spec/cucumber/ast/table_spec.rb in aslakhellesoy-cucumber- vs spec/cucumber/ast/table_spec.rb in aslakhellesoy-cucumber-
- old
+ new
@@ -7,13 +7,10 @@
before do
@table = Table.new([
%w{one four seven},
%w{4444 55555 666666}
- @table.extend(Module.new{
- attr_reader :raw
- })
def @table.cells_rows; super; end
def @table.columns; super; end
it "should have rows" do
@@ -58,10 +55,34 @@
lambda {
@table.map_column!('two', true) { |v| v.to_i }
}.should raise_error('The column named "two" does not exist')
+ describe ".transpose" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @table = Table.new([
+ %w{one 1111},
+ %w{two 22222}
+ ])
+ end
+ it "should be convertible in to an array where each row is a hash" do
+ @table.transpose.hashes[0].should == {'one' => '1111', 'two' => '22222'}
+ end
+ end
+ it "should allow renaming columns" do
+ table2 = @table.map_headers('one' => :three)
+ table2.hashes.first[:three].should == '4444'
+ end
+ it "should copy column mappings when mapping headers" do
+ @table.map_column!('one') { |v| v.to_i }
+ table2 = @table.map_headers('one' => 'three')
+ table2.hashes.first['three'].should == 4444
+ end
describe "replacing arguments" do
before(:each) do
@table = table = Table.new([
%w{qty book},
@@ -81,12 +102,22 @@
table_with_replaced_args.hashes[0]['book'].should == nil
it "should not change the original table" do
- table_with_replaced_args = @table.arguments_replaced({'<book>' => 'Unbearable lightness of being'})
+ @table.arguments_replaced({'<book>' => 'Unbearable lightness of being'})
@table.hashes[0]['book'].should_not == 'Unbearable lightness of being'
+ end
+ it "should not raise an error when there are nil values in the table" do
+ table = Table.new([
+ ['book'],
+ [nil]
+ ])
+ lambda{
+ table.arguments_replaced({'<book>' => 'The great sheep chase'})
+ }.should_not raise_error
it "should convert to sexp" do