features/usage.feature in aslakhellesoy-cucumber- vs features/usage.feature in aslakhellesoy-cucumber-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -13,20 +13,25 @@
Given passing without a table # features/multiline_name.feature:11
Given <state> without a table # features/multiline_name.feature:16
Given <state> without a table # features/multiline_name.feature:22
Given <state> without a table # features/outline_sample.feature:6
Given <other_state> without a table # features/outline_sample.feature:7
+ Given passing without a table # features/search_sample.feature:4
+ Given passing without a table # features/search_sample.feature:7
+ Given <state> without a table # features/search_sample.feature:19
/^failing without a table$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:15
- Given failing without a table # features/background/failing_background.feature:4
+ Given failing without a table # features/background/failing_background.feature:5
Given failing without a table # features/background/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature:4
+ Given failing without a table # features/search_sample.feature:10
+ Given <state> without a table # features/search_sample.feature:13
/^a step definition that calls an undefined step$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:19
Given a step definition that calls an undefined step # features/call_undefined_step_from_step_def.feature:4
/^call step "(.*)"$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:23
Given call step "a step definition that calls an undefined step" # features/call_undefined_step_from_step_def.feature:7
/^'(.+)' cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:27
Given '10' cukes # features/background/background_with_name.feature:4
- And '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:5
+ And '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:6
Given '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:4
Given '10' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature:4
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:4
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:5
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:6
@@ -76,11 +81,11 @@
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:50
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:51
Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:52
/^I should have '(.+)' cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:31
Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/background_with_name.feature:7
- Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:8
- Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:11
+ Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:9
+ Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:12
Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:7
Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:10
Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/pending_background.feature:7
Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/pending_background.feature:10
Then I should have '<count>' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature:7