lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb in aws-sdk-codecommit-1.13.0 vs lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb in aws-sdk-codecommit-1.14.0
- old
+ new
@@ -299,10 +299,117 @@
def create_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_branch, params)
+ # Creates a commit for a repository on the tip of a specified branch.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where you will create the commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :branch_name
+ # The name of the branch where you will create the commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :parent_commit_id
+ # The ID of the commit that is the parent of the commit you will create.
+ # If this is an empty repository, this is not required.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :author_name
+ # The name of the author who created the commit. This information will
+ # be used as both the author and committer for the commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :email
+ # The email address of the person who created the commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :commit_message
+ # The commit message you want to include as part of creating the commit.
+ # Commit messages are limited to 256 KB. If no message is specified, a
+ # default message will be used.
+ #
+ # @option params [Boolean] :keep_empty_folders
+ # If the commit contains deletions, whether to keep a folder or folder
+ # structure if the changes leave the folders empty. If this is specified
+ # as true, a .gitkeep file will be created for empty folders.
+ #
+ # @option params [Array<Types::PutFileEntry>] :put_files
+ # The files to add or update in this commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [Array<Types::DeleteFileEntry>] :delete_files
+ # The files to delete in this commit. These files will still exist in
+ # prior commits.
+ #
+ # @option params [Array<Types::SetFileModeEntry>] :set_file_modes
+ # The file modes to update for files in this commit.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::CreateCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String
+ # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_added #files_added} => Array<Types::FileMetadata>
+ # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_updated #files_updated} => Array<Types::FileMetadata>
+ # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_deleted #files_deleted} => Array<Types::FileMetadata>
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.create_commit({
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # branch_name: "BranchName", # required
+ # parent_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # author_name: "Name",
+ # email: "Email",
+ # commit_message: "Message",
+ # keep_empty_folders: false,
+ # put_files: [
+ # {
+ # file_path: "Path", # required
+ # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK
+ # file_content: "data",
+ # source_file: {
+ # file_path: "Path", # required
+ # is_move: false,
+ # },
+ # },
+ # ],
+ # delete_files: [
+ # {
+ # file_path: "Path", # required
+ # },
+ # ],
+ # set_file_modes: [
+ # {
+ # file_path: "Path", # required
+ # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK
+ # },
+ # ],
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.tree_id #=> String
+ # resp.files_added #=> Array
+ # resp.files_added[0].absolute_path #=> String
+ # resp.files_added[0].blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.files_added[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK"
+ # resp.files_updated #=> Array
+ # resp.files_updated[0].absolute_path #=> String
+ # resp.files_updated[0].blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.files_updated[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK"
+ # resp.files_deleted #=> Array
+ # resp.files_deleted[0].absolute_path #=> String
+ # resp.files_deleted[0].blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.files_deleted[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK"
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload create_commit(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def create_commit(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:create_commit, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Creates a pull request in the specified repository.
# @option params [required, String] :title
# The title of the pull request. This title will be used to identify the
# pull request to other users in the repository.
@@ -2263,10 +2370,10 @@
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-codecommit'
- context[:gem_version] = '1.13.0'
+ context[:gem_version] = '1.14.0', context)
# @api private
# @deprecated