lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb in aws-sdk-codecommit-1.1.0 vs lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb in aws-sdk-codecommit-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -239,10 +239,88 @@
def create_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_branch, params)
+ # Creates a pull request in the specified repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :title
+ # The title of the pull request. This title will be used to identify the
+ # pull request to other users in the repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :description
+ # A description of the pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, Array<Types::Target>] :targets
+ # The targets for the pull request, including the source of the code to
+ # be reviewed (the source branch), and the destination where the creator
+ # of the pull request intends the code to be merged after the pull
+ # request is closed (the destination branch).
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :client_request_token
+ # A unique, client-generated idempotency token that when provided in a
+ # request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed
+ # parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a
+ # token is included, the request will return information about the
+ # initial request that used that token.
+ #
+ # <note markdown="1"> The AWS SDKs prepopulate client request tokens. If using an AWS SDK,
+ # you do not have to generate an idempotency token, as this will be done
+ # for you.
+ #
+ # </note>
+ #
+ # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
+ # not need to pass this option.**
+ #
+ # @return [Types::CreatePullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::CreatePullRequestOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.create_pull_request({
+ # title: "Title", # required
+ # description: "Description",
+ # targets: [ # required
+ # {
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # source_reference: "ReferenceName", # required
+ # destination_reference: "ReferenceName",
+ # },
+ # ],
+ # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload create_pull_request(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def create_pull_request(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:create_pull_request, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Creates a new, empty repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the new repository to be created.
@@ -335,10 +413,47 @@
def delete_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_branch, params)
+ # Deletes the content of a comment made on a change, file, or commit in
+ # a repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :comment_id
+ # The unique, system-generated ID of the comment. To get this ID, use
+ # GetCommentsForComparedCommit or GetCommentsForPullRequest.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.delete_comment_content({
+ # comment_id: "CommentId", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload delete_comment_content(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def delete_comment_content(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:delete_comment_content, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Deletes a repository. If a specified repository was already deleted, a
# null repository ID will be returned.
# Deleting a repository also deletes all associated objects and
# metadata. After a repository is deleted, all future push calls to the
@@ -368,10 +483,75 @@
def delete_repository(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_repository, params)
+ # Returns information about one or more pull request events.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :pull_request_event_type
+ # Optional. The pull request event type about which you want to return
+ # information.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :actor_arn
+ # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user whose actions resulted in
+ # the event. Examples include updating the pull request with additional
+ # commits or changing the status of a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # An enumeration token that when provided in a request, returns the next
+ # batch of the results.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # A non-negative integer used to limit the number of returned results.
+ # The default is 100 events, which is also the maximum number of events
+ # that can be returned in a result.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput#pull_request_events #pull_request_events} => Array<Types::PullRequestEvent>
+ # * {Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.describe_pull_request_events({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # actor_arn: "Arn",
+ # next_token: "NextToken",
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request_events #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].event_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].actor_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_status_changed_event_metadata.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.before_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.after_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload describe_pull_request_events(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def describe_pull_request_events(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:describe_pull_request_events, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Returns the base-64 encoded content of an individual blob within a
# repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository that contains the blob.
@@ -436,10 +616,189 @@
def get_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_branch, params)
+ # Returns the content of a comment made on a change, file, or commit in
+ # a repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :comment_id
+ # The unique, system-generated ID of the comment. To get this ID, use
+ # GetCommentsForComparedCommit or GetCommentsForPullRequest.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::GetCommentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::GetCommentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.get_comment({
+ # comment_id: "CommentId", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload get_comment(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def get_comment(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:get_comment, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Returns information about comments made on the comparison between two
+ # commits.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where you want to compare commits.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :before_commit_id
+ # To establish the directionality of the comparison, the full commit ID
+ # of the 'before' commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :after_commit_id
+ # To establish the directionality of the comparison, the full commit ID
+ # of the 'after' commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # An enumeration token that when provided in a request, returns the next
+ # batch of the results.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # A non-negative integer used to limit the number of returned results.
+ # The default is 100 comments, and is configurable up to 500.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput#comments_for_compared_commit_data #comments_for_compared_commit_data} => Array<Types::CommentsForComparedCommit>
+ # * {Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.get_comments_for_compared_commit({
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # before_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required
+ # next_token: "NextToken",
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data #=> Array
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].before_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].after_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].before_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].after_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.file_path #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.file_position #=> Integer
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER"
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments #=> Array
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].content #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].client_request_token #=> String
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload get_comments_for_compared_commit(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def get_comments_for_compared_commit(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:get_comments_for_compared_commit, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Returns comments made on a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository that contains the pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :before_commit_id
+ # The full commit ID of the commit in the destination branch that was
+ # the tip of the branch at the time the pull request was created.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :after_commit_id
+ # The full commit ID of the commit in the source branch that was the tip
+ # of the branch at the time the comment was made.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # An enumeration token that when provided in a request, returns the next
+ # batch of the results.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # A non-negative integer used to limit the number of returned results.
+ # The default is 100 comments. You can return up to 500 comments with a
+ # single request.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput#comments_for_pull_request_data #comments_for_pull_request_data} => Array<Types::CommentsForPullRequest>
+ # * {Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.get_comments_for_pull_request({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName",
+ # before_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # after_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # next_token: "NextToken",
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data #=> Array
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].before_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].after_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].before_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].after_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.file_path #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.file_position #=> Integer
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER"
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments #=> Array
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].content #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].client_request_token #=> String
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload get_comments_for_pull_request(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def get_comments_for_pull_request(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:get_comments_for_pull_request, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Returns information about a commit, including commit message and
# committer information.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to which the commit was made.
@@ -555,10 +914,102 @@
def get_differences(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_differences, params)
+ # Returns information about merge conflicts between the before and after
+ # commit IDs for a pull request in a repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where the pull request was created.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :destination_commit_specifier
+ # The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to
+ # identify a commit. For example, a branch name or a full commit ID.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :source_commit_specifier
+ # The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to
+ # identify a commit. For example, a branch name or a full commit ID.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :merge_option
+ # The merge option or strategy you want to use to merge the code. The
+ # only valid value is FAST\_FORWARD\_MERGE.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#mergeable #mergeable} => Boolean
+ # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.get_merge_conflicts({
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required
+ # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required
+ # merge_option: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", # required, accepts FAST_FORWARD_MERGE
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.mergeable #=> Boolean
+ # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.source_commit_id #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload get_merge_conflicts(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def get_merge_conflicts(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:get_merge_conflicts, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Gets information about a pull request in a specified repository.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::GetPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::GetPullRequestOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.get_pull_request({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload get_pull_request(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def get_pull_request(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:get_pull_request, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Returns information about a repository.
# <note markdown="1"> The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
@@ -673,10 +1124,62 @@
def list_branches(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_branches, params)
+ # Returns a list of pull requests for a specified repository. The return
+ # list can be refined by pull request status or pull request author ARN.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository for which you want to list pull requests.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :author_arn
+ # Optional. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who created the
+ # pull request. If used, this filters the results to pull requests
+ # created by that user.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :pull_request_status
+ # Optional. The status of the pull request. If used, this refines the
+ # results to the pull requests that match the specified status.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :next_token
+ # An enumeration token that when provided in a request, returns the next
+ # batch of the results.
+ #
+ # @option params [Integer] :max_results
+ # A non-negative integer used to limit the number of returned results.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::ListPullRequestsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::ListPullRequestsOutput#pull_request_ids #pull_request_ids} => Array<String>
+ # * {Types::ListPullRequestsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.list_pull_requests({
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # author_arn: "Arn",
+ # pull_request_status: "OPEN", # accepts OPEN, CLOSED
+ # next_token: "NextToken",
+ # max_results: 1,
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request_ids #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request_ids[0] #=> String
+ # resp.next_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload list_pull_requests(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def list_pull_requests(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:list_pull_requests, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Gets information about one or more repositories.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# An enumeration token that allows the operation to batch the results of
# the operation. Batch sizes are 1,000 for list repository operations.
@@ -718,10 +1221,297 @@
def list_repositories(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_repositories, params)
+ # Closes a pull request and attempts to merge the source commit of a
+ # pull request into the specified destination branch for that pull
+ # request at the specified commit using the fast-forward merge option.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where the pull request was created.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :source_commit_id
+ # The full commit ID of the original or updated commit in the pull
+ # request source branch. Pass this value if you want an exception thrown
+ # if the current commit ID of the tip of the source branch does not
+ # match this commit ID.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # source_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Posts a comment on the comparison between two commits.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where you want to post a comment on the
+ # comparison between commits.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :before_commit_id
+ # To establish the directionality of the comparison, the full commit ID
+ # of the 'before' commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :after_commit_id
+ # To establish the directionality of the comparison, the full commit ID
+ # of the 'after' commit.
+ #
+ # @option params [Types::Location] :location
+ # The location of the comparison where you want to comment.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :content
+ # The content of the comment you want to make.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :client_request_token
+ # A unique, client-generated idempotency token that when provided in a
+ # request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed
+ # parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a
+ # token is included, the request will return information about the
+ # initial request that used that token.
+ #
+ # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
+ # not need to pass this option.**
+ #
+ # @return [Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#repository_name #repository_name} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#before_commit_id #before_commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#after_commit_id #after_commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#before_blob_id #before_blob_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#after_blob_id #after_blob_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#location #location} => Types::Location
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.post_comment_for_compared_commit({
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # before_commit_id: "CommitId",
+ # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required
+ # location: {
+ # file_path: "Path",
+ # file_position: 1,
+ # relative_file_version: "BEFORE", # accepts BEFORE, AFTER
+ # },
+ # content: "Content", # required
+ # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.before_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.after_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.before_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.after_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.location.file_path #=> String
+ # resp.location.file_position #=> Integer
+ # resp.location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER"
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload post_comment_for_compared_commit(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def post_comment_for_compared_commit(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:post_comment_for_compared_commit, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Posts a comment on a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :repository_name
+ # The name of the repository where you want to post a comment on a pull
+ # request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :before_commit_id
+ # The full commit ID of the commit in the destination branch that was
+ # the tip of the branch at the time the pull request was created.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :after_commit_id
+ # The full commit ID of the commit in the source branch that is the
+ # current tip of the branch for the pull request when you post the
+ # comment.
+ #
+ # @option params [Types::Location] :location
+ # The location of the change where you want to post your comment. If no
+ # location is provided, the comment will be posted as a general comment
+ # on the pull request difference between the before commit ID and the
+ # after commit ID.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :content
+ # The content of your comment on the change.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :client_request_token
+ # A unique, client-generated idempotency token that when provided in a
+ # request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed
+ # parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a
+ # token is included, the request will return information about the
+ # initial request that used that token.
+ #
+ # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
+ # not need to pass this option.**
+ #
+ # @return [Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#repository_name #repository_name} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#pull_request_id #pull_request_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#before_commit_id #before_commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#after_commit_id #after_commit_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#before_blob_id #before_blob_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#after_blob_id #after_blob_id} => String
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#location #location} => Types::Location
+ # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.post_comment_for_pull_request({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
+ # before_commit_id: "CommitId", # required
+ # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required
+ # location: {
+ # file_path: "Path",
+ # file_position: 1,
+ # relative_file_version: "BEFORE", # accepts BEFORE, AFTER
+ # },
+ # content: "Content", # required
+ # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.before_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.after_commit_id #=> String
+ # resp.before_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.after_blob_id #=> String
+ # resp.location.file_path #=> String
+ # resp.location.file_position #=> Integer
+ # resp.location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER"
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload post_comment_for_pull_request(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def post_comment_for_pull_request(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:post_comment_for_pull_request, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Posts a comment in reply to an existing comment on a comparison
+ # between commits or a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :in_reply_to
+ # The system-generated ID of the comment to which you want to reply. To
+ # get this ID, use GetCommentsForComparedCommit or
+ # GetCommentsForPullRequest.
+ #
+ # @option params [String] :client_request_token
+ # A unique, client-generated idempotency token that when provided in a
+ # request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed
+ # parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a
+ # token is included, the request will return information about the
+ # initial request that used that token.
+ #
+ # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
+ # not need to pass this option.**
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :content
+ # The contents of your reply to a comment.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::PostCommentReplyOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::PostCommentReplyOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.post_comment_reply({
+ # in_reply_to: "CommentId", # required
+ # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
+ # content: "Content", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload post_comment_reply(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def post_comment_reply(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:post_comment_reply, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Replaces all triggers for a repository. This can be used to create or
# delete triggers.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository where you want to create or update the
@@ -808,10 +1598,51 @@
def test_repository_triggers(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:test_repository_triggers, params)
+ # Replaces the contents of a comment.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :comment_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the comment you want to update. To get this
+ # ID, use GetCommentsForComparedCommit or GetCommentsForPullRequest.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :content
+ # The updated content with which you want to replace the existing
+ # content of the comment.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::UpdateCommentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::UpdateCommentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.update_comment({
+ # comment_id: "CommentId", # required
+ # content: "Content", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String
+ # resp.comment.content #=> String
+ # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String
+ # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time
+ # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean
+ # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload update_comment(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def update_comment(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:update_comment, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Sets or changes the default branch name for the specified repository.
# <note markdown="1"> If you use this operation to change the default branch name to the
# current default branch name, a success message is returned even though
# the default branch did not change.
@@ -840,10 +1671,158 @@
def update_default_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_default_branch, params)
+ # Replaces the contents of the description of a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :description
+ # The updated content of the description for the pull request. This
+ # content will replace the existing description.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.update_pull_request_description({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # description: "Description", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload update_pull_request_description(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def update_pull_request_description(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:update_pull_request_description, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Updates the status of a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_status
+ # The status of the pull request. The only valid operations are to
+ # update the status from `OPEN` to `OPEN`, `OPEN` to `CLOSED` or from
+ # from `CLOSED` to `CLOSED`.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.update_pull_request_status({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # pull_request_status: "OPEN", # required, accepts OPEN, CLOSED
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload update_pull_request_status(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def update_pull_request_status(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:update_pull_request_status, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
+ # Replaces the title of a pull request.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :pull_request_id
+ # The system-generated ID of the pull request. To get this ID, use
+ # ListPullRequests.
+ #
+ # @option params [required, String] :title
+ # The updated title of the pull request. This will replace the existing
+ # title.
+ #
+ # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
+ #
+ # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest
+ #
+ # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
+ #
+ # resp = client.update_pull_request_title({
+ # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required
+ # title: "Title", # required
+ # })
+ #
+ # @example Response structure
+ #
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.title #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.description #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED"
+ # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean
+ # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String
+ # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String
+ #
+ # @see AWS API Documentation
+ #
+ # @overload update_pull_request_title(params = {})
+ # @param [Hash] params ({})
+ def update_pull_request_title(params = {}, options = {})
+ req = build_request(:update_pull_request_title, params)
+ req.send_request(options)
+ end
# Sets or changes the comment or description for a repository.
# <note markdown="1"> The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
@@ -925,10 +1904,10 @@
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-codecommit'
- context[:gem_version] = '1.1.0'
+ context[:gem_version] = '1.2.0', context)
# @api private
# @deprecated