lib/asciidoctor/load.rb in asciidoctor-2.0.10 vs lib/asciidoctor/load.rb in asciidoctor-2.0.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
module Asciidoctor
- module_function
+ class << self
+ # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into a {Document}
+ #
+ # Accepts input as an IO (or StringIO), String or String Array object. If the
+ # input is a File, the object is expected to be opened for reading and is not
+ # closed afterwards by this method. Information about the file (filename,
+ # directory name, etc) gets assigned to attributes on the Document object.
+ #
+ # input - the AsciiDoc source as a IO, String or Array.
+ # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+ # String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+ # See {Document#initialize} for details about these options.
+ #
+ # Returns the Document
+ def load input, options = {}
+ options = options.merge
- # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into a {Document}
- #
- # Accepts input as an IO (or StringIO), String or String Array object. If the
- # input is a File, the object is expected to be opened for reading and is not
- # closed afterwards by this method. Information about the file (filename,
- # directory name, etc) gets assigned to attributes on the Document object.
- #
- # input - the AsciiDoc source as a IO, String or Array.
- # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
- # String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
- # See {Document#initialize} for details about these options.
- #
- # Returns the Document
- def load input, options = {}
- options = options.merge
+ if (timings = options[:timings])
+ timings.start :read
+ end
- if (timings = options[:timings])
- timings.start :read
- end
+ if (logger = options[:logger]) && logger != LoggerManager.logger
+ LoggerManager.logger = logger
+ end
- if (logger = options[:logger]) && logger != LoggerManager.logger
- LoggerManager.logger = logger
- end
- if !(attrs = options[:attributes])
- attrs = {}
- elsif ::Hash === attrs
- attrs = attrs.merge
- elsif (defined? ::Java::JavaUtil::Map) && ::Java::JavaUtil::Map === attrs
- attrs = attrs.dup
- elsif ::Array === attrs
- attrs = {}.tap do |accum|
- attrs.each do |entry|
- k, _, v = entry.partition '='
- accum[k] = v
+ if !(attrs = options[:attributes])
+ attrs = {}
+ elsif ::Hash === attrs
+ attrs = attrs.merge
+ elsif (defined? ::Java::JavaUtil::Map) && ::Java::JavaUtil::Map === attrs
+ attrs = attrs.dup
+ elsif ::Array === attrs
+ attrs = {}.tap do |accum|
+ attrs.each do |entry|
+ k, _, v = entry.partition '='
+ accum[k] = v
+ end
- end
- elsif ::String === attrs
- # condense and convert non-escaped spaces to null, unescape escaped spaces, then split on null
- attrs = {}.tap do |accum|
- attrs.gsub(SpaceDelimiterRx, '\1' + NULL).gsub(EscapedSpaceRx, '\1').split(NULL).each do |entry|
- k, _, v = entry.partition '='
- accum[k] = v
+ elsif ::String === attrs
+ # condense and convert non-escaped spaces to null, unescape escaped spaces, then split on null
+ attrs = {}.tap do |accum|
+ attrs.gsub(SpaceDelimiterRx, '\1' + NULL).gsub(EscapedSpaceRx, '\1').split(NULL).each do |entry|
+ k, _, v = entry.partition '='
+ accum[k] = v
+ end
+ elsif (attrs.respond_to? :keys) && (attrs.respond_to? :[])
+ # coerce attrs to a real Hash
+ attrs = {}.tap {|accum| attrs.keys.each {|k| accum[k] = attrs[k] } }
+ else
+ raise ::ArgumentError, %(illegal type for attributes option: #{attrs.class.ancestors.join ' < '})
- elsif (attrs.respond_to? :keys) && (attrs.respond_to? :[])
- # coerce attrs to a real Hash
- attrs = {}.tap {|accum| attrs.keys.each {|k| accum[k] = attrs[k] } }
- else
- raise ::ArgumentError, %(illegal type for attributes option: #{attrs.class.ancestors.join ' < '})
- end
- if ::File === input
- options[:input_mtime] = input.mtime
- # NOTE defer setting infile and indir until we get a better sense of their purpose
- # TODO cli checks if input path can be read and is file, but might want to add check to API too
- attrs['docfile'] = input_path = ::File.absolute_path input.path
- attrs['docdir'] = ::File.dirname input_path
- attrs['docname'] = Helpers.basename input_path, (attrs['docfilesuffix'] = Helpers.extname input_path)
- source =
- elsif input.respond_to? :read
- # NOTE tty, pipes & sockets can't be rewound, but can't be sniffed easily either
- # just fail the rewind operation silently to handle all cases
- input.rewind rescue nil
- source =
- elsif ::String === input
- source = input
- elsif ::Array === input
- source = input.drop 0
- elsif input
- raise ::ArgumentError, %(unsupported input type: #{input.class})
- end
+ if ::File === input
+ options[:input_mtime] = input.mtime
+ # NOTE defer setting infile and indir until we get a better sense of their purpose
+ # TODO cli checks if input path can be read and is file, but might want to add check to API too
+ attrs['docfile'] = input_path = ::File.absolute_path input.path
+ attrs['docdir'] = ::File.dirname input_path
+ attrs['docname'] = Helpers.basename input_path, (attrs['docfilesuffix'] = Helpers.extname input_path)
+ source =
+ elsif input.respond_to? :read
+ # NOTE tty, pipes & sockets can't be rewound, but can't be sniffed easily either
+ # just fail the rewind operation silently to handle all cases
+ input.rewind rescue nil
+ source =
+ elsif ::String === input
+ source = input
+ elsif ::Array === input
+ source = input.drop 0
+ elsif input
+ raise ::ArgumentError, %(unsupported input type: #{input.class})
+ end
- if timings
- timings.record :read
- timings.start :parse
- end
+ if timings
+ timings.record :read
+ timings.start :parse
+ end
- options[:attributes] = attrs
- doc = options[:parse] == false ? ( source, options) : ( source, options).parse
+ options[:attributes] = attrs
+ doc = options[:parse] == false ? ( source, options) : ( source, options).parse
- timings.record :parse if timings
- doc
- rescue => ex
- begin
- context = %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{attrs['docfile'] || '<stdin>'}: Failed to load AsciiDoc document)
- if ex.respond_to? :exception
- # The original message must be explicitly preserved when wrapping a Ruby exception
- wrapped_ex = ex.exception %(#{context} - #{ex.message})
- # JRuby automatically sets backtrace; MRI did not until 2.6
- wrapped_ex.set_backtrace ex.backtrace
- else
- # Likely a Java exception class
- wrapped_ex = context, ex
- wrapped_ex.stack_trace = ex.stack_trace
+ timings.record :parse if timings
+ doc
+ rescue => ex
+ begin
+ context = %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{attrs['docfile'] || '<stdin>'}: Failed to load AsciiDoc document)
+ if ex.respond_to? :exception
+ # The original message must be explicitly preserved when wrapping a Ruby exception
+ wrapped_ex = ex.exception %(#{context} - #{ex.message})
+ # JRuby automatically sets backtrace; MRI did not until 2.6
+ wrapped_ex.set_backtrace ex.backtrace
+ else
+ # Likely a Java exception class
+ wrapped_ex = context, ex
+ wrapped_ex.stack_trace = ex.stack_trace
+ end
+ rescue
+ wrapped_ex = ex
- rescue
- wrapped_ex = ex
+ raise wrapped_ex
- raise wrapped_ex
- end
- # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document
- #
- # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename
- # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
- # String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
- # See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
- #
- # Returns the Asciidoctor::Document
- def load_file filename, options = {}
-, FILE_READ_MODE) {|file| load file, options }
+ # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document
+ #
+ # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename
+ # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+ # String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+ # See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
+ #
+ # Returns the Asciidoctor::Document
+ def load_file filename, options = {}
+, FILE_READ_MODE) {|file| load file, options }
+ end