test/options_test.rb in asciidoctor- vs test/options_test.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.7
- old
+ new
@@ -29,10 +29,28 @@
assert_equal 0, exitval
assert_includes output, 'Manual: Asciidoctor Manual'
assert_includes output, '.TH "ASCIIDOCTOR"'
+ test 'should print message and return error code 1 when manpage is not found' do
+ old_manpage_path = ENV['ASCIIDOCTOR_MANPAGE_PATH']
+ begin
+ ENV['ASCIIDOCTOR_MANPAGE_PATH'] = (manpage_path = fixture_path 'no-such-file.1')
+ redirect_streams do |out, stderr|
+ exitval = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-h manpage))
+ assert_equal 1, exitval
+ assert_equal %(asciidoctor: FAILED: manual page not found: #{manpage_path}), stderr.string.chomp
+ end
+ ensure
+ if old_manpage_path
+ ENV['ASCIIDOCTOR_MANPAGE_PATH'] = old_manpage_path
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
test 'should return error code 1 when invalid option present' do
redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
exitval = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(--foobar))
assert_equal 1, exitval
assert_equal 'asciidoctor: invalid option: --foobar', stderr.string.chomp
@@ -56,11 +74,11 @@
test 'should emit warning when unparsed options remain' do
redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-b docbook - -))
- assert options.is_a? Hash
+ assert_kind_of Hash, options
assert_match(/asciidoctor: WARNING: extra arguments .*/, stderr.string.chomp)
test 'basic argument assignment' do
@@ -180,9 +198,36 @@
assert_equal File.expand_path('foobaz'), $LOAD_PATH[1]
assert_equal ['foobar', 'foobaz'], options[:load_paths]
($LOAD_PATH.size - old_load_path.size).times { $LOAD_PATH.shift }
+ end
+ test 'should set failure level to FATAL by default' do
+ options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse! %W(test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc)
+ assert_equal ::Logger::Severity::FATAL, options[:failure_level]
+ end
+ test 'should allow failure level to be set to WARN' do
+ %w(w warn WARN warning WARNING).each do |val|
+ options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%W(--failure-level=#{val} test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+ assert_equal ::Logger::Severity::WARN, options[:failure_level]
+ end
+ end
+ test 'should allow failure level to be set to ERROR' do
+ %w(e err ERR error ERROR).each do |val|
+ options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%W(--failure-level=#{val} test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+ assert_equal ::Logger::Severity::ERROR, options[:failure_level]
+ end
+ end
+ test 'should not allow failure level to be set to unknown value' do
+ exit_code, messages = redirect_streams do |_, err|
+ [(Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse! %W(--failure-level=foobar test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc)), err.string]
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, exit_code
+ assert_includes messages, 'invalid argument: --failure-level=foobar'
test 'should set verbose to 2 when -v flag is specified' do
options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-v test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
assert_equal 2, options[:verbose]