lib/ass.rb in ass-0.0.21 vs lib/ass.rb in ass-0.0.24
- old
+ new
@@ -1,406 +1,4 @@
#encoding: utf-8
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'sinatra'
-require 'sequel'
-require 'socket'
-require 'openssl'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'rufus/scheduler'
-require 'eventmachine'
-require 'sinatra/base'
-require 'rack/mobile-detect'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'uri-handler'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'active_support'
-require 'json'
-require 'digest/sha2'
-require 'will_paginate'
-require 'will_paginate/sequel' # or data_mapper/sequel
-require 'uri'
-require 'sinatra/reloader' if development?
-require 'sinatra/synchrony'
-## Initilization Setup
-LIBDIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
-ROOTDIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
-unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(LIBDIR)
-unless File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/ass.yml") then
- puts 'create config file: ass.yml'
- system "cp #{ROOTDIR}/ass.yml #{Dir.pwd}/ass.yml"
-unless File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/cron") then
- puts "create a demo 'cron' script"
- system "cp #{ROOTDIR}/cron #{Dir.pwd}/cron"
-## Configuration Setup
-env = ENV['SINATRA_ENV'] || "development"
-config = YAML.load_file("#{Dir.pwd}/ass.yml")
-$timer = "#{config['timer']}".to_i
-$cron = config['cron'] || 'cron'
-$port = "#{config['port']}".to_i || 4567
-$mode = config['mode'] || env
-$VERSION ="#{ROOTDIR}/VERSION", "rb").read
-$apps = config['apps'] || []
-$log = config['log'] || 'off'
-$user = config['user'] || 'admin'
-$pass = config['pass'] || 'pass'
-$flood = "#{config['flood']}".to_i || 1 # default 1 minute
-$client_ip = ''
-$last_access = 0
-## Certificate Key Setup
-$certkey = {}
-def check_cert
- $apps.each { |app|
- unless File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/#{app}_#{$mode}.pem") then
- puts "Please provide #{app}_#{$mode}.pem under '#{Dir.pwd}/' directory"
- return false;
- else
- puts "'#{app}'s #{$mode} PEM: (#{app}_#{$mode}.pem)"
- certfile ="#{Dir.pwd}/#{app}_#{$mode}.pem")
- openSSLContext =
- openSSLContext.cert =
- openSSLContext.key =
- $certkey["#{app}"] = openSSLContext
- end
- }
- return true
-unless check_cert then
- html = <<-END
-1: please provide certificate key pem file under current directory, name should be: appid_development.pem for development and appid_production.pem for production
-2: edit your ass.yml under current directory
-3: run ass
-4: iOS Client: in AppDelegate file, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method should access url below:
- $apps.each { |app|
- html << "'#{app}'s registration url: http://serverIP:#{$port}/v1/apps/#{app}/DeviceToken"
- }
- html << "5: Server: cron should access 'curl http://localhost:#{$port}/v1/app/push/{messages}/{pid}' to send push message"
- puts html
- exit
- html = <<-END
-Apple Service Server(#{$VERSION}) is Running ...
-Push Notification Service: Enabled
-Mode: #{$mode}
-Port: #{$port}
- html << "#{'*'*80}"
- html << "Cron Job: '#{Dir.pwd}/#{$cron}' script is running every #{$timer} #{($timer == 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes'} " unless "#{$timer}".to_i == 0
- html << "\n"
- html << "access http://localhost:#{$port}/ for more information"
- html << "\n"
- html << "#{'*'*80}"
- puts html
-## Sequel Database Setup
-unless File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/ass-#{$mode}.db") then
- $DB = Sequel.connect("sqlite://#{Dir.pwd}/ass-#{$mode}.db")
- $DB.create_table :tokens do
- primary_key :id
- String :app, :unique => false, :null => false
- String :token, :unique => false, :null => false, :size => 100
- Time :created_at
- index [:app, :token]
- end
- $DB.create_table :pushes do
- primary_key :id
- String :pid, :unique => false, :null => false, :size => 100
- String :app, :unique => false, :null => false, :size => 30
- String :message, :unique => false, :null => false, :size => 107
- Time :created_at
- index [:pid, :app, :message]
- end
- $DB = Sequel.connect("sqlite://#{Dir.pwd}/ass-#{$mode}.db")
-WillPaginate.per_page = 10
-class Token < Sequel::Model
- Sequel.extension :pagination
-class Push < Sequel::Model
- Sequel.extension :pagination
-## Timer Job Setup
-scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
-unless $timer == 0 then
- scheduler.every "#{$timer}m" do
- puts "running job: '#{Dir.pwd}/#{$cron}' every #{$timer} #{($timer == 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes'}"
- system "./#{$cron}"
- end
-## Apple Service Server based on Sinatra
-class App < Sinatra::Base
- register Sinatra::Synchrony
- use Rack::MobileDetect
- set :root, File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)
- set :port, "#{$port}".to_i
- set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../public'
- set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../views'
- helpers do
- def checkFlood?(req)
- if $client_ip != "#{req.ip}" then
- $client_ip = "#{req.ip}"
- return false
- else
- if $last_access == 0 then
- return false
- else
- return isFlood?
- end
- end
- end
- def isFlood?
- result = ( - $last_access) < $flood * 60
- $last_access =
- return result
- end
- def iOS?
- result = case request.env['X_MOBILE_DEVICE']
- when /iPhone|iPod|iPad/ then
- true
- else false
- end
- return result
- end
- def authorized?
- @auth ||=
- @auth.provided? && @auth.basic? && @auth.credentials && @auth.credentials == ["#{$user}", "#{$pass}"]
- end
- def protected!
- unless authorized?
- response['WWW-Authenticate'] = %(Basic realm="Restricted Area")
- throw(:halt, [401, "Oops... we need your login name & password\n"])
- end
- end
- end
- configure :production, :development do
- if "#{$log}".strip == 'on' then
- enable :logging
- end
- end
- if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development' then
- set :show_exceptions, true
- set :dump_errors, true
- else
- set :show_exceptions, false
- set :dump_errors, false
- end
- get '/' do
- erb :index
- end
- get '/about' do
- erb :about
- end
- not_found do
- erb :not_found
- end
- error do
- @error = "";
- @error = params['captures'].first.inspect if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- end
- post '/v1/send' do
- app = params[:app]
- message = CGI::escape(params[:message] || "")
- pid = "#{}"
- # begin
- # url = URI.parse("http://localhost:#{$port}/v1/apps/#{app}/push")
- # post_args1 = { :alert => "#{message}".encode('UTF-8'), :pid => "#{pid}" }
- # Net::HTTP.post_form(url, post_args1)
- # rescue =>err
- # puts "#{err.class} ##{err}"
- # end
- system "curl http://localhost:#{$port}/v1/apps/#{app}/push/#{message}/#{pid}"
- redirect '/v1/admin/push' if (params[:app] and params[:message])
- end
- get "/v1/admin/:db" do
- protected!
- db = params[:db] || 'token'
- page = 1
- page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page]
- if (db == 'token') then
- @o = []
- $apps.each_with_index { |app, index|
- @o << Token.where(:app => app).order(:id).reverse.paginate(page, 20)
- }
- erb :token
- elsif (db == 'push') then
- @p = []
- $apps.each_with_index { |app, index|
- @p << Push.where(:app => app).order(:id).reverse.paginate(page, 20)
- }
- erb :push
- else
- erb :not_found
- end
- end
- $apps.each { |app|
- ## register token api
- get "/v1/apps/#{app}/:token" do
- if (("#{params[:token]}".length == 64) and iOS? and checkFlood?(request) ) then
- puts "[#{params[:token]}] was added to '#{app}'" if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- o = Token.first(:app => app, :token => params[:token])
- unless o
- Token.insert(
- :app => app,
- :token => params[:token],
- :created_at =>
- )
- end
- end
- end
- ## http POST method push api
- post "/v1/apps/#{app}/push" do
- protected! unless == 'localhost'
- message = CGI::unescape(params[:alert] || "")[0..107]
- badge = 1
- puts "params[:badge] = [#{params[:badge]}]"
- badge = params[:badge].to_i if params[:badge] and params[:badge] != ''
- sound = CGI::unescape(params[:sound] || "")
- extra = CGI::unescape(params[:extra] || "")
- puts "#{badge} : #{message} extra: #{extra}" if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- pid = params[:pid]
- puts "'#{message}' was sent to (#{app}) with pid: [#{pid}], badge:#{badge} , sound: #{sound}, extra:#{extra}" if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- @tokens = Token.where(:app => "#{app}")
- @exist = Push.first(:pid => "#{pid}", :app => "#{app}")
- unless @exist
- Push.insert(:pid => pid, :message => message, :created_at =>, :app => "#{app}" )
- openSSLContext = $certkey["#{app}"]
- # Connect to port 2195 on the server.
- sock = nil
- if $mode == 'production' then
- sock ='', 2195)
- else
- sock ='', 2195)
- end
- # do our SSL handshaking
- sslSocket =, openSSLContext)
- sslSocket.connect
- # write our packet to the stream
- @tokens.each do |o|
- tokenText = o[:token]
- # pack the token to convert the ascii representation back to binary
- tokenData = [tokenText].pack('H*')
- # construct the payload
- po = {:aps => {:alert => "#{message}", :badge => badge, :sound => "#{sound}"}, :extra => "#{extra}"}
- payload = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(po)
- # construct the packet
- packet = [0, 0, 32, tokenData, 0, payload.length, payload].pack("ccca*cca*")
- # read our certificate and set up our SSL context
- sslSocket.write(packet)
- end
- # cleanup
- sslSocket.close
- sock.close
- end
- end
- ## http GET method push api
- get "/v1/apps/#{app}/push/:message/:pid" do
- protected! unless == 'localhost'
- message = CGI::unescape(params[:message])
- puts message if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- pid = params[:pid]
- puts "'#{message}' was sent to (#{app}) with pid: [#{pid}]" if "#{$mode}".strip == 'development'
- @tokens = Token.where(:app => "#{app}")
- @exist = Push.first(:pid => "#{pid}", :app => "#{app}")
- unless @exist
- Push.insert(:pid => pid, :message => message, :created_at =>, :app => "#{app}" )
- openSSLContext = $certkey["#{app}"]
- # Connect to port 2195 on the server.
- sock = nil
- if $mode == 'production' then
- sock ='', 2195)
- else
- sock ='', 2195)
- end
- # do our SSL handshaking
- sslSocket =, openSSLContext)
- sslSocket.connect
- # write our packet to the stream
- @tokens.each do |o|
- tokenText = o[:token]
- # pack the token to convert the ascii representation back to binary
- tokenData = [tokenText].pack('H*')
- # construct the payload
- po = {:aps => {:alert => "#{message}", :badge => 1}}
- payload = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(po)
- # construct the packet
- packet = [0, 0, 32, tokenData, 0, payload.length, payload].pack("ccca*cca*")
- # read our certificate and set up our SSL context
- sslSocket.write(packet)
- end
- # cleanup
- sslSocket.close
- sock.close
- end
- end
- }
+require 'ass/conf'
+require 'ass/app'
\ No newline at end of file