lib/attached/image.rb in attached-0.1.7 vs lib/attached/image.rb in attached-0.1.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
require 'attached/processor'
- require 'rmagick'
-rescue LoadError
- require 'RMagick'
-rescue LoadError
- raise "Installation of 'rmagick' is required before using the 'image' processor"
module Attached
class Image < Processor
attr_reader :path
- attr_reader :extname
+ attr_reader :extension
+ attr_reader :width
+ attr_reader :height
+ attr_reader :operation
# Create a processor.
# Parameters:
@@ -25,47 +21,65 @@
# * attachment - The attachment the processor is being run for.
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
- @path = @file.path
- @extname = File.extname(@file.path)
+ @path = self.file.path
+ @size = options[:size]
+ @extension = options[:extension]
+ @width, @height, @operation = @size.match(/(\d*)x?(\d*)(.*)/)[1..3] if @size
+ @width ||= options[:width]
+ @height ||= options[:height]
+ @operation ||= options[:operation]
+ @extension ||= File.extname(self.file.path)
+ @width = Integer(self.width)
+ @height = Integer(self.height)
+ raise "Image processor requires specification of 'width' or 'size'" unless self.width
+ raise "Image processor requires specification of 'height' or 'size'" unless self.height
# Helper function for calling processors.
# Usage:
# self.process
def process
- result =["", options['extension'] || self.extname])
+ result =["", self.extension])
- image =
- image_list =
- width, height, operation = self.options[:size].match(/\b(\d*)x?(\d*)\b([\#\<\>])?/)[1..3] if self.options[:size]
- width ||= self.options[:width]
- height ||= self.options[:height]
- operation ||= self.options[:operation]
- width = width.to_i
- height = height.to_i
- image.each do |frame|
+ begin
+ parameters = []
+ parameters << self.path
case operation
- when /!/ then puts "hi"
- when /#/ then image_list << frame.resize_to_fill(width, height)
- when /</ then image_list << frame.resize_to_fit(width, height)
- when />/ then image_list << frame.resize_to_fit(width, height)
- else image_list << frame.resize(width, height)
+ when '#' then parameters << "-resize #{width}x#{height}^ -gravity center -extent #{width}x#{height}"
+ when '<' then parameters << "-resize #{width}x#{height}\\<"
+ when '>' then parameters << "-resize #{width}x#{height}\\>"
+ else parameters << "-resize #{width}x#{height}"
- end
+ parameters << result.path
+ parameters = parameters.join(" ").squeeze(" ")
+ `convert #{parameters}`
+ raise "Command 'convert' failed. Ensure upload file is an image and options are correct." unless $?.exitstatus == 0
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise "Command 'convert' not found. Ensure 'Image Magick' is installed."
- image_list.write(result.path)
+ end
return result