spec/poolparty/pool/resources/class_package_spec.rb in auser-poolparty-0.2.61 vs spec/poolparty/pool/resources/class_package_spec.rb in auser-poolparty-0.2.62
- old
+ new
@@ -67,23 +67,54 @@
it "should store the file in the resources array" do
@class1.resource(:file).get_named("frank").first.name.should == "frank"
describe "from a collection of resources to another" do
- before(:each) do
- self.stub!(:options).and_return({:name => "cook"})
- file(:name => "franksfile")
- exec(:name => "get file", :command => "kill frank for file")
+ before(:each) do
+ reset_resources!
+ cloud :bunkers do
+ file(:name => "franksfile")
+ exec(:name => "get file", :command => "kill frank for file")
+ end
+ @cloud = cloud(:bunkers)
+ @class2 = classpackage_with_self(@cloud)
it "should have the method classpackage_with_self" do
self.respond_to?(:classpackage_with_self).should == true
it "should transfer the resources to the class" do
- @class2 = classpackage_with_self(self)
- @class2.resources.should_not be_empty
+ @class2.resources.size.should == 2
- # it "should leave zero resources on the parent" do
- # @class2 = classpackage_with_self(self)
- # resources.should be_empty
- # end
+ it "should have the file resource in the classpackage" do
+ @class2.resource(:file).first.name.should == "franksfile"
+ end
+ it "should have the exec resource in the classpackage" do
+ @class2.resource(:exec).first.name.should == "get file"
+ end
+ it "should have the resources on the new classpackage" do
+ @cloud.resources.size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "should have the conditional classpackage on the resources" do
+ @cloud.resource(:classpackage).first.should == @class2
+ end
+ describe "to_string" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @output = @class2.to_string
+ end
+ it "should have the file in the string" do
+ @output.should =~ /franksfile/
+ end
+ it "should contain just the two resources in the string" do
+ @output.match(/(\w+) \{/).size.should == 2
+ end
+ describe "from within the cloud" do
+ before(:each) do
+ reset_resources!
+ @output = @cloud.build_short_manifest
+ end
+ it "should have one class" do
+ @output.match(/class (\w+) \{/).size.should == 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
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