lib/atome/helpers/utilities.rb in atome- vs lib/atome/helpers/utilities.rb in atome-
- old
+ new
@@ -17,39 +17,42 @@
js_json_msg = json_msg.inspect
js_command = "atomeJS.controller_sender(#{js_json_msg})"
- # def global_monitoring(instance, methods_to_monitor, variables_to_monitor)
- # methods_to_monitor.each do |methode|
- # original_method = instance.method(methode)
- # instance.define_singleton_method(methode) do |*args, &block|
- # value_before = instance.instance_variable_get("@#{methode}")
- # result =*args, &block)
- # value_after = instance.instance_variable_get("@#{methode}")
- # if args.empty?
- # # "read monitoring: #{methode}"
- # elsif value_before != value_after
- # affect.each do |targeted_atome|
- # # get the content of the affect instance_variable and send it
- # # to the affect method to apply the atome to all atome children
- # grab(targeted_atome).render(:apply, self)
- # end
- # end
- # result
- # end
- # end
- # variables_to_monitor.each do |var|
- # instance.define_singleton_method(var) do
- # instance_variable_get("@#{var}")
- # end
- # instance.define_singleton_method("#{var}=") do |value|
- # instance_variable_set("@#{var}", value)
- # end
- # end
- # end
+ # monitoring system
+ def monitoring(atomes_to_monitor, particles_to_monitor, &bloc)
+ atomes_to_monitor.each do |atome_to_monitor|
+ particles_to_monitor.each do |monitored_particle|
+ # Store original method
+ original_method = atome_to_monitor.method(monitored_particle)
+ # redefine method
+ atome_to_monitor.define_singleton_method(monitored_particle) do |*args, &proc|
+ # Monitor before calling original method
+ value_before = atome_to_monitor.instance_variable_get("@#{monitored_particle}")
+ if args.empty?
+ args = nil
+ else
+ if monitored_particle == :touch
+ instance_variable_set("@#{monitored_particle}", { tap: args[0] })
+ instance_variable_set("@#{monitored_particle}_code", { touch: proc })
+ args = { tap: args[0] }
+ else
+ instance_variable_set("@#{monitored_particle}", args[0])
+ end
+ args = args[0]
+ end
+ instance_exec({ original: value_before, altered: args, particle: monitored_particle }, &bloc) if bloc.is_a?(Proc)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
def help(particle, &doc)
if doc
Universe.set_help(particle, &doc)
@@ -201,43 +204,77 @@
instance_variable_set("@#{element}_code", {}) unless instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code")
# TODO : we may have to change this code if we need multiple proc for an particle
# FIXME : find a better algorithm can be found to avoid test if option is a Hash
Object.attr_accessor "#{element}_code"
elem_code = "@#{element}_code"
- if params.instance_of? Hash
- option_found = params.values[0]
- instance_variable_get(elem_code)["#{option_found}_code"] = user_proc
- else
+ # if params.instance_of? Hash
+ # option_found = params.values[0]
+ # instance_variable_get(elem_code)["#{option_found}_code"] = user_proc
+ # else
instance_variable_get(elem_code)[element] = user_proc
- end
- # the commented line below will automatically execute the callback method
- # we keep it commented because sometime the execution is conditioned, ex : run callbck on a touch
- # send("#{element}_callback")
+ # end
- # this method is used to automatically create a callback method sufifxed par '_callbback' ex => shell_callback
+ # ###################### new 1
+ # def store_proc(element, params = true, &user_proc)
+ # instance_variable_set("@#{element}_code", {}) unless instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code")
+ # # TODO : we may have to change this code if we need multiple proc for an particle
+ # # FIXME : find a better algorithm can be found to avoid test if option is a Hash
+ # Object.attr_accessor "#{element}_code"
+ # elem_code = "@#{element}_code"
+ # if params.instance_of? Hash
+ # option_found = params.values[0]
+ # puts "#{instance_variable_get(elem_code)["#{option_found}_code"]}"
+ # proc_stored= instance_variable_get(elem_code)["#{option_found}_code"] = []
+ # # proc_stored=[]
+ # else
+ # proc_stored= instance_variable_get(elem_code)[element] = []
+ # end
+ # proc_stored << user_proc
+ # # the commented line below will automatically execute the callback method
+ # # we keep it commented because sometime the execution is conditioned, ex : run callbck on a touch
+ # # send("#{element}_callback")
+ # end
+ # ##################### new 1
+ # This method is used to automatically create a callback method suffixed by '_callback'. For example: shell => shell_callback.
# it can be override if you create a method like:
# new({callback: :shell}) do |params, bloc|
# # …write what you want …
# end
def particle_callback(element)
- Atome.define_method "#{element}_callback" do
- proc_found = instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code")[element]
- # instance_exec(@callback[element], proc_found)if proc_found.is_a? Proc
-[element]) if proc_found.is_a? Proc
+ Atome.define_method("#{element}_callback") do |return_params|
+ # we test if instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code") is a hash for the can se the particle value is a hash
+ proc_found = if instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code").instance_of? Hash
+ # Then we get the first item of the hash because the proc is attached to it
+ instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code").values.first
+ # instance_exec(@callback[element], proc_found)if proc_found.is_a? Proc
+ else
+ instance_variable_get("@#{element}_code")[element]
+ # instance_exec(@callback[element], proc_found)if proc_found.is_a? Proc
+ end
+ # array_of_proc_found.each do |proc_found|
+ if proc_found.is_a? Proc
+ # end if array_of_proc_found
+ # if array_of_proc_found
+ # proc_found= array_of_proc_found.shift
+ # if proc_found.is_a? Proc
+ # end
# this method generate the method accessible for end developers
# it's the send the method define in "particle_callback"
- def call(element)
- send("#{element}_callback")
+ def callback(element, return_params = nil)
+ send("#{element}_callback", return_params)
- def callback(data)
- @callback[data.keys[0]] = data[data.keys[0]]
- end
+ # def callback(data)
+ # @callback[data.keys[0]] = data[data.keys[0]]
+ # end
def particles(particles_found = nil)
if particles_found
particles_found.each do |particle_found, value_found|
atome[particle_found] = value_found
@@ -339,18 +376,40 @@
if server_params
@current_server = server_params
+ end
+ def server_receiver(params)
+ # alert params
+ # alert message_code
+ calllbacks_found= instance_variable_get('@message_code')
+ # we delete the default message created by atome
+ calllbacks_found.delete(:message)
+ # we get the oldest available callback, to treat it
+ oldest_callback = calllbacks_found.delete(calllbacks_found.keys.first)
+ params=params[:return] #TODO : format retrun data correctly instead of this line
+ if oldest_callback.is_a? Proc
+ # callback(:message, params)
def init_websocket
- connection(server)
+ instance_variable_set('@message_code', {})
+ # connection is particle (communication.rb)
+ connection(@current_server)
- def init_database # this method is call from JS (atome/communication)
- message({action: :init_db, value: {atome: {}, particles: {}} })
+ def encrypt(string)
+ # if RUBY_ENGINE.downcase == 'opal' || 'wasm32-wasi'
+ # `sha256(#{string})`
+ js_code = "sha256('#{string}')"
+ JS.eval(js_code)
+ # else
+ # Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(string)
+ # end