in auther-2.2.0 vs in auther-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -57,16 +57,22 @@
rails generate auther:install
# Usage
-Launch your Rails application and visit either of the following routes:
+Assuming you are using the excellent [dotenv]( gem, add the following to your `.env`
+ AUTHER_SECRET=66is2tB4EbekG74DPGRmyQkdtZkQyNWZY6yeeNsmQ4Rpu42esdnP9X6puxpKfs64Gy2ghPu6QGTKsvQ73wXuDyWzDr
+ AUTHER_ADMIN_LOGIN=aHdMWUhiVGRyVHBPMmhTRWNRR082MFhNdVFkL2ZaSGpvY2VoVS90dGRpRT0tLXFBWWZDRkJ4aDR3Qy9aamNOeU1JekE9PQ==--bf077a68a8e654ed9e480851c9597dae57ec34b8
+ AUTHER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=VTloc285SVNrbnlHN0xhOTlMVEx6WnZ0VnFOMjFNWWdkZlRKdGVjZ1FtUT0tLTkrSDdweU1meVdFV1FIRnhpenZiK1E9PQ==--85c415da879ffab2491d37d767d108254d1ed57e
+Launch your Rails application and visit the following:
- http://localhost:3000/admin/example # Assumes this route exists. Will redirect to /login if not authorized.
-Use the following credentials to login:
+Use these credentials to login:
* Login:
* Password: password
# Customization
@@ -78,21 +84,21 @@
The initializer comes installed with the following settings:
Rails.application.config.auther_settings = {
- secret: "vuKrwD9XWoYuv@s99?tR(9VqryiL,KV{W7wFnejUa4QcVBP+D{2rD4JfuD(mXgA=$tNK4Pfn#NeGs3o3TZ3CqNc^Qb",
+ secret: ENV["AUTHER_SECRET"],
accounts: [
name: "admin",
- encrypted_login: "N3JzR213WlBISDZsMjJQNkRXbEVmYVczbVdnMHRYVHRud29lOWRCekp6ST0tLWpFMkROekUvWDBkOHZ4ZngxZHV6clE9PQ==--cd863c39991fa4bb9a35de918aa16da54514e331",
- encrypted_password: "cHhFSStjRm9KbEYwK3ZJVlF2MmpTTWVVZU5acEdlejZsZEhjWFJoQWxKND0tLTE3cmpXZVBQdW5VUW1jK0ZSSDdLUnc9PQ==--f51171174fa77055540420f205e0dd9d499cfeb6",
+ encrypted_login: ENV["AUTHER_ADMIN_LOGIN"],
+ encrypted_password: ENV["AUTHER_ADMIN_PASSWORD"],
paths: ["/admin"]
-**IMPORTANT**: The encrypted login/password credentials must be changed and re-encrypted before deploying to production!
-To encrypt/decrypt account credentials, launch a rails console and run the following:
+**IMPORTANT**: The encrypted secret, login, and password credentials used in the `.env` setup above must be re-encrypted
+before deploying to production! To encrypt/decrypt account credentials, launch a rails console and run the following:
# Best if more than 150 characters and gibberish to read. Must be the same as defined in auther settings.
cipher = "vuKrwD9XWoYuv@s99?tR(9VqryiL,KV{W7wFnejUa4QcVBP+D{2rD4JfuD(mXgA=$tNK4Pfn#NeGs3o3TZ3CqNc^Qb"
# Do this to encrypt an unecrypted value.
@@ -106,11 +112,11 @@
* *title* - Optional. The HTML page title (as rendered within a browser tab). Default: "Authorization".
* *label* - Optional. The page label (what would appear above the form). Default: "Authorization".
* *secret* - Required. The secret passphrase used to encrypt/decrypt account credentials.
* *accounts* - Required. The array of accounts with different or similar access to the application.
* *name* - Required. The account name. The name that uniquely identifies each account.
- * *encrypted_login* - Required. The encrypted account login. For example, the above decrypts to: **.
- * *encrypted_password* - Required. The encrypted account password. For example, the above decrypts to: *password*.
+ * *encrypted_login* - Required. The encrypted account login.
+ * *encrypted_password* - Required. The encrypted account password.
* *paths* - Required. The array of blacklisted paths for which only this account has access to.
* *authorized_url* - Optional. The URL to redirect to upon successful authorization. Authorized redirection works
as follows (in the order defined):
0. The blacklisted path (if requested prior to authorization but now authorized).
0. The authorized URL (if defined and the blacklisted path wasn't requested).