bin/cloud in auser-poolparty-1.2.2 vs bin/cloud in auser-poolparty-1.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,52 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib"))
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
require "poolparty"
-require "poolpartycl"
+# require "poolpartycl"
+require 'git-style-binary/command'
-# name = {|arg| arg if Binary.available_binaries_for("cloud").include?(arg) }.first
-name = ARGV.shift if Binary.available_binaries_for("cloud").include?(ARGV.first)
-# If the options include -h and they don't include a valid command, then we can just pass the
-# original options back, but if they do contain a binary, we don't want -h getting through to
-# these options, so we'll strip it if it's included
-new_args = {|arg| DUP_ARG.delete(arg) unless help_array.include?(arg) || Binary.available_binaries_for("cloud").include?(arg) }
-new_args = new_args.reject {|arg| Binary.available_binaries_for("cloud").include?(arg) }.empty? ? ARGV : (name ? (help_array.each {|arg| DUP_ARG.delete(arg)}; DUP_ARG) : DUP_ARG)
+GitStyleBinary.primary do
+ @theme = :short
+ version "PoolParty cloud command"
+ banner <<-EOS
+Usage: #{$0} #{all_options_string} COMMAND [ARGS]
-# Let's make sure if no command is passed in that we show the help message
-new_args.push("-h") unless name
+The cloud subcommands commands are:
+ \#{GitStyleBinary.pretty_known_subcommands(:short).join(" ")}
-# Binary.list_binaries_for("cloud")
-extra_help_string = <<-EOE
+See 'cloud help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+ opt :debug, "Debug the output", :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ opt :spec, "Set the pool spec file", :type => String
+ opt :testing, "Set testing mode on", :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ opt :cloud_name, "Name of the working cloud", :type => String, :default => nil
- Cloud commands
- cloud start starts a single instance in your cloud.
- cloud bootstrap bootstraps an instance or multiple instances
- cloud configure configures an instance or multiple instances
- cloud provision combines bootstrap and configures an instance or multiple instances
- cloud expand expands the cloud by a single instance
- cloud contract contracts the cloud by a single instance
- cloud describe show the configuration of the current clouds.rb configuration file
- cloud list show a list of the current instances on the cloud
- cloud show shows output about the clouds.rb
- cloud ssh ssh into an instance of the cloud
- cloud terminate terminate the cloud
+ before_run do |command|
+ # Setup testing/debugging
+ $TESTING = true if command[:testing]
+ $DEBUGGING = true if command[:debug]
-o =, {
- :extra_help => extra_help_string,
- :abstract => true}) do |opts, optioner|
- opts.on('-n cloudname', '--name name', 'Address this cloud') { |c| optioner.cloudname c }
-program_name = "#{File.basename($0)}-#{name}"
-program_location = File.join(Binary.binary_directory, program_name)
-command_line = "#{program_location}"
-# Run it from the command-line first
-if Binary.available_binaries_for("cloud").include?(name)
- system command_line, *new_args
- puts "Unknown poolparty binary: #{name}"
+ @loaded_pool = load_pool( command[:spec] ? command[:spec] : Binary.get_existing_spec_location)
+ @loaded_clouds = command[:cloud_name] ? [clouds[command[:cloud_name].to_sym]] : {|k,c| c }
+ @loaded_clouds.each do |cld|
+ cld.verbose command[:verbose]
+ cld.debug command[:debug]
+ end
+ end
+ run do |command|
+ puts "Primary Options: #{command.opts.inspect}"
+ end
\ No newline at end of file