lib/assimilate/command.rb in assimilate-0.3.5 vs lib/assimilate/command.rb in assimilate-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -18,10 +18,18 @@
opts.on("--commit", "Commit changes to database") do
@options[:commit] = true
+ opts.on("--subset", "Only consider the fields in the input file") do
+ @options[:subset] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("--nodeletes", "Do NOT delete existing records that are not present in the input") do
+ @options[:nodeletes] = true
+ end
opts.on("--key FIELDNAME", String, "(*extend* only; optional) Hash key to store extended attributes under") do |f|
@options[:key] = f
opts.on("--datestamp DATESTRING", String, "(*load* only) Datestamp to record for file batch operation") do |s|
@@ -40,23 +48,28 @@
def parse(argv = ARGV)
@command = argv.shift
filenames = @parser.parse(argv)
- raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing config" unless options[:config]
- raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing idfield" unless options[:idfield]
- raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing domain" unless options[:domain]
- raise "missing filename" unless filenames.any?
+ unless command == 'version'
+ raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing config" unless options[:config]
+ raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing idfield" unless options[:idfield]
+ raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing domain" unless options[:domain]
+ raise "missing filename" unless filenames.any?
+ end
# argv remnants are filenames
[@command, @options, filenames]
def execute(command, options, filenames = nil)
filename = filenames.first
case command
+ when 'version'
+ puts "Assimilate #{Assimilate::VERSION}"
when 'load'
raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "missing datestamp" unless options[:datestamp]
results = Assimilate.load(filename, options)
logmessage(command, options, results)
@@ -90,18 +103,24 @@
Original record count: #{results[:baseline_count]}
Final record count: #{results[:final_count]}
Unchanged records: #{results[:unchanged_count]}
New records: #{results[:adds_count]} #{idsummary(results[:new_ids])}
Deletes: #{results[:deletes_count]} #{idsummary(results[:deleted_ids])}
+ if options[:nodeletes]
+ warn "\t\t\tNO DELETIONS"
+ end
+ warn <<-EOT
Updates: #{results[:updates_count]} #{idsummary(results[:updated_ids])}
if results[:updated_fields].any?
$stderr.puts <<-EOT
- Counts by field:
+ Update counts by field:
- results[:updated_fields].each do |k,v|
+ results[:updated_fields].sort.each do |k,v|
$stderr.puts <<-EOT
- #{k}: #{v}
+ #{k.ljust(30, '.')}#{"%6d" % v}
when 'extend'
$stderr.puts <<-EOT