in assert-2.3.3 vs in assert-2.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -248,9 +248,93 @@
config.changed_files{ |test_paths| test_paths }
+### Pretty Printing values in fail messages
+By default, Assert uses `inspect` when outputting value details in failure messages. At times you may want to pretty-print complex objects as their inspect value is not very human-readable. You can tell Assert to pretty print the assertion objects instead.
+In user/local settings file:
+Assert.configure do |config|
+ config.pp_objects true
+Using the CLI:
+$ assert [-p|--pp-objects|--no-pp-objects]
+#### Default pretty print processor
+Assert uses the stdlib's `PP.pp` to pretty print objects by default. This is provided by the `Assert::Utils.stdlib_pp_proc` util.
+Using the default `inspect` (no pretty print):
+$ assert
+FAIL: a test that fails should fail
+Expected nil, not {:now_usec=>164055, :string=>"a really really really really really really really really long string", :now=>Thu Nov 14 10:28:49 -0600 2013}.
+Using the default pretty printing (`Assert::Utils.stdlib_pp_proc`):
+$ assert -p
+FAIL: a test that fails should fail
+Expected nil, not
+ :string=>
+ "a really really really really really really really really long string",
+ :now=>Thu Nov 14 10:28:35 -0600 2013}
+You can customize the width used by `PP.pp` by overriding the default `pp_proc` setting:
+# set PP.pp width used to 1
+Assert.configure do |config|
+ config.pp_proc Assert::Utils.stdlib_pp_proc(1)
+$ assert -p
+FAIL: a test that fails should fail
+Expected nil, not
+ 984698,
+ :string=>
+ "a really really really really really really really really long string",
+ :now=>
+ Thu Nov 14 10:30:52 -0600 2013}
+You can provide you own custom pretty-print processor if you like:
+# set not a very useful pretty print processor
+Assert.configure do |config|
+ config.pp_proc{ |obj| "herp derp" }
+$ assert -p
+FAIL: a test that fails should fail
+Expected nil, not herp derp.
+Use this if you prefer a 3rd-party tool (like awesome_print or something) over the stdlib `PP.pp` for pretty printing.
## Viewing Test Results
`Assert::View::DefaultView` is the default handler for viewing test results. Its output goes something like this:
* before the run starts, output some info about the test suite that is about to run