 'public-read')
+ # grantee1 =, 'a123b...223c', FULL_CONTROL)
+ # ...
+ # grantee2 =, 'abcde...asdf', [FULL_CONTROL, READ], :apply)
+ # grantee3 =, 'aaaaa...aaaa', 'READ', :apply_and_refresh)
+ #
+ def initialize(thing, id, perms=[], action=:refresh, name=nil)
+ @thing = thing
+ @id = id
+ @name = name
+ @perms = perms.to_a
+ case action
+ when :apply then
+ apply
+ when :refresh then
+ refresh
+ when :apply_and_refresh then
+ apply; refresh
+ end
+ end
+ # Return +true+ if the grantee has any permissions to the thing.
+ def exists?
+ self.class.grantees(@thing).each do |grantee|
+ return true if @id ==
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ # Return Grantee type (+String+): "Group" or "CanonicalUser".
+ def type
+ @id[/^http:/] ? "Group" : "CanonicalUser"
+ end
+ # Return a name or an id.
+ def to_s
+ @name || @id
+ end
+ # Add permissions for grantee.
+ # Permissions: 'READ', 'WRITE', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL'.
+ # See .
+ # Returns +true+.
+ #
+ # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL') #=> true
+ # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL','WRITE','READ') #=> true
+ # grantee.grant(['WRITE_ACP','READ','READ_ACP']) #=> true
+ #
+ def grant(*permissions)
+ permissions.flatten!
+ old_perms = @perms.dup
+ @perms += permissions
+ @perms.uniq!
+ return true if @perms == old_perms
+ apply
+ end
+ # Revoke permissions for grantee.
+ # Permissions: 'READ', 'WRITE', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL'
+ # See .
+ # Default value is 'FULL_CONTROL'.
+ # Returns +true+.
+ #
+ # grantee.revoke('READ') #=> true
+ # grantee.revoke('FULL_CONTROL','WRITE') #=> true
+ # grantee.revoke(['READ_ACP','WRITE_ACP']) #=> true
+ #
+ def revoke(*permissions)
+ permissions.flatten!
+ old_perms = @perms.dup
+ @perms -= permissions
+ @perms.uniq!
+ return true if @perms == old_perms
+ apply
+ end
+ # Revoke all permissions for this grantee.
+ # Returns +true+.
+ #
+ # grantee.drop #=> true
+ #
+ def drop
+ @perms = []
+ apply
+ end
+ # Refresh grantee perms for its +thing+.
+ # Returns +true+ if the grantee has perms for this +thing+ or
+ # +false+ otherwise, and updates @perms value as a side-effect.
+ #
+ # grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL') #=> true
+ # grantee.refresh #=> true
+ # grantee.drop #=> true
+ # grantee.refresh #=> false
+ #
+ def refresh
+ @perms = []
+ self.class.grantees(@thing).each do |grantee|
+ if @id ==
+ @name =
+ @perms = grantee.perms
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ # Apply current grantee @perms to +thing+. This method is called internally by the +grant+
+ # and +revoke+ methods. In normal use this method should not
+ # be called directly.
+ #
+ # grantee.perms = ['FULL_CONTROL']
+ # grantee.apply #=> true
+ #
+ def apply
+ @perms.uniq!
+ owner, grantees = self.class.owner_and_grantees(@thing)
+ # walk through all the grantees and replace the data for the current one and ...
+! { |grantee| == @id ? self : grantee }
+ # ... if this grantee is not known - add this bad boy to a list
+ grantees << self unless grantees.include?(self)
+ # set permissions
+ self.class.put_acl(@thing, owner, grantees)
+ end
+ def to_xml # :nodoc:
+ id_str = @id[/^http/] ? "<URI>#{@id}</URI>" : "<ID>#{@id}</ID>"
+ grants = ''
+ @perms.each do |perm|
+ grants << "<Grant>" +
+ "<Grantee xmlns:xsi=\"\" " +
+ "xsi:type=\"#{type}\">#{id_str}</Grantee>" +
+ "<Permission>#{perm}</Permission>" +
+ "</Grant>"
+ end
+ grants
+ end
+ end