lib/aws-sdk-transfer/client.rb in aws-sdk-transfer-1.75.0 vs lib/aws-sdk-transfer/client.rb in aws-sdk-transfer-1.76.0
- old
+ new
@@ -644,23 +644,28 @@
req = build_request(:create_agreement, params)
# Creates the connector, which captures the parameters for an outbound
- # connection for the AS2 protocol. The connector is required for sending
- # files to an externally hosted AS2 server. For more details about
- # connectors, see [Create AS2 connectors][1].
+ # connection for the AS2 or SFTP protocol. The connector is required for
+ # sending files to an externally hosted AS2 or SFTP server. For more
+ # details about AS2 connectors, see [Create AS2 connectors][1].
+ # <note markdown="1"> You must specify exactly one configuration object: either for AS2
+ # (`As2Config`) or SFTP (`SftpConfig`).
+ # </note>
+ #
+ #
# [1]:
# @option params [required, String] :url
- # The URL of the partner's AS2 endpoint.
+ # The URL of the partner's AS2 or SFTP endpoint.
- # @option params [required, Types::As2ConnectorConfig] :as_2_config
- # A structure that contains the parameters for a connector object.
+ # @option params [Types::As2ConnectorConfig] :as_2_config
+ # A structure that contains the parameters for an AS2 connector object.
# @option params [required, String] :access_role
# With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and
# specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths`.
# We use the file’s parent directory (for example, for
@@ -688,19 +693,22 @@
# @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :tags
# Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for connectors.
# Tags are metadata attached to connectors for any purpose.
+ # @option params [Types::SftpConnectorConfig] :sftp_config
+ # A structure that contains the parameters for an SFTP connector object.
+ #
# @return [Types::CreateConnectorResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateConnectorResponse#connector_id #connector_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_connector({
# url: "Url", # required
- # as_2_config: { # required
+ # as_2_config: {
# local_profile_id: "ProfileId",
# partner_profile_id: "ProfileId",
# message_subject: "MessageSubject",
# compression: "ZLIB", # accepts ZLIB, DISABLED
# encryption_algorithm: "AES128_CBC", # accepts AES128_CBC, AES192_CBC, AES256_CBC, NONE
@@ -715,10 +723,14 @@
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
+ # sftp_config: {
+ # user_secret_id: "SecretId",
+ # trusted_host_keys: ["SftpConnectorTrustedHostKey"],
+ # },
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.connector_id #=> String
@@ -1185,12 +1197,12 @@
# `[ \{ "Entry": "/directory1", "Target":
# "/bucket_name/home/mydirectory" \} ]`
# In most cases, you can use this value instead of the session policy to
# lock your user down to the designated home directory ("`chroot`").
- # To do this, you can set `Entry` to `/` and set `Target` to the
- # HomeDirectory parameter value.
+ # To do this, you can set `Entry` to `/` and set `Target` to the value
+ # the user should see for their home directory when they log in.
# The following is an `Entry` and `Target` pair example for `chroot`.
# `[ \{ "Entry": "/", "Target": "/bucket_name/home/mydirectory" \} ]`
@@ -1604,11 +1616,11 @@
def delete_certificate(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_certificate, params)
- # Deletes the agreement that's specified in the provided `ConnectorId`.
+ # Deletes the connector that's specified in the provided `ConnectorId`.
# @option params [required, String] :connector_id
# The unique identifier for the connector.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
@@ -1977,10 +1989,13 @@
# resp.connector.access_role #=> String
# resp.connector.logging_role #=> String
# resp.connector.tags #=> Array
# resp.connector.tags[0].key #=> String
# resp.connector.tags[0].value #=> String
+ # resp.connector.sftp_config.user_secret_id #=> String
+ # resp.connector.sftp_config.trusted_host_keys #=> Array
+ # resp.connector.sftp_config.trusted_host_keys[0] #=> String
# @see AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_connector(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
@@ -3239,30 +3254,66 @@
def send_workflow_step_state(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:send_workflow_step_state, params)
- # Begins an outbound file transfer to a remote AS2 server. You specify
- # the `ConnectorId` and the file paths for where to send the files.
+ # Begins a file transfer between local Amazon Web Services storage and a
+ # remote AS2 or SFTP server.
+ # * For an AS2 connector, you specify the `ConnectorId` and one or more
+ # `SendFilePaths` to identify the files you want to transfer.
+ #
+ # * For an SFTP connector, the file transfer can be either outbound or
+ # inbound. In both cases, you specify the `ConnectorId`. Depending on
+ # the direction of the transfer, you also specify the following items:
+ #
+ # * If you are transferring file from a partner's SFTP server to a
+ # Transfer Family server, you specify one or more
+ # `RetreiveFilePaths` to identify the files you want to transfer,
+ # and a `LocalDirectoryPath` to specify the destination folder.
+ #
+ # * If you are transferring file to a partner's SFTP server from
+ # Amazon Web Services storage, you specify one or more
+ # `SendFilePaths` to identify the files you want to transfer, and a
+ # `RemoteDirectoryPath` to specify the destination folder.
+ #
# @option params [required, String] :connector_id
# The unique identifier for the connector.
- # @option params [required, Array<String>] :send_file_paths
- # An array of strings. Each string represents the absolute path for one
- # outbound file transfer. For example, ` DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/myfile.txt
- # `.
+ # @option params [Array<String>] :send_file_paths
+ # One or more source paths for the Transfer Family server. Each string
+ # represents a source file path for one outbound file transfer. For
+ # example, ` DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/myfile.txt `.
+ # @option params [Array<String>] :retrieve_file_paths
+ # One or more source paths for the partner's SFTP server. Each string
+ # represents a source file path for one inbound file transfer.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :local_directory_path
+ # For an inbound transfer, the `LocaDirectoryPath` specifies the
+ # destination for one or more files that are transferred from the
+ # partner's SFTP server.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :remote_directory_path
+ # For an outbound transfer, the `RemoteDirectoryPath` specifies the
+ # destination for one or more files that are transferred to the
+ # partner's SFTP server. If you don't specify a `RemoteDirectoryPath`,
+ # the destination for transferred files is the SFTP user's home
+ # directory.
+ #
# @return [Types::StartFileTransferResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::StartFileTransferResponse#transfer_id #transfer_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.start_file_transfer({
# connector_id: "ConnectorId", # required
- # send_file_paths: ["FilePath"], # required
+ # send_file_paths: ["FilePath"],
+ # retrieve_file_paths: ["FilePath"],
+ # local_directory_path: "FilePath",
+ # remote_directory_path: "FilePath",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.transfer_id #=> String
@@ -3380,10 +3431,45 @@
def tag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:tag_resource, params)
+ # Tests whether your SFTP connector is set up successfully. We highly
+ # recommend that you call this operation to test your ability to
+ # transfer files between a Transfer Family server and a trading
+ # partner's SFTP server.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :connector_id
+ # The unique identifier for the connector.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::TestConnectionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::TestConnectionResponse#connector_id #connector_id} => String
+ # * {Types::TestConnectionResponse#status #status} => String
+ # * {Types::TestConnectionResponse#status_message #status_message} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.test_connection({
+ # connector_id: "ConnectorId", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.connector_id #=> String
+ # resp.status #=> String
+ # resp.status_message #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload test_connection(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def test_connection(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:test_connection, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# If the `IdentityProviderType` of a file transfer protocol-enabled
# server is `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` or `API_Gateway`, tests whether your
# identity provider is set up successfully. We highly recommend that you
# call this operation to test your authentication method as soon as you
# create your server. By doing so, you can troubleshoot issues with the
@@ -3799,14 +3885,14 @@
# @option params [required, String] :connector_id
# The unique identifier for the connector.
# @option params [String] :url
- # The URL of the partner's AS2 endpoint.
+ # The URL of the partner's AS2 or SFTP endpoint.
# @option params [Types::As2ConnectorConfig] :as_2_config
- # A structure that contains the parameters for a connector object.
+ # A structure that contains the parameters for an AS2 connector object.
# @option params [String] :access_role
# With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and
# specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths`.
# We use the file’s parent directory (for example, for
@@ -3830,10 +3916,13 @@
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Identity and Access Management
# (IAM) role that allows a connector to turn on CloudWatch logging for
# Amazon S3 events. When set, you can view connector activity in your
# CloudWatch logs.
+ # @option params [Types::SftpConnectorConfig] :sftp_config
+ # A structure that contains the parameters for an SFTP connector object.
+ #
# @return [Types::UpdateConnectorResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::UpdateConnectorResponse#connector_id #connector_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
@@ -3852,10 +3941,14 @@
# mdn_response: "SYNC", # accepts SYNC, NONE
# basic_auth_secret_id: "As2ConnectorSecretId",
# },
# access_role: "Role",
# logging_role: "Role",
+ # sftp_config: {
+ # user_secret_id: "SecretId",
+ # trusted_host_keys: ["SftpConnectorTrustedHostKey"],
+ # },
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.connector_id #=> String
@@ -4419,10 +4512,10 @@
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-transfer'
- context[:gem_version] = '1.75.0'
+ context[:gem_version] = '1.76.0', context)
# Polls an API operation until a resource enters a desired state.