lib/authlogic_connect/oauth/user.rb in authlogic-connect- vs lib/authlogic_connect/oauth/user.rb in authlogic-connect-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,85 +1,68 @@
-module AuthlogicConnect::Oauth
- module User
+module AuthlogicConnect::Oauth::User
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.class_eval do
+ # add_acts_as_authentic_module makes sure it is
+ # only added to the user model, not all activerecord models.
+ add_acts_as_authentic_module(InstanceMethods, :prepend)
+ end
+ end
+ module InstanceMethods
+ include AuthlogicConnect::Oauth::Process
+ # Set up some simple validations
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
- add_acts_as_authentic_module(InstanceMethods, :prepend)
+ validate :validate_by_oauth, :if => :authenticating_with_oauth?
+ # need these validation options if you don't want it to choke
+ # on password length, which you don't need if you're using oauth
+ validates_length_of_password_field_options validates_length_of_password_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
+ validates_confirmation_of_password_field_options validates_confirmation_of_password_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
+ validates_length_of_password_confirmation_field_options validates_length_of_password_confirmation_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
+ validates_length_of_login_field_options validates_length_of_login_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
+ validates_format_of_login_field_options validates_format_of_login_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
+ # email needs to be optional for oauth
+ base.validate_email_field = false
+ # user adds a few extra things to this method from Process
+ # modules work like inheritance
+ def save_oauth_session
+ super
+ auth_session[:auth_attributes] = attributes.reject!{|k, v| v.blank?} unless is_auth_session?
+ end
- module InstanceMethods
- include Process
- # Set up some simple validations
- def self.included(base)
- base.class_eval do
- has_many :tokens, :class_name => "Token", :dependent => :destroy
- belongs_to :active_token, :class_name => "Token", :dependent => :destroy
- accepts_nested_attributes_for :tokens, :active_token
- validate :validate_by_oauth, :if => :authenticating_with_oauth?
- # need these validation options if you don't want it to choke
- # on password length, which you don't need if you're using oauth
- validates_length_of_password_field_options validates_length_of_password_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
- validates_confirmation_of_password_field_options validates_confirmation_of_password_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
- validates_length_of_password_confirmation_field_options validates_length_of_password_confirmation_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
- validates_length_of_login_field_options validates_length_of_login_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
- validates_format_of_login_field_options validates_format_of_login_field_options.merge(:if => :validate_password_with_oauth?)
- end
- # email needs to be optional for oauth
- base.validate_email_field = false
+ def restore_attributes
+ # Restore any attributes which were saved before redirecting to the auth server
+ self.attributes = auth_session[:auth_attributes]
+ end
+ # single implementation method for oauth.
+ # this is called after we get the callback url and we are saving the user
+ # to the database.
+ # it is called by the validation chain.
+ def complete_oauth_transaction
+ unless create_oauth_token
+ self.errors.add(:tokens, "you have already created an account using your #{oauth_token.service_name} account, so it")
+ end
+ def create_oauth_token
+ token =
- def update_attributes(attributes, &block)
- self.attributes = attributes
- save(true, &block)
- end
- def save_with_oauth(perform_validation = true, &block)
- if perform_validation && block_given? && redirecting_to_oauth_server?
- # Save attributes so they aren't lost during the authentication with the oauth server
- auth_session[:authlogic_oauth_attributes] = attributes.reject!{|k, v| v.blank?}
- redirect_to_oauth
- return false
- end
+ if has_token?(oauth_provider) || Token.find_by_key(token.key) || Token.find_by_token(token.token)
+ return false
+ else
+ self.tokens << token
+ self.active_token = token
return true
- protected
- def using_oauth?
- !oauth_token.blank?
- end
- def validate_password_with_oauth?
- !using_oauth? && require_password?
- end
- def authenticating_with_oauth?
- return false unless oauth_provider
- # Initial request when user presses one of the button helpers
- initial_request = (auth_params && !auth_params[:register_with_oauth].blank?)
- # When the oauth provider responds and we made the initial request
- initial_response = (oauth_response && auth_session && auth_session[:oauth_request_class] ==
- return initial_request || initial_response
- end
- def authenticate_with_oauth
- # Restore any attributes which were saved before redirecting to the oauth server
- self.attributes = auth_session.delete(:authlogic_oauth_attributes)
- token = AuthlogicConnect.token(oauth_provider).new(oauth_key_and_secret)
- puts "NEW TOKEN: #{token.inspect}"
- if old_token = Token.find_by_key(token.key)
- puts "OLD TOKEN? #{old_token.inspect}"
- self.errors.add("you have already created an account using your #{oauth_token.service_name} account, so it")
- else
- self.tokens << token
- self.active_token = token
- end
- end
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