test/links_test.rb in asciidoctor- vs test/links_test.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.7
- old
+ new
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
test 'qualified url inline with text' do
assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare'][text() = 'http://asciidoc.org']", render_string("The AsciiDoc project is located at http://asciidoc.org.")
test 'qualified url with role inline with text' do
- assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare project'][text() = 'http://asciidoc.org']", render_string("The AsciiDoc project is located at http://asciidoc.org[,role=project].", :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''})
+ assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare project'][text() = 'http://asciidoc.org']", render_string("The AsciiDoc project is located at http://asciidoc.org[role=project].")
test 'qualified http url inline with hide-uri-scheme set' do
assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare'][text() = 'asciidoc.org']", render_string("The AsciiDoc project is located at http://asciidoc.org.", :attributes => {'hide-uri-scheme' => ''})
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
test 'qualified url with label using link macro' do
assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][text() = 'AsciiDoc']", render_string("We're parsing link:http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] markup")
test 'qualified url with role using link macro' do
- assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare project'][text() = 'http://asciidoc.org']", render_string("We're parsing link:http://asciidoc.org[,role=project] markup", :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''})
+ assert_xpath "//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][@class='bare project'][text() = 'http://asciidoc.org']", render_string("We're parsing link:http://asciidoc.org[role=project] markup")
test 'qualified url using macro syntax with multi-line label inline with text' do
assert_xpath %{//a[@href='http://asciidoc.org'][text() = 'AsciiDoc\nmarkup']}, render_string("We're parsing link:http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc\nmarkup]")
@@ -80,43 +80,63 @@
test 'qualified url surrounded by round brackets' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoc.org"][text()="http://asciidoc.org"]', render_string('(http://asciidoc.org) is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 1
test 'qualified url with trailing round bracket' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('Asciidoctor is a Ruby-based AsciiDoc processor (see http://asciidoctor.org)'), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('Asciidoctor is a Ruby-based AsciiDoc processor (see https://asciidoctor.org)'), 1
test 'qualified url with trailing semi-colon' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('http://asciidoctor.org; where text gets parsed'), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('https://asciidoctor.org; where text gets parsed'), 1
test 'qualified url with trailing colon' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('http://asciidoctor.org: where text gets parsed'), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('https://asciidoctor.org: where text gets parsed'), 1
test 'qualified url in round brackets with trailing colon' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('(http://asciidoctor.org): where text gets parsed'), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('(https://asciidoctor.org): where text gets parsed'), 1
test 'qualified url with trailing round bracket followed by colon' do
- result = render_embedded_string '(from http://asciidoctor.org): where text gets parsed'
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', result, 1
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]/preceding-sibling::text()[.="(from "]', result, 1
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]/following-sibling::text()[.="): where text gets parsed"]', result, 1
+ result = render_embedded_string '(from https://asciidoctor.org): where text gets parsed'
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', result, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]/preceding-sibling::text()[.="(from "]', result, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]/following-sibling::text()[.="): where text gets parsed"]', result, 1
test 'qualified url in round brackets with trailing semi-colon' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('(http://asciidoctor.org); where text gets parsed'), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', render_string('(https://asciidoctor.org); where text gets parsed'), 1
test 'qualified url with trailing round bracket followed by semi-colon' do
- result = render_embedded_string '(from http://asciidoctor.org); where text gets parsed'
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]', result, 1
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]/preceding-sibling::text()[.="(from "]', result, 1
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoctor.org"][text()="http://asciidoctor.org"]/following-sibling::text()[.="); where text gets parsed"]', result, 1
+ result = render_embedded_string '(from https://asciidoctor.org); where text gets parsed'
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]', result, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]/preceding-sibling::text()[.="(from "]', result, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://asciidoctor.org"][text()="https://asciidoctor.org"]/following-sibling::text()[.="); where text gets parsed"]', result, 1
+ test 'URI scheme with trailing characters should not be converted to a link' do
+ input_sources = %w(
+ (https://)
+ http://;
+ file://:
+ <ftp://>
+ )
+ expected_outputs = %w(
+ (https://)
+ http://;
+ file://:
+ <ftp://>
+ )
+ input_sources.each_with_index do |input_source, i|
+ expected_output = expected_outputs[i]
+ actual = block_from_string input_source
+ assert_equal expected_output, actual.content
+ end
+ end
test 'qualified url containing round brackets' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://jruby.org/apidocs/org/jruby/Ruby.html#addModule(org.jruby.RubyModule)"][text()="addModule() adds a Ruby module"]', render_string('http://jruby.org/apidocs/org/jruby/Ruby.html#addModule(org.jruby.RubyModule)[addModule() adds a Ruby module]'), 1
test 'qualified url adjacent to text in square brackets' do
@@ -174,58 +194,71 @@
test 'inline quoted qualified url should not consume surrounding angled brackets' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="https://github.com/asciidoctor"]', render_string('Asciidoctor GitHub organization: <**https://github.com/asciidoctor**>'), 1
- test 'link with quoted text should not be separated into attributes when linkattrs is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing = Search Engines"]', render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com["Google, Yahoo, Bing = Search Engines"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ test 'link with quoted text should not be separated into attributes when text contains an equal sign' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing = Search Engines"]', render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com["Google, Yahoo, Bing = Search Engines"]'), 1
- test 'link with comma in text but no equal sign should not be separated into attributes when linkattrs is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com[Google, Yahoo, Bing]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ test 'link with quoted text but no equal sign should carry quotes over to output' do
+ assert_xpath %(//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()='"Google, Yahoo, Bing"']), render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com["Google, Yahoo, Bing"]'), 1
- test 'role and window attributes on link are processed when linkattrs is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@class="external"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, role="external", window="_blank"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ test 'link with comma in text but no equal sign should not be separated into attributes' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com[Google, Yahoo, Bing]'), 1
- test 'link macro with attributes but no text should use URL as text when linkattrs is set' do
+ test 'role and window attributes on link are processed' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@class="external"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, role=external, window="_blank"]'), 1
+ end
+ test 'link macro with attributes but no text should use URL as text' do
url = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400italic,'
- assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{url}"][text()="#{url}"]), render_embedded_string(%(link:#{url}[family=Roboto,weight=400]), :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{url}"][text()="#{url}"]), render_embedded_string(%(link:#{url}[family=Roboto,weight=400])), 1
- test 'link macro with comma but no explicit attributes in text should not parse text when linkattrs is set' do
+ test 'link macro with attributes but blank text should use URL as text' do
url = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400italic,'
- assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{url}"][text()="Roboto,400"]), render_embedded_string(%(link:#{url}[Roboto,400]), :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{url}"][text()="#{url}"]), render_embedded_string(%(link:#{url}[,family=Roboto,weight=400])), 1
+ test 'link macro with comma but no explicit attributes in text should not parse text' do
+ url = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400italic,'
+ assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{url}"][text()="Roboto,400"]), render_embedded_string(%(link:#{url}[Roboto,400])), 1
+ end
test 'link text that ends in ^ should set link window to _blank' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google^]'), 1
test 'rel=noopener should be added to a link that targets the _blank window' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="_blank"][@rel="noopener"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google^]'), 1
test 'rel=noopener should be added to a link that targets a named window when the noopener option is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="name"][@rel="noopener"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google,window=name,opts=noopener]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="name"][@rel="noopener"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google,window=name,opts=noopener]'), 1
test 'rel=noopener should not be added to a link if it does not target a window' do
- result = render_embedded_string 'http://google.com[Google,opts=noopener]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}
+ result = render_embedded_string 'http://google.com[Google,opts=noopener]'
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"]', result, 1
assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@rel="noopener"]', result, 0
- test 'id attribute on link are processed when linkattrs is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@id="link-1"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, id="link-1"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ test 'rel=nofollow should be added to a link when the nofollow option is set' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="name"][@rel="nofollow noopener"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google,window=name,opts="nofollow,noopener"]'), 1
- test 'title attribute on link are processed when linkattrs is set' do
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@title="title-1"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, title="title-1"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+ test 'id attribute on link is processed' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@id="link-1"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, id="link-1"]'), 1
+ test 'title attribute on link is processed' do
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@title="title-1"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, title="title-1"]'), 1
+ end
test 'inline irc link' do
assert_xpath '//a[@href="irc://irc.freenode.net"][text()="irc://irc.freenode.net"]', render_embedded_string('irc://irc.freenode.net'), 1
test 'inline irc link with text' do
@@ -234,24 +267,24 @@
test 'inline ref' do
variations = %w([[tigers]] anchor:tigers[])
variations.each do |anchor|
doc = document_from_string %(Here you can read about tigers.#{anchor})
- output = doc.render
+ output = doc.convert
assert_equal '[tigers]', doc.catalog[:ids]['tigers']
- assert doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].is_a? Asciidoctor::Inline
+ assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Inline, doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers']
assert_nil doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].text
assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 1
assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]/child::text()', output, 0
test 'escaped inline ref' do
variations = %w([[tigers]] anchor:tigers[])
variations.each do |anchor|
doc = document_from_string %(Here you can read about tigers.\\#{anchor})
- output = doc.render
+ output = doc.convert
refute doc.catalog[:ids].key?('tigers')
refute doc.catalog[:refs].key?('tigers')
assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 0
@@ -270,13 +303,13 @@
test 'inline ref with reftext' do
%w([[tigers,Tigers]] anchor:tigers[Tigers]).each do |anchor|
doc = document_from_string %(Here you can read about tigers.#{anchor})
- output = doc.render
+ output = doc.convert
assert_equal 'Tigers', doc.catalog[:ids]['tigers']
- assert doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].is_a? Asciidoctor::Inline
+ assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Inline, doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers']
assert_equal 'Tigers', doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].text
assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 1
assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]/child::text()', output, 0
@@ -288,22 +321,22 @@
test 'should substitute attribute references in reftext when registering inline ref' do
%w([[tigers,{label-tigers}]] anchor:tigers[{label-tigers}]).each do |anchor|
doc = document_from_string %(Here you can read about tigers.#{anchor}), :attributes => { 'label-tigers' => 'Tigers' }
- doc.render
- assert doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].is_a? Asciidoctor::Inline
+ doc.convert
+ assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Inline, doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers']
assert_equal 'Tigers', doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].text
assert_equal 'Tigers', doc.catalog[:ids]['tigers']
test 'inline ref with reftext converted to DocBook' do
%w([[tigers,<Tigers>]] anchor:tigers[<Tigers>]).each do |anchor|
doc = document_from_string %(Here you can read about tigers.#{anchor}), :backend => :docbook45
output = doc.convert :header_footer => false
- assert doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].is_a? Asciidoctor::Inline
+ assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Inline, doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers']
assert_equal '<Tigers>', doc.catalog[:refs]['tigers'].text
assert_equal '<Tigers>', doc.references[:ids]['tigers']
assert_includes output, '<anchor id="tigers" xreflabel="<Tigers>"/>'
@@ -347,17 +380,17 @@
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers>>'
doc.register :refs, ['tigers', (Asciidoctor::Inline.new doc, :anchor, '[tigers]', :type => :ref, :target => 'tigers'), '[tigers]']
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with explicit hash' do
doc = document_from_string '<<#tigers>>'
doc.register :refs, ['tigers', (Asciidoctor::Inline.new doc, :anchor, 'Tigers', :type => :ref, :target => 'tigers'), 'Tigers']
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "Tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with label' do
input = <<-EOS
<<tigers,About Tigers>>
@@ -376,73 +409,127 @@
== Tigers
assert_xpath %q(//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = '"About Tigers"']), render_string(input), 1
+ test 'should not interpret path sans extension in xref with angled bracket syntax in compat mode' do
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#>>', :header_footer => false, :attributes => { 'compat-mode' => '' }
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers#"][text() = "[tigers#]"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
+ end
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path sans extension' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.convert, 1
- test 'inter-document xref should not truncate after period if path has no extension' do
- result = render_embedded_string '<<using-.net-web-services#,Using .NET web services>>'
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="using-.net-web-services.html"][text() = "Using .NET web services"]', result, 1
+ test 'inter-document xref should not add suffix to path with a non-AsciiDoc extension' do
+ {
+ 'using-.net-web-services' => 'Using .NET web services',
+ '../file.pdf' => 'Download the .pdf file'
+ }.each do |path, text|
+ result = render_embedded_string %(<<#{path}#,#{text}>>)
+ assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#{path}"][text() = "#{text}"]), result, 1
+ end
test 'inter-document xref should only remove the file extension part if the path contains a period elsewhere' do
result = render_embedded_string '<<using-.net-web-services.adoc#,Using .NET web services>>'
assert_xpath '//a[@href="using-.net-web-services.html"][text() = "Using .NET web services"]', result, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path sans extension using docbook backend' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#>>', :header_footer => false, :backend => 'docbook'
- assert_match '<link xl:href="tigers.xml">tigers.xml</link>', doc.render, 1
+ assert_match '<link xl:href="tigers.xml">tigers.xml</link>', doc.convert, 1
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#>>', :header_footer => false, :backend => 'docbook45'
- assert_match '<ulink url="tigers.xml">tigers.xml</ulink>', doc.render, 1
+ assert_match '<ulink url="tigers.xml">tigers.xml</ulink>', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with ancestor path sans extension' do
doc = document_from_string '<<../tigers#,tigers>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="../tigers.html"][text() = "tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="../tigers.html"][text() = "tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with absolute path sans extension' do
doc = document_from_string '<</path/to/tigers#,tigers>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="/path/to/tigers.html"][text() = "tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="/path/to/tigers.html"][text() = "tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and extension' do
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ doc = document_from_string '<<tigers.adoc>>', :header_footer => false
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers.adoc"][text() = "[tigers.adoc]"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
+ end
+ test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and extension with hash' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers.adoc#>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.convert, 1
+ test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and extension with fragment' do
+ doc = document_from_string '<<tigers.adoc#id>>', :header_footer => false
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html#id"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
+ test 'xref using macro syntax with path and extension in compat mode' do
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers.adoc[]', :header_footer => false, :attributes => { 'compat-mode' => '' }
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers.adoc"][text() = "[tigers.adoc]"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
+ end
+ test 'xref using macro syntax with path and extension' do
+ doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers.adoc[]', :header_footer => false
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and fragment' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html#about"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html#about"][text() = "tigers.html"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path, fragment and text' do
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers.html#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and custom relfilesuffix and outfilesuffix' do
attributes = {'relfileprefix' => '../', 'outfilesuffix' => '/'}
doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false, :attributes => attributes
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="../tigers/#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="../tigers/#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
+ test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path and custom relfilesuffix' do
+ attributes = { 'relfilesuffix' => '/' }
+ doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false, :attributes => attributes
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="tigers/#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
+ end
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with path which has been included in this document' do
- doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false
- doc.catalog[:includes] << 'tigers'
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ in_verbose_mode do
+ doc = document_from_string '<<tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false
+ doc.catalog[:includes]['tigers'] = true
+ output = doc.convert
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', output, 1
+ assert_message logger, :WARN, 'invalid reference: about'
+ end
+ end
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with nested path which has been included in this document' do
- doc = document_from_string '<<part1/tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false
- doc.catalog[:includes] << 'part1/tigers'
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ in_verbose_mode do
+ doc = document_from_string '<<part1/tigers#about,About Tigers>>', :header_footer => false
+ doc.catalog[:includes]['part1/tigers'] = true
+ output = doc.convert
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#about"][text() = "About Tigers"]', output, 1
+ assert_message logger, :WARN, 'invalid reference: about'
+ end
+ end
test 'xref using angled bracket syntax inline with text' do
input = <<-EOS
Want to learn <<tigers,about tigers>>?
@@ -494,11 +581,11 @@
test 'xref using macro syntax' do
doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers[]'
doc.register :refs, ['tigers', (Asciidoctor::Inline.new doc, :anchor, '[tigers]', :type => :ref, :target => 'tigers'), '[tigers]']
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'multiple xref macros with implicit text in single line' do
input = <<-EOS
This document has two sections, xref:sect-a[] and xref:sect-b[].
@@ -515,11 +602,11 @@
test 'xref using macro syntax with explicit hash' do
doc = document_from_string 'xref:#tigers[]'
doc.register :refs, ['tigers', (Asciidoctor::Inline.new doc, :anchor, 'Tigers', :type => :ref, :target => 'tigers'), 'Tigers']
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "Tigers"]', doc.render, 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "Tigers"]', doc.convert, 1
test 'xref using macro syntax with label' do
input = <<-EOS
xref:tigers[About Tigers]
@@ -550,20 +637,30 @@
== Tigers
assert_xpath %{//a[@href="#tigers"][normalize-space(text()) = "about tigers"]}, render_string(input), 1
- test 'xref using macro syntax with text that contains an escaped closing bracket' do
+ test 'xref using macro syntax with text that ends with an escaped closing bracket' do
input = <<-EOS
== Tigers
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', render_string(input), 1
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', render_embedded_string(input), 1
+ test 'xref using macro syntax with text that contains an escaped closing bracket' do
+ input = <<-EOS
+xref:tigers[[tigers\\] are cats]
+== Tigers
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers] are cats"]', render_embedded_string(input), 1
+ end
test 'unescapes square bracket in reftext used by xref' do
input = 'anchor:foo[b[a\]r]about
see <<foo>>'
result = render_embedded_string input
@@ -572,11 +669,11 @@
test 'xref using invalid macro syntax does not create link' do
doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers'
doc.register :refs, ['tigers', (Asciidoctor::Inline.new doc, :anchor, 'Tigers', :type => :ref, :target => 'tigers'), 'Tigers']
- assert_xpath '//a', doc.render, 0
+ assert_xpath '//a', doc.convert, 0
test 'should warn and create link if verbose flag is set and reference is not found' do
input = <<-EOS
@@ -584,17 +681,114 @@
== Section B
See <<foobaz>>.
- begin
- old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, true
- output, warnings = redirect_streams {|_, err| [(render_embedded_string input), err.string] }
- assert_xpath '//a[@href="#foobaz"][text() = "[foobaz]"]', output, 1
- refute_empty warnings
- assert_includes warnings, 'asciidoctor: WARNING: invalid reference: foobaz'
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = old_verbose
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ in_verbose_mode do
+ output = render_embedded_string input
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#foobaz"][text() = "[foobaz]"]', output, 1
+ assert_message logger, :WARN, 'invalid reference: foobaz'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test 'should warn and create link if verbose flag is set and reference using # notation is not found' do
+ input = <<-EOS
+== Foobar
+== Section B
+See <<#foobaz>>.
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ in_verbose_mode do
+ output = render_embedded_string input
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#foobaz"][text() = "[foobaz]"]', output, 1
+ assert_message logger, :WARN, 'invalid reference: foobaz'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test 'should produce an internal anchor from an inter-document xref to file included into current file' do
+ input = <<-'EOS'
+= Book Title
+:doctype: book
+== Chapter 1
+So it begins.
+Read <<other-chapters.adoc#ch2>> to find out what happens next!
+ doc = document_from_string input, :safe => :safe, :base_dir => fixturedir
+ assert doc.catalog[:includes].key?('other-chapters')
+ assert doc.catalog[:includes]['other-chapters']
+ output = doc.convert
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#ch2"][text()="Chapter 2"]', output, 1
+ end
+ test 'should produce an internal anchor from an inter-document xref to file included entirely into current file using tags' do
+ input = <<-'EOS'
+= Book Title
+:doctype: book
+== Chapter 1
+So it begins.
+Read <<other-chapters.adoc#ch2>> to find out what happens next!
+ output = render_embedded_string input, :safe => :safe, :base_dir => fixturedir
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#ch2"][text()="Chapter 2"]', output, 1
+ end
+ test 'should not produce an internal anchor for inter-document xref to file partially included into current file' do
+ input = <<-'EOS'
+= Book Title
+:doctype: book
+== Chapter 1
+So it begins.
+Read <<other-chapters.adoc#ch2,the next chapter>> to find out what happens next!
+ doc = document_from_string input, :safe => :safe, :base_dir => fixturedir
+ assert doc.catalog[:includes].key?('other-chapters')
+ refute doc.catalog[:includes]['other-chapters']
+ output = doc.convert
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="other-chapters.html#ch2"][text()="the next chapter"]', output, 1
+ end
+ test 'should warn and create link if debug mode is enabled, inter-document xref points to current doc, and reference not found' do
+ input = <<-EOS
+== Foobar
+== Section B
+See <<test.adoc#foobaz>>.
+ using_memory_logger do |logger|
+ in_verbose_mode do
+ output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => { 'docname' => 'test' }
+ assert_xpath '//a[@href="#foobaz"][text() = "[foobaz]"]', output, 1
+ assert_message logger, :WARN, 'invalid reference: foobaz'
+ end
test 'xref uses title of target as label for forward and backward references in html output' do
input = <<-EOS