lib/modules/vlad_override.rb in auser-poolparty-0.0.9 vs lib/modules/vlad_override.rb in auser-poolparty-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-require "vlad"
-class Rake::RemoteTask < Rake::Task
- def run command
- cmd = [ssh_cmd, ssh_flags, target_host].compact
- result = []
- commander = cmd.join(" ") << " \"#{command}\""
- warn commander if $TRACE
- pid, inn, out, err = popen4(commander)
- inn.sync = true
- streams = [out, err]
- out_stream = {
- out => $stdout,
- err => $stderr,
- }
- # Handle process termination ourselves
- status = nil
- Thread.start do
- status = Process.waitpid2(pid).last
- end
- until streams.empty? do
- # don't busy loop
- selected, = select streams, nil, nil, 0.1
- next if selected.nil? or selected.empty?
- selected.each do |stream|
- if stream.eof? then
- streams.delete stream if status # we've quit, so no more writing
- next
- end
- data = stream.readpartial(1024)
- out_stream[stream].write data
- if stream == err and data =~ /^Password:/ then
- inn.puts sudo_password
- data << "\n"
- $stderr.write "\n"
- end
- result << data
- end
- end
- PoolParty.message "execution failed with status #{status.exitstatus}: #{cmd.join ' '}" unless status.success?
- result.join
- end
- def rsync local, remote
- cmd = [rsync_cmd, rsync_flags, local, "#{@target_host}:#{remote}"].flatten.compact
- success = system(*cmd.join(" "))
- unless success then
- raise Vlad::CommandFailedError, "execution failed: #{cmd.join ' '}"
- end
- end
- def set name, val = nil, &b
- rt.set name, val, &b
- end
- def rt
- @rt ||= Rake::RemoteTask
- end
- def target_hosts
- if hosts = ENV["HOSTS"] then
- hosts.strip.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(",")
- elsif options[:single]
- @roles = {}; @roles[:app] = {}
- @roles[:app][options[:single]] = options[:single]
- roles = Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(@roles)
- else
- roles = options[:roles]
- roles ? Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(roles) : Rake::RemoteTask.all_hosts
- end
- end
+# require "vlad"
+# class Rake::RemoteTask < Rake::Task
+# def run command
+# cmd = [ssh_cmd, ssh_flags, target_host].compact
+# result = []
+# commander = cmd.join(" ") << " \"#{command}\""
+# warn commander if $TRACE
+# pid, inn, out, err = popen4(commander)
+# inn.sync = true
+# streams = [out, err]
+# out_stream = {
+# out => $stdout,
+# err => $stderr,
+# }
+# # Handle process termination ourselves
+# status = nil
+# Thread.start do
+# status = Process.waitpid2(pid).last
+# end
+# until streams.empty? do
+# # don't busy loop
+# selected, = select streams, nil, nil, 0.1
+# next if selected.nil? or selected.empty?
+# selected.each do |stream|
+# if stream.eof? then
+# streams.delete stream if status # we've quit, so no more writing
+# next
+# end
+# data = stream.readpartial(1024)
+# out_stream[stream].write data
+# if stream == err and data =~ /^Password:/ then
+# inn.puts sudo_password
+# data << "\n"
+# $stderr.write "\n"
+# end
+# result << data
+# end
+# end
+# PoolParty.message "execution failed with status #{status.exitstatus}: #{cmd.join ' '}" unless status.success?
+# result.join
+# end
+# def rsync local, remote
+# cmd = [rsync_cmd, rsync_flags, local, "#{@target_host}:#{remote}"].flatten.compact
+# success = system(*cmd.join(" "))
+# unless success then
+# raise Vlad::CommandFailedError, "execution failed: #{cmd.join ' '}"
+# end
+# end
+# def set name, val = nil, &b
+# rt.set name, val, &b
+# end
+# def rt
+# @rt ||= Rake::RemoteTask
+# end
+# def target_hosts
+# if hosts = ENV["HOSTS"] then
+# hosts.strip.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(",")
+# elsif options[:single]
+# @roles = {}; @roles[:app] = {}
+# @roles[:app][options[:single]] = options[:single]
+# roles = Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(@roles)
+# else
+# roles = options[:roles]
+# roles ? Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(roles) : Rake::RemoteTask.all_hosts
+# end
+# end
+# end
\ No newline at end of file