Rakefile in attribool-2.0.3 vs Rakefile in attribool-2.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -17,5 +17,50 @@
rdoc.rdoc_dir = "docs"
rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.md", "lib/**/*.rb")
task default: :test
+namespace :version do
+ desc "Print the current version from the version.rb file"
+ task :current do
+ puts Attribool::VERSION
+ end
+ namespace :increment do
+ desc "Increment the version's PATCH level"
+ task :patch do
+ File.join(__dir__, "lib", "attribool", "version.rb").then do |version_file|
+ File.write(
+ version_file,
+ File.read(version_file).sub(/(PATCH\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.next}" }
+ )
+ end
+ system("bundle lock")
+ end
+ desc "Increment the version's MINOR level"
+ task :minor do
+ File.join(__dir__, "lib", "attribool", "version.rb").then do |version_file|
+ File.write(
+ version_file,
+ File.read(version_file)
+ .sub(/(PATCH\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}0" }
+ .sub(/(MINOR\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.next}" }
+ )
+ end
+ system("bundle lock")
+ end
+ desc "Increment the version's MAJOR level"
+ task :major do
+ File.join(__dir__, "lib", "attribool", "version.rb").then do |version_file|
+ File.write(
+ version_file,
+ File.read(version_file)
+ .sub(/(PATCH\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}0" }
+ .sub(/(MINOR\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}0" }
+ .sub(/(MAJOR\s=\s)(\d+)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.next}" }
+ )
+ end
+ system("bundle lock")
+ end
+ end