lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb in asciidoctor- vs lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.7
- old
+ new
@@ -14,43 +14,45 @@
# gem_name - a Boolean that indicates whether this library is provided by a RubyGem,
# or the String name of the RubyGem if it differs from the library name
# (default: true)
# on_failure - a Symbol that indicates how to handle a load failure (:abort, :warn, :ignore) (default: :abort)
- # returns The return value of Kernel#require if the library is available and can be, or was previously, loaded.
- # Otherwise, Kernel#raise is called with an appropriate message if on_failure is :abort.
- # Otherwise, Kernel#warn is called with an appropriate message and nil returned if on_failure is :warn.
+ # Returns The [Boolean] return value of Kernel#require if the library can be loaded.
+ # Otherwise, if on_failure is :abort, Kernel#raise is called with an appropriate message.
+ # Otherwise, if on_failure is :warn, Kernel#warn is called with an appropriate message and nil returned.
# Otherwise, nil is returned.
def self.require_library name, gem_name = true, on_failure = :abort
require name
rescue ::LoadError => e
+ include Logging unless include? Logging
if gem_name
gem_name = name if gem_name == true
case on_failure
when :abort
raise ::LoadError, %(asciidoctor: FAILED: required gem '#{gem_name}' is not installed. Processing aborted.)
when :warn
- warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: optional gem '#{gem_name}' is not installed. Functionality disabled.)
+ logger.warn %(optional gem '#{gem_name}' is not installed. Functionality disabled.)
case on_failure
when :abort
raise ::LoadError, %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{e.message.chomp '.'}. Processing aborted.)
when :warn
- warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: #{e.message.chomp '.'}. Functionality disabled.)
+ logger.warn %(#{e.message.chomp '.'}. Functionality disabled.)
+ nil
# Public: Normalize the data to prepare for parsing
# Delegates to Helpers#normalize_lines_from_string if data is a String.
# Delegates to Helpers#normalize_lines_array if data is a String Array.
# returns a String Array of normalized lines
def self.normalize_lines data
- data.class == ::String ? (normalize_lines_from_string data) : (normalize_lines_array data)
+ ::String === data ? (normalize_lines_from_string data) : (normalize_lines_array data)
# Public: Normalize the array of lines to prepare them for parsing
# Force encodes the data to UTF-8 and removes trailing whitespace from each line.
@@ -193,16 +195,36 @@
::File.basename filename
- def self.mkdir_p(dir)
+ def self.mkdir_p dir
unless dir
- parent_dir = ::File.dirname(dir)
- if ! = ::File.dirname(dir)) && parent_dir != '.'
- mkdir_p(parent_dir)
+ unless (parent_dir = ::File.dirname dir) == '.'
+ mkdir_p parent_dir
- ::Dir.mkdir(dir)
+ begin
+ ::Dir.mkdir dir
+ rescue ::SystemCallError
+ raise unless dir
+ end
+ end
+ 'M' => 1000, 'CM' => 900, 'D' => 500, 'CD' => 400, 'C' => 100, 'XC' => 90,
+ 'L' => 50, 'XL' => 40, 'X' => 10, 'IX' => 9, 'V' => 5, 'IV' => 4, 'I' => 1
+ }
+ # Converts an integer to a Roman numeral.
+ #
+ # val - the [Integer] value to convert
+ #
+ # Returns the [String] roman numeral for this integer
+ def self.int_to_roman val
+ {|l, i|
+ repeat, val = val.divmod i
+ l * repeat
+ }.join