lib/aws-sdk-locationservice/client.rb in aws-sdk-locationservice-1.3.0 vs lib/aws-sdk-locationservice/client.rb in aws-sdk-locationservice-1.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -341,11 +341,11 @@
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the geofence collection to be
# associated to tracker resource. Used when you need to specify a
# resource across all AWS.
# * Format example:
- # `arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type:resource-id`
+ # `arn:aws:geo:region:account-id:geofence-collection/ExampleGeofenceCollectionConsumer`
# ^
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name of the tracker resource to be associated with a geofence
@@ -367,14 +367,54 @@
def associate_tracker_consumer(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:associate_tracker_consumer, params)
+ # Deletes the position history of one or more devices from a tracker
+ # resource.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Array<String>] :device_ids
+ # Devices whose position history you want to delete.
+ #
+ # * For example, for two devices: `“DeviceIds” : [DeviceId1,DeviceId2]`
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
+ # The name of the tracker resource to delete the device position history
+ # from.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryResponse#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError>
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.batch_delete_device_position_history({
+ # device_ids: ["Id"], # required
+ # tracker_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.errors #=> Array
+ # resp.errors[0].device_id #=> String
+ # resp.errors[0].error.code #=> String, one of "AccessDeniedError", "ConflictError", "InternalServerError", "ResourceNotFoundError", "ThrottlingError", "ValidationError"
+ # resp.errors[0].error.message #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload batch_delete_device_position_history(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def batch_delete_device_position_history(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:batch_delete_device_position_history, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Deletes a batch of geofences from a geofence collection.
- # <note markdown="1"> This action deletes the resource permanently. You can't undo this
- # action.
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :collection_name
# The geofence collection storing the geofences to be deleted.
@@ -507,11 +547,12 @@
req = build_request(:batch_get_device_position, params)
# A batch request for storing geofence geometries into a given geofence
- # collection.
+ # collection, or updates the geometry of an existing geofence if a
+ # geofence ID is included in the request.
# @option params [required, String] :collection_name
# The geofence collection storing the geofences.
# @option params [required, Array<Types::BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry>] :entries
@@ -563,12 +604,12 @@
# Uploads position update data for one or more devices to a tracker
# resource. Amazon Location uses the data when reporting the last known
# device position and position history.
# <note markdown="1"> Only one position update is stored per sample time. Location data is
- # sampled at a fixed rate of one position per 30-second interval, and
- # retained for one year before it is deleted.
+ # sampled at a fixed rate of one position per 30-second interval and
+ # retained for 30 days before it's deleted.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name of the tracker resource to update.
@@ -608,52 +649,333 @@
def batch_update_device_position(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:batch_update_device_position, params)
+ # [Calculates a route][1] given the following required parameters:
+ # `DeparturePostiton` and `DestinationPosition`. Requires that you first
+ # [create aroute calculator resource][2]
+ #
+ # By default, a request that doesn't specify a departure time uses the
+ # best time of day to travel with the best traffic conditions when
+ # calculating the route.
+ #
+ # Additional options include:
+ #
+ # * [Specifying a departure time][3] using either `DepartureTime` or
+ # `DepartureNow`. This calculates a route based on predictive traffic
+ # data at the given time.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> You can't specify both `DepartureTime` and `DepartureNow` in a
+ # single request. Specifying both parameters returns an error message.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # * [Specifying a travel mode][4] using TravelMode. This lets you
+ # specify additional route preference such as `CarModeOptions` if
+ # traveling by `Car`, or `TruckModeOptions` if traveling by `Truck`.
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ # [3]:
+ # [4]:
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :calculator_name
+ # The name of the route calculator resource that you want to use to
+ # calculate a route.
+ #
+ # @option params [Types::CalculateRouteCarModeOptions] :car_mode_options
+ # Specifies route preferences when traveling by `Car`, such as avoiding
+ # routes that use ferries or tolls.
+ #
+ # Requirements: `TravelMode` must be specified as `Car`.
+ #
+ # @option params [Boolean] :depart_now
+ # Sets the time of departure as the current time. Uses the current time
+ # to calculate a route. Otherwise, the best time of day to travel with
+ # the best traffic conditions is used to calculate the route.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `false`
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `false` \| `true`
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Array<Float>] :departure_position
+ # The start position for the route. Defined in [WGS 84][1] format:
+ # `[longitude, latitude]`.
+ #
+ # * For example, `[-123.115, 49.285]`
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> If you specify a departure that's not located on a road, Amazon
+ # Location [moves the position to the nearest road][2].
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `[-180 to 180,-90 to 90]`
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ #
+ # @option params [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] :departure_time
+ # Specifies the desired time of departure. Uses the given time to
+ # calculate a route. Otherwise, the best time of day to travel with the
+ # best traffic conditions is used to calculate the route.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> Setting a departure time in the past returns a `400
+ # ValidationException` error.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # * In [ISO 8601][1] format: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ`. For example,
+ # `2020–07-2T12:15:20.000Z+01:00`
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Array<Float>] :destination_position
+ # The finish position for the route. Defined in [WGS 84][1] format:
+ # `[longitude, latitude]`.
+ #
+ # * For example, `[-122.339, 47.615]`
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> If you specify a destination that's not located on a road, Amazon
+ # Location [moves the position to the nearest road][2].
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `[-180 to 180,-90 to 90]`
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :distance_unit
+ # Set the unit system to specify the distance.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `Kilometers`
+ #
+ # @option params [Boolean] :include_leg_geometry
+ # Set to include the geometry details in the result for each path
+ # between a pair of positions.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `false`
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `false` \| `true`
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :travel_mode
+ # Specifies the mode of transport when calculating a route. Used in
+ # estimating the speed of travel and road compatibility.
+ #
+ # The `TravelMode` you specify determines how you specify route
+ # preferences:
+ #
+ # * If traveling by `Car` use the `CarModeOptions` parameter.
+ #
+ # * If traveling by `Truck` use the `TruckModeOptions` parameter.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `Car`
+ #
+ # @option params [Types::CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions] :truck_mode_options
+ # Specifies route preferences when traveling by `Truck`, such as
+ # avoiding routes that use ferries or tolls, and truck specifications to
+ # consider when choosing an optimal road.
+ #
+ # Requirements: `TravelMode` must be specified as `Truck`.
+ #
+ # @option params [Array<Array>] :waypoint_positions
+ # Specifies an ordered list of up to 23 intermediate positions to
+ # include along a route between the departure position and destination
+ # position.
+ #
+ # * For example, from the `DeparturePosition` `[-123.115, 49.285]`, the
+ # route follows the order that the waypoint positions are given
+ # `[[-122.757, 49.0021],[-122.349, 47.620]]`
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> If you specify a waypoint position that's not located on a road,
+ # Amazon Location [moves the position to the nearest road][1].
+ #
+ # Specifying more than 23 waypoints returns a `400 ValidationException`
+ # error.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `[-180 to 180,-90 to 90]`
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
+ # @return [Types::CalculateRouteResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::CalculateRouteResponse#legs #legs} => Array<Types::Leg>
+ # * {Types::CalculateRouteResponse#summary #summary} => Types::CalculateRouteSummary
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.calculate_route({
+ # calculator_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # car_mode_options: {
+ # avoid_ferries: false,
+ # avoid_tolls: false,
+ # },
+ # depart_now: false,
+ # departure_position: [1.0], # required
+ # departure_time:,
+ # destination_position: [1.0], # required
+ # distance_unit: "Kilometers", # accepts Kilometers, Miles
+ # include_leg_geometry: false,
+ # travel_mode: "Car", # accepts Car, Truck, Walking
+ # truck_mode_options: {
+ # avoid_ferries: false,
+ # avoid_tolls: false,
+ # dimensions: {
+ # height: 1.0,
+ # length: 1.0,
+ # unit: "Meters", # accepts Meters, Feet
+ # width: 1.0,
+ # },
+ # weight: {
+ # total: 1.0,
+ # unit: "Kilograms", # accepts Kilograms, Pounds
+ # },
+ # },
+ # waypoint_positions: [
+ # [1.0],
+ # ],
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.legs #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].distance #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].duration_seconds #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].end_position #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].end_position[0] #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].geometry.line_string #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].geometry.line_string[0] #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].geometry.line_string[0][0] #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].start_position #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].start_position[0] #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].steps #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].distance #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].duration_seconds #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].end_position #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].end_position[0] #=> Float
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].geometry_offset #=> Integer
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].start_position #=> Array
+ # resp.legs[0].steps[0].start_position[0] #=> Float
+ # resp.summary.data_source #=> String
+ # resp.summary.distance #=> Float
+ # resp.summary.distance_unit #=> String, one of "Kilometers", "Miles"
+ # resp.summary.duration_seconds #=> Float
+ # resp.summary.route_b_box #=> Array
+ # resp.summary.route_b_box[0] #=> Float
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload calculate_route(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def calculate_route(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:calculate_route, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Creates a geofence collection, which manages and stores geofences.
# @option params [required, String] :collection_name
# A custom name for the geofence collection.
# Requirements:
- # * Contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0-9), hyphens (-),
+ # * Contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), hyphens (-),
# periods (.), and underscores (\_).
# * Must be a unique geofence collection name.
# * No spaces allowed. For example, `ExampleGeofenceCollection`.
# @option params [String] :description
# An optional description for the geofence collection.
+ # @option params [String] :kms_key_id
+ # A key identifier for an [AWS KMS customer managed key][1]. Enter a key
+ # ID, key ARN, alias name, or alias ARN.
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
# @option params [required, String] :pricing_plan
- # Specifies the pricing plan for your geofence collection.
+ # Specifies the pricing plan for the geofence collection.
# For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option,
# see the [Amazon Location Service pricing page][1].
# [1]:
# @option params [String] :pricing_plan_data_source
- # Specifies the plan data source. Required if the Mobile Asset Tracking
- # (MAT) or the Mobile Asset Management (MAM) pricing plan is selected.
+ # Specifies the data provider for the geofence collection.
- # Billing is determined by the resource usage, the associated pricing
- # plan, and the data source that was specified. For more information
- # about each pricing plan option and restrictions, see the [Amazon
- # Location Service pricing page][1].
+ # * Required value for the following pricing plans: `MobileAssetTracking
+ # `\| `MobileAssetManagement`
+ # ^
+ #
+ # For more information about [Data Providers][1], and [Pricing
+ # plans][2], see the Amazon Location Service product page.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> Amazon Location Service only uses `PricingPlanDataSource` to calculate
+ # billing for your geofence collection. Your data won't be shared with
+ # the data provider, and will remain in your AWS account or Region
+ # unless you move it.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
# Valid Values: `Esri `\| `Here`
- # [1]:
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # Applies one or more tags to the geofence collection. A tag is a
+ # key-value pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your
+ # resources by labelling them.
+ #
+ # Format: `"key" : "value"`
+ #
+ # Restrictions:
+ #
+ # * Maximum 50 tags per resource
+ #
+ # * Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.
+ #
+ # * Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following
+ # characters: + - = . \_ : / @.
+ #
# @return [Types::CreateGeofenceCollectionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateGeofenceCollectionResponse#collection_arn #collection_arn} => String
# * {Types::CreateGeofenceCollectionResponse#collection_name #collection_name} => String
# * {Types::CreateGeofenceCollectionResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
@@ -661,12 +983,16 @@
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_geofence_collection({
# collection_name: "ResourceName", # required
# description: "ResourceDescription",
+ # kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# pricing_plan: "RequestBasedUsage", # required, accepts RequestBasedUsage, MobileAssetTracking, MobileAssetManagement
# pricing_plan_data_source: "String",
+ # tags: {
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.collection_arn #=> String
@@ -683,21 +1009,10 @@
# Creates a map resource in your AWS account, which provides map tiles
# of different styles sourced from global location data providers.
- # <note markdown="1"> By using Maps, you agree that AWS may transmit your API queries to
- # your selected third party provider for processing, which may be
- # outside the AWS region you are currently using. For more information,
- # see the [AWS Service Terms][1] for Amazon Location Service.
- #
- # </note>
- #
- #
- #
- # [1]:
- #
# @option params [required, Types::MapConfiguration] :configuration
# Specifies the map style selected from an available data provider.
# @option params [String] :description
# An optional description for the map resource.
@@ -722,10 +1037,30 @@
# [1]:
+ # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # Applies one or more tags to the map resource. A tag is a key-value
+ # pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your resources by
+ # labelling them.
+ #
+ # Format: `"key" : "value"`
+ #
+ # Restrictions:
+ #
+ # * Maximum 50 tags per resource
+ #
+ # * Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.
+ #
+ # * Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following
+ # characters: + - = . \_ : / @.
+ #
# @return [Types::CreateMapResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateMapResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
# * {Types::CreateMapResponse#map_arn #map_arn} => String
# * {Types::CreateMapResponse#map_name #map_name} => String
@@ -737,10 +1072,13 @@
# style: "MapStyle", # required
# },
# description: "ResourceDescription",
# map_name: "ResourceName", # required
# pricing_plan: "RequestBasedUsage", # required, accepts RequestBasedUsage, MobileAssetTracking, MobileAssetManagement
+ # tags: {
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_time #=> Time
@@ -754,28 +1092,13 @@
def create_map(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_map, params)
- # Creates a Place index resource in your AWS account, which supports
- # Places functions with geospatial data sourced from your chosen data
- # provider.
+ # Creates a place index resource in your AWS account, which supports
+ # functions with geospatial data sourced from your chosen data provider.
- # <note markdown="1"> By using Places, you agree that AWS may transmit your API queries to
- # your selected third party provider for processing, which may be
- # outside the AWS region you are currently using.
- #
- # Because of licensing limitations, you may not use HERE to store
- # results for locations in Japan. For more information, see the [AWS
- # Service Terms][1] for Amazon Location Service.
- #
- # </note>
- #
- #
- #
- # [1]:
- #
# @option params [required, String] :data_source
# Specifies the data provider of geospatial data.
# <note markdown="1"> This field is case-sensitive. Enter the valid values as shown. For
# example, entering `HERE` will return an error.
@@ -786,45 +1109,71 @@
# * `Esri`
# * `Here`
+ # Place index resources using HERE as a data provider can't be used
+ # to [store][1] results for locations in Japan. For more information,
+ # see the [AWS Service Terms][2] for Amazon Location Service.
+ #
# For additional details on data providers, see the [Amazon Location
- # Service data providers page][1].
+ # Service data providers page][3].
- # [1]:
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ # [3]:
# @option params [Types::DataSourceConfiguration] :data_source_configuration
# Specifies the data storage option for requesting Places.
# @option params [String] :description
- # The optional description for the Place index resource.
+ # The optional description for the place index resource.
# @option params [required, String] :index_name
- # The name of the Place index resource.
+ # The name of the place index resource.
# Requirements:
- # * Contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) , hyphens (-),
+ # * Contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), hyphens (-),
# periods (.), and underscores (\_).
- # * Must be a unique Place index resource name.
+ # * Must be a unique place index resource name.
# * No spaces allowed. For example, `ExamplePlaceIndex`.
# @option params [required, String] :pricing_plan
- # Specifies the pricing plan for your Place index resource.
+ # Specifies the pricing plan for your place index resource.
# For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option,
# see the [Amazon Location Service pricing page][1].
# [1]:
+ # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # Applies one or more tags to the place index resource. A tag is a
+ # key-value pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your
+ # resources by labelling them.
+ #
+ # Format: `"key" : "value"`
+ #
+ # Restrictions:
+ #
+ # * Maximum 50 tags per resource
+ #
+ # * Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.
+ #
+ # * Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following
+ # characters: + - = . \_ : / @.
+ #
# @return [Types::CreatePlaceIndexResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreatePlaceIndexResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
# * {Types::CreatePlaceIndexResponse#index_arn #index_arn} => String
# * {Types::CreatePlaceIndexResponse#index_name #index_name} => String
@@ -837,10 +1186,13 @@
# intended_use: "SingleUse", # accepts SingleUse, Storage
# },
# description: "ResourceDescription",
# index_name: "ResourceName", # required
# pricing_plan: "RequestBasedUsage", # required, accepts RequestBasedUsage, MobileAssetTracking, MobileAssetManagement
+ # tags: {
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_time #=> Time
@@ -854,41 +1206,184 @@
def create_place_index(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_place_index, params)
+ # Creates a route calculator resource in your AWS account.
+ #
+ # You can send requests to a route calculator resource to estimate
+ # travel time, distance, and get directions. A route calculator sources
+ # traffic and road network data from your chosen data provider.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :calculator_name
+ # The name of the route calculator resource.
+ #
+ # Requirements:
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) , hyphens (-),
+ # periods (.), and underscores (\_).
+ #
+ # * Must be a unique Route calculator resource name.
+ #
+ # * No spaces allowed. For example, `ExampleRouteCalculator`.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :data_source
+ # Specifies the data provider of traffic and road network data.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> This field is case-sensitive. Enter the valid values as shown. For
+ # example, entering `HERE` returns an error.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # Valid Values: `Esri` \| `Here`
+ #
+ # For more information about data providers, see [Amazon Location
+ # Service data providers][1].
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :description
+ # The optional description for the route calculator resource.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pricing_plan
+ # Specifies the pricing plan for your route calculator resource.
+ #
+ # For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option,
+ # see [Amazon Location Service pricing][1].
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
+ # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # Applies one or more tags to the route calculator resource. A tag is a
+ # key-value pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your
+ # resources by labelling them.
+ #
+ # * For example: \\\{ `"tag1" : "value1"`, `"tag2" : "value2"`\\}
+ #
+ # ^
+ #
+ # Format: `"key" : "value"`
+ #
+ # Restrictions:
+ #
+ # * Maximum 50 tags per resource
+ #
+ # * Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.
+ #
+ # * Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following
+ # characters: + - = . \_ : / @.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::CreateRouteCalculatorResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::CreateRouteCalculatorResponse#calculator_arn #calculator_arn} => String
+ # * {Types::CreateRouteCalculatorResponse#calculator_name #calculator_name} => String
+ # * {Types::CreateRouteCalculatorResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.create_route_calculator({
+ # calculator_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # data_source: "String", # required
+ # description: "ResourceDescription",
+ # pricing_plan: "RequestBasedUsage", # required, accepts RequestBasedUsage, MobileAssetTracking, MobileAssetManagement
+ # tags: {
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.calculator_arn #=> String
+ # resp.calculator_name #=> String
+ # resp.create_time #=> Time
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload create_route_calculator(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def create_route_calculator(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:create_route_calculator, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Creates a tracker resource in your AWS account, which lets you
# retrieve current and historical location of devices.
# @option params [String] :description
# An optional description for the tracker resource.
+ # @option params [String] :kms_key_id
+ # A key identifier for an [AWS KMS customer managed key][1]. Enter a key
+ # ID, key ARN, alias name, or alias ARN.
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # [1]:
+ #
# @option params [required, String] :pricing_plan
- # Specifies the pricing plan for your tracker resource.
+ # Specifies the pricing plan for the tracker resource.
# For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option,
# see the [Amazon Location Service pricing page][1].
# [1]:
# @option params [String] :pricing_plan_data_source
- # Specifies the plan data source. Required if the Mobile Asset Tracking
- # (MAT) or the Mobile Asset Management (MAM) pricing plan is selected.
+ # Specifies the data provider for the tracker resource.
- # Billing is determined by the resource usage, the associated pricing
- # plan, and data source that was specified. For more information about
- # each pricing plan option and restrictions, see the [Amazon Location
- # Service pricing page][1].
+ # * Required value for the following pricing plans: `MobileAssetTracking
+ # `\| `MobileAssetManagement`
+ # ^
+ #
+ # For more information about [Data Providers][1], and [Pricing
+ # plans][2], see the Amazon Location Service product page.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> Amazon Location Service only uses `PricingPlanDataSource` to calculate
+ # billing for your tracker resource. Your data will not be shared with
+ # the data provider, and will remain in your AWS account or Region
+ # unless you move it.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
# Valid Values: `Esri` \| `Here`
- # [1]:
+ # [1]:
+ # [2]:
+ # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # Applies one or more tags to the tracker resource. A tag is a key-value
+ # pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your resources by
+ # labelling them.
+ #
+ # Format: `"key" : "value"`
+ #
+ # Restrictions:
+ #
+ # * Maximum 50 tags per resource
+ #
+ # * Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.
+ #
+ # * Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
+ #
+ # * Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following
+ # characters: + - = . \_ : / @.
+ #
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name for the tracker resource.
# Requirements:
@@ -907,12 +1402,16 @@
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_tracker({
# description: "ResourceDescription",
+ # kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# pricing_plan: "RequestBasedUsage", # required, accepts RequestBasedUsage, MobileAssetTracking, MobileAssetManagement
# pricing_plan_data_source: "String",
+ # tags: {
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
# tracker_name: "ResourceName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
@@ -929,13 +1428,13 @@
# Deletes a geofence collection from your AWS account.
- # <note markdown="1"> This action deletes the resource permanently. You can't undo this
- # action. If the geofence collection is the target of a tracker
- # resource, the devices will no longer be monitored.
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently. If the geofence
+ # collection is the target of a tracker resource, the devices will no
+ # longer be monitored.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :collection_name
# The name of the geofence collection to be deleted.
@@ -957,13 +1456,12 @@
# Deletes a map resource from your AWS account.
- # <note markdown="1"> This action deletes the resource permanently. You cannot undo this
- # action. If the map is being used in an application, the map may not
- # render.
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently. If the map is being
+ # used in an application, the map may not render.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :map_name
# The name of the map resource to be deleted.
@@ -983,19 +1481,18 @@
def delete_map(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_map, params)
- # Deletes a Place index resource from your AWS account.
+ # Deletes a place index resource from your AWS account.
- # <note markdown="1"> This action deletes the resource permanently. You cannot undo this
- # action.
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :index_name
- # The name of the Place index resource to be deleted.
+ # The name of the place index resource to be deleted.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
@@ -1010,16 +1507,41 @@
def delete_place_index(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_place_index, params)
+ # Deletes a route calculator resource from your AWS account.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :calculator_name
+ # The name of the route calculator resource to be deleted.
+ #
+ # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.delete_route_calculator({
+ # calculator_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload delete_route_calculator(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def delete_route_calculator(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:delete_route_calculator, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Deletes a tracker resource from your AWS account.
- # <note markdown="1"> This action deletes the resource permanently. You can't undo this
- # action. If the tracker resource is in use, you may encounter an error.
- # Make sure that the target resource is not a dependency for your
- # applications.
+ # <note markdown="1"> This operation deletes the resource permanently. If the tracker
+ # resource is in use, you may encounter an error. Make sure that the
+ # target resource isn't a dependency for your applications.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name of the tracker resource to be deleted.
@@ -1050,12 +1572,14 @@
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#collection_arn #collection_arn} => String
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#collection_name #collection_name} => String
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#description #description} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#kms_key_id #kms_key_id} => String
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#pricing_plan #pricing_plan} => String
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#pricing_plan_data_source #pricing_plan_data_source} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
# * {Types::DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse#update_time #update_time} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_geofence_collection({
@@ -1066,12 +1590,15 @@
# resp.collection_arn #=> String
# resp.collection_name #=> String
# resp.create_time #=> Time
# resp.description #=> String
+ # resp.kms_key_id #=> String
# resp.pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
# resp.pricing_plan_data_source #=> String
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
# resp.update_time #=> Time
# @see AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_geofence_collection(params = {})
@@ -1093,10 +1620,11 @@
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#data_source #data_source} => String
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#map_arn #map_arn} => String
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#map_name #map_name} => String
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#pricing_plan #pricing_plan} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
# * {Types::DescribeMapResponse#update_time #update_time} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_map({
@@ -1110,10 +1638,12 @@
# resp.data_source #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.map_arn #=> String
# resp.map_name #=> String
# resp.pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
# resp.update_time #=> Time
# @see AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_map(params = {})
@@ -1121,24 +1651,25 @@
def describe_map(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_map, params)
- # Retrieves the Place index resource details.
+ # Retrieves the place index resource details.
# @option params [required, String] :index_name
- # The name of the Place index resource.
+ # The name of the place index resource.
# @return [Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#data_source #data_source} => String
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#data_source_configuration #data_source_configuration} => Types::DataSourceConfiguration
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#index_arn #index_arn} => String
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#index_name #index_name} => String
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#pricing_plan #pricing_plan} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
# * {Types::DescribePlaceIndexResponse#update_time #update_time} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_place_index({
@@ -1152,10 +1683,12 @@
# resp.data_source_configuration.intended_use #=> String, one of "SingleUse", "Storage"
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.index_arn #=> String
# resp.index_name #=> String
# resp.pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
# resp.update_time #=> Time
# @see AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_place_index(params = {})
@@ -1163,21 +1696,66 @@
def describe_place_index(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_place_index, params)
+ # Retrieves the route calculator resource details.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :calculator_name
+ # The name of the route calculator resource.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#calculator_arn #calculator_arn} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#calculator_name #calculator_name} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#data_source #data_source} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#description #description} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#pricing_plan #pricing_plan} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
+ # * {Types::DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse#update_time #update_time} => Time
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.describe_route_calculator({
+ # calculator_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.calculator_arn #=> String
+ # resp.calculator_name #=> String
+ # resp.create_time #=> Time
+ # resp.data_source #=> String
+ # resp.description #=> String
+ # resp.pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
+ # resp.update_time #=> Time
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload describe_route_calculator(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def describe_route_calculator(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:describe_route_calculator, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Retrieves the tracker resource details.
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name of the tracker resource.
# @return [Types::DescribeTrackerResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#create_time #create_time} => Time
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#description #description} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#kms_key_id #kms_key_id} => String
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#pricing_plan #pricing_plan} => String
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#pricing_plan_data_source #pricing_plan_data_source} => String
+ # * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#tracker_arn #tracker_arn} => String
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#tracker_name #tracker_name} => String
# * {Types::DescribeTrackerResponse#update_time #update_time} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
@@ -1188,12 +1766,15 @@
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_time #=> Time
# resp.description #=> String
+ # resp.kms_key_id #=> String
# resp.pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
# resp.pricing_plan_data_source #=> String
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
# resp.tracker_arn #=> String
# resp.tracker_name #=> String
# resp.update_time #=> Time
# @see AWS API Documentation
@@ -1218,11 +1799,11 @@
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the geofence collection to be
# disassociated from the tracker resource. Used when you need to specify
# a resource across all AWS.
# * Format example:
- # `arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type:resource-id`
+ # `arn:aws:geo:region:account-id:geofence-collection/ExampleGeofenceCollectionConsumer`
# ^
# @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
# The name of the tracker resource to be dissociated from the consumer.
@@ -1246,11 +1827,11 @@
# Retrieves a device's most recent position according to its sample
# time.
- # <note markdown="1"> Device positions are deleted after one year.
+ # <note markdown="1"> Device positions are deleted after 30 days.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :device_id
# The device whose position you want to retrieve.
@@ -1290,11 +1871,11 @@
# Retrieves the device position history from a tracker resource within a
# specified range of time.
- # <note markdown="1"> Device positions are deleted after 1 year.
+ # <note markdown="1"> Device positions are deleted after 30 days.
# </note>
# @option params [required, String] :device_id
# The device whose position history you want to retrieve.
@@ -1426,11 +2007,11 @@
# A comma-separated list of fonts to load glyphs from in order of
# preference.. For example, `Noto Sans, Arial Unicode`.
# @option params [required, String] :font_unicode_range
# A Unicode range of characters to download glyphs for. Each response
- # will contain 256 characters. For example, 0-255 includes all
+ # will contain 256 characters. For example, 0–255 includes all
# characters from range `U+0000` to `00FF`. Must be aligned to multiples
# of 256.
# @option params [required, String] :map_name
# The map resource associated with the glyph file.
@@ -1544,11 +2125,11 @@
req = build_request(:get_map_style_descriptor, params)
req.send_request(options, &block)
# Retrieves a vector data tile from the map resource. Map tiles are used
- # by clients to render a map. They are addressed using a grid
+ # by clients to render a map. they're addressed using a grid
# arrangement with an X coordinate, Y coordinate, and Z (zoom) level.
# The origin (0, 0) is the top left of the map. Increasing the zoom
# level by 1 doubles both the X and Y dimensions, so a tile containing
# data for the entire world at (0/0/0) will be split into 4 tiles at
@@ -1592,10 +2173,59 @@
def get_map_tile(params = {}, options = {}, &block)
req = build_request(:get_map_tile, params)
req.send_request(options, &block)
+ # Lists the latest device positions for requested devices.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # An optional limit for the number of entries returned in a single call.
+ #
+ # Default value: `100`
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # The pagination token specifying which page of results to return in the
+ # response. If no token is provided, the default page is the first page.
+ #
+ # Default value: `null`
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :tracker_name
+ # The tracker resource containing the requested devices.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::ListDevicePositionsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::ListDevicePositionsResponse#entries #entries} => Array<Types::ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry>
+ # * {Types::ListDevicePositionsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.list_device_positions({
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # next_token: "Token",
+ # tracker_name: "ResourceName", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.entries #=> Array
+ # resp.entries[0].device_id #=> String
+ # resp.entries[0].position #=> Array
+ # resp.entries[0].position[0] #=> Float
+ # resp.entries[0].sample_time #=> Time
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload list_device_positions(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def list_device_positions(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:list_device_positions, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Lists geofence collections in your AWS account.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# An optional limit for the number of resources returned in a single
# call.
@@ -1735,11 +2365,11 @@
def list_maps(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_maps, params)
- # Lists Place index resources in your AWS account.
+ # Lists place index resources in your AWS account.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# An optional limit for the maximum number of results returned in a
# single call.
@@ -1783,10 +2413,87 @@
def list_place_indexes(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_place_indexes, params)
+ # Lists route calculator resources in your AWS account.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # An optional maximum number of results returned in a single call.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `100`
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # The pagination token specifying which page of results to return in the
+ # response. If no token is provided, the default page is the first page.
+ #
+ # Default Value: `null`
+ #
+ # @return [Types::ListRouteCalculatorsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::ListRouteCalculatorsResponse#entries #entries} => Array<Types::ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry>
+ # * {Types::ListRouteCalculatorsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.list_route_calculators({
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # next_token: "Token",
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.entries #=> Array
+ # resp.entries[0].calculator_name #=> String
+ # resp.entries[0].create_time #=> Time
+ # resp.entries[0].data_source #=> String
+ # resp.entries[0].description #=> String
+ # resp.entries[0].pricing_plan #=> String, one of "RequestBasedUsage", "MobileAssetTracking", "MobileAssetManagement"
+ # resp.entries[0].update_time #=> Time
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload list_route_calculators(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def list_route_calculators(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:list_route_calculators, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Returns the tags for the specified Amazon Location Service resource.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
+ # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource whose tags you want to
+ # retrieve.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String>
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({
+ # resource_arn: "Arn", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.tags #=> Hash
+ # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload list_tags_for_resource(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def list_tags_for_resource(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Lists geofence collections currently associated to the given tracker
# resource.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# An optional limit for the number of resources returned in a single
@@ -1940,26 +2647,12 @@
# Reverse geocodes a given coordinate and returns a legible address.
# Allows you to search for Places or points of interest near a given
# position.
- # <note markdown="1"> By using Places, you agree that AWS may transmit your API queries to
- # your selected third party provider for processing, which may be
- # outside the AWS region you are currently using.
- #
- # Because of licensing limitations, you may not use HERE to store
- # results for locations in Japan. For more information, see the [AWS
- # Service Terms][1] for Amazon Location Service.
- #
- # </note>
- #
- #
- #
- # [1]:
- #
# @option params [required, String] :index_name
- # The name of the Place index resource you want to use for the search.
+ # The name of the place index resource you want to use for the search.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# An optional paramer. The maximum number of results returned per
# request.
@@ -2026,26 +2719,10 @@
# or filter results within a bounding box using `FilterBBox`. Providing
# both parameters simultaneously returns an error.
# </note>
- # <note markdown="1"> By using Places, you agree that AWS may transmit your API queries to
- # your selected third party provider for processing, which may be
- # outside the AWS region you are currently using.
- #
- # Also, when using HERE as your data provider, you may not (a) use HERE
- # Places for Asset Management, or (b) select the `Storage` option for
- # the `IntendedUse` parameter when requesting Places in Japan. For more
- # information, see the [AWS Service Terms][1] for Amazon Location
- # Service.
- #
- # </note>
- #
- #
- #
- # [1]:
- #
# @option params [Array<Float>] :bias_position
# Searches for results closest to the given position. An optional
# parameter defined by longitude, and latitude.
# * The first `bias` position is the X coordinate, or longitude.
@@ -2090,11 +2767,11 @@
# [1]:
# @option params [required, String] :index_name
- # The name of the Place index resource you want to use for the search.
+ # The name of the place index resource you want to use for the search.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# An optional parameter. The maximum number of results returned per
# request.
@@ -2153,10 +2830,71 @@
def search_place_index_for_text(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:search_place_index_for_text, params)
+ # Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Amazon
+ # Location Service resource.
+ #
+ # <p>Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values.</p> <p>Tags don't have any semantic meaning to AWS and are interpreted strictly as strings of characters.</p> <p>You can use the <code>TagResource</code> action with an Amazon Location Service resource that already has tags. If you specify a new tag key for the resource, this tag is appended to the tags already associated with the resource. If you specify a tag key that is already associated with the resource, the new tag value that you specify replaces the previous value for that tag. </p> <p>You can associate as many as 50 tags with a resource.</p>
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
+ # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource whose tags you want to
+ # update.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Hash<String,String>] :tags
+ # The mapping from tag key to tag value for each tag associated with the
+ # specified resource.
+ #
+ # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.tag_resource({
+ # resource_arn: "Arn", # required
+ # tags: { # required
+ # "TagKey" => "TagValue",
+ # },
+ # })
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload tag_resource(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def tag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:tag_resource, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Removes one or more tags from the specified Amazon Location Service
+ # resource.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
+ # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource from which you want to
+ # remove tags.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Array<String>] :tag_keys
+ # The list of tag keys to remove from the resource.
+ #
+ # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.untag_resource({
+ # resource_arn: "Arn", # required
+ # tag_keys: ["String"], # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload untag_resource(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def untag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:untag_resource, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# @!endgroup
# @param params ({})
# @api private
def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
@@ -2166,10 +2904,10 @@
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-locationservice'
- context[:gem_version] = '1.3.0'
+ context[:gem_version] = '1.4.0', context)
# @api private
# @deprecated