lib/ass_tests/minitest/assertions.rb in ass_tests-1.2.0.alpha vs lib/ass_tests/minitest/assertions.rb in ass_tests-2.0.0.alpha
- old
+ new
@@ -10,102 +10,120 @@
module AssTests
- module Assertions
+ module Minitest
+ module Assertions
+ # @api private
+ module Comparable
+ SRV_CONNECTORS = [AssLauncher::Enterprise::Ole::IbConnection,
+ AssLauncher::Enterprise::Ole::ThickApplication]
- AssLauncher::Enterprise::Ole::IbConnection,
- AssLauncher::Enterprise::Ole::ThickApplication
- ]
- def _assert_xml_type(exp, obj, mess = nil)
- act = xml_type_get(obj)
- mess = message(mess) do
- "Expected #{exp} xml type but #{act} given"
- end
- assert exp == act, mess
- end
+ class ClientContext
+ attr_reader :obj, :ole_connector
+ def initialize(obj, ole_connector)
+ @obj = obj
+ @ole_connector = ole_connector
+ end
- def _assert_ref_empty(obj, mess = nil)
- mess = message(mess) {"Ref must be empty"}
- assert obj.ref.IsEmpty, mess
- end
+ def string_internal
+ fail NotImplementedError,
+ "You should patch method #string_internal in class: #{}"
+ end
- def _refute_ref_empty(obj, mess = nil)
- mess = message(mess) {"Ref must not be empty"}
- refute obj.ref.IsEmpty, mess
- end
+ def xml_type
+ fail NotImplementedError,
+ "You should patch method #xml_type in class: #{}"
+ end
- def _assert_equal(exp, act, mess = nil)
- fail_not_comparable(exp, act) if not_comparable?(exp, act)
- exp_ = to_comparable(exp)
- act_ = to_comparable(act)
- mess = message(mess, Minitest::Assertions::E){diff exp_, act_}
- assert exp_ == act_, mess
- end
+ def as_string
+ ole_connector.sTring obj
+ end
- def to_comparable(obj)
- return obj unless obj.is_a? WIN32OLE
- return obj.__real_obj__ if obj.__ruby__?
- # TODO: make comparsation ruby object from internal Ass string
+ def make
+ r = {}
+ r[:as_string] = as_string
+ r[:xml_type] = xml_type
+ r[:as_string_internal] = string_internal
+ r
+ end
+ end
- return to_comparable_srv_context(obj) if\
- GOOD_OLE_CONNECTORS.include? ole_connector.class
- to_comparable_client_context(obj)
- end
- private :to_comparable
+ class SrvContext < ClientContext
+ def string_internal
+ ole_connector.ValueToStringInternal obj
+ end
- def to_comparable_client_context(obj)
- fail 'You should define own method #to_comparable_client_context'\
- ' and returns #new_comparable Hash'
- end
- private :to_comparable_client_context
+ def xml_type
+ return UNKNOWN_XML_TYPE if ole_connector.xmlTypeOf(obj).nil?
+ ole_connector.xmlTypeOf(obj).typeName
+ end
+ end
- def to_comparable_srv_context(obj)
- new_comparable ole_connector.sTring(obj),
- xml_type_get(obj),
- ole_connector.ValueToStringInternal(obj)
- end
- private :to_comparable_srv_context
+ def, ole_connector)
+ return, ole_connector) if\
+ SRV_CONNECTORS.include? ole_connector.class
+, ole_connector)
+ end
+ end
- def new_comparable(as_string, xml_type, as_string_internal)
- r = {}
- r[:as_string] = as_string
- r[:xml_type] = xml_type
- r[:as_string_internal] = as_string_internal
- r
- end
- private :new_comparable
+ def _assert_xml_type(exp, obj, mess = nil)
+ act =, ole_connector).xml_type
+ mess = message(mess) do
+ "Expected #{exp} xml type but #{act} given"
+ end
+ assert exp == act, mess
+ end
- def xml_type_get(obj)
- return UNKNOWN_XML_TYPE if ole_connector.xmlTypeOf(obj).nil?
- ole_connector.xmlTypeOf(obj).typeName
- end
- private :xml_type_get
+ def _assert_ref_empty(obj, mess = nil)
+ mess = message(mess) {"Ref must be empty"}
+ assert obj.ref.IsEmpty, mess
+ end
- def not_comparable?(exp, act)
- is_ruby?(exp) ^ is_ruby?(act)
- end
- private :not_comparable?
+ def _refute_ref_empty(obj, mess = nil)
+ mess = message(mess) {"Ref must not be empty"}
+ refute obj.ref.IsEmpty, mess
+ end
- def is_ruby?(obj)
- !obj.is_a? WIN32OLE or obj.__ruby__?
- end
- private :is_ruby?
+ def _assert_equal(exp, act, mess = nil)
+ fail_not_comparable(exp, act) if not_comparable?(exp, act)
+ exp_ = to_comparable(exp)
+ act_ = to_comparable(act)
+ mess = message(mess, ::Minitest::Assertions::E){diff exp_, act_}
+ assert exp_ == act_, mess
+ end
- def fail_not_comparable(exp, act)
- fail ArgumentError,
- "Not comparable types `#{not_comparable_class exp}'"\
- " and `#{not_comparable_class act}'"
- end
- private :fail_not_comparable
+ def to_comparable(obj)
+ return obj unless obj.is_a? WIN32OLE
+ return obj.__real_obj__ if obj.__ruby__?
+, ole_connector).make
+ end
+ private :to_comparable
- def not_comparable_class(obj)
- return obj.__real_obj__.class if obj.respond_to? :__real_obj__
- obj.class
+ def not_comparable?(exp, act)
+ ruby?(exp) ^ ruby?(act)
+ end
+ private :not_comparable?
+ def ruby?(obj)
+ !obj.is_a? WIN32OLE or obj.__ruby__?
+ end
+ private :ruby?
+ def fail_not_comparable(exp, act)
+ fail ArgumentError,
+ "Not comparable types `#{not_comparable_class exp}'"\
+ " and `#{not_comparable_class act}'"
+ end
+ private :fail_not_comparable
+ def not_comparable_class(obj)
+ return obj.__real_obj__.class if obj.respond_to? :__real_obj__
+ obj.class
+ end
+ private :not_comparable_class
- private :not_comparable_class