lib/assert/factory.rb in assert-2.16.4 vs lib/assert/factory.rb in assert-2.16.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,163 +1,11 @@
-require 'date'
-require 'time'
+require 'much-factory'
module Assert
module Factory
- extend self
- def integer(max = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.integer(max), :integer)
- end
- def float(max = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.float(max), :float)
- end
- DAYS_IN_A_YEAR = 365
- SECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60
- def date
- @date ||= self.type_cast(Random.date_string, :date)
- @date + Random.integer(DAYS_IN_A_YEAR)
- end
- def time
- @time ||= self.type_cast(Random.time_string, :time)
- @time + (Random.float(DAYS_IN_A_YEAR) * SECONDS_IN_DAY).to_i
- end
- def datetime
- @datetime ||= self.type_cast(Random.datetime_string, :datetime)
- @datetime + (Random.float(DAYS_IN_A_YEAR) * SECONDS_IN_DAY).to_i
- end
- def string(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.string(length || 10), :string)
- end
- def text(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.string(length || 20), :string)
- end
- def slug(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.string(length || 5), :string)
- end
- def hex(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.hex_string(length), :string)
- end
- def file_name(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.file_name_string(length), :string)
- end
- def dir_path(length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.dir_path_string(length), :string)
- end
- def file_path
- self.type_cast(Random.file_path_string, :string)
- end
- alias_method :path, :dir_path
- def url(host = nil, length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.url_string(host, length), :string)
- end
- def email(domain = nil, length = nil)
- self.type_cast(Random.email_string(domain, length), :string)
- end
- def binary
- self.type_cast(Random.binary, :binary)
- end
- def boolean
- self.type_cast(Random.integer.even?, :boolean)
- end
- def type_cast(value, type)
- self.type_converter.send(type, value)
- end
- def type_converter; TypeConverter; end
- module TypeConverter
- def self.string(input); input.to_s; end
- def self.integer(input); input.to_i; end
- def self.float(input); input.to_f; end
- def self.datetime(input); DateTime.parse(input.to_s); end
- def self.time(input); Time.parse(input.to_s); end
- def; Date.parse(input.to_s); end
- def self.boolean(input); !!input; end
- def self.binary(input); input; end
- end
- module Random
- # rand given a max int value returns integers between 0 and max-1
- def self.integer(max = nil)
- rand(max || 32_766) + 1
- end
- # `rand` with no args gives a float between 0 and 1
- def self.float(max = nil)
- (max || 100).to_f * rand
- end
- def self.date_string
- end
- def self.datetime_string
-"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- end
- def self.time_string
- end
- DICTIONARY = [*'a'..'z'].freeze
- def self.string(length = nil)
- [*0..((length || 10) - 1)].map{ |n| DICTIONARY[rand(DICTIONARY.size)] }.join
- end
- def self.hex_string(length = nil)
- length ||= 10
- self.integer(("f" * length).hex - 1).to_s(16).rjust(length, '0')
- end
- def self.file_name_string(length = nil)
- length ||= 6
- "#{self.string(length)}.#{self.string(3)}"
- end
- def self.dir_path_string(length = nil)
- length ||= 12
- File.join(*self.string(length).scan(/.{1,4}/))
- end
- def self.file_path_string
- File.join(self.dir_path_string, self.file_name_string)
- end
- def self.url_string(host = nil, length = nil)
- File.join(host.to_s, self.dir_path_string(length))
- end
- def self.email_string(domain = nil, length = nil)
- domain ||= "#{self.string(5)}.com"
- "#{self.string(length)}@#{domain}"
- end
- def self.binary
- [ self.integer(10000) ].pack('N*')
- end
- end
+ extend MuchFactory
+ include MuchFactory