lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.2 vs lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.3
- old
+ new
@@ -3,28 +3,43 @@
module Helpers
# Internal: Require the specified library using Kernel#require.
# Attempts to load the library specified in the first argument using the
# Kernel#require. Rescues the LoadError if the library is not available and
- # passes a message to Kernel#fail to communicate to the user that processing
- # is being aborted. If a gem_name is specified, the failure message
- # communicates that a required gem is not installed.
+ # passes a message to Kernel#fail if on_failure is :abort or Kernel#warn if
+ # on_failure is :warn to communicate to the user that processing is being
+ # aborted or functionality is disabled, respectively. If a gem_name is
+ # specified, the message communicates that a required gem is not installed.
- # name - the String name of the library to require.
- # gem - a Boolean that indicates whether this library is provided by a RubyGem,
- # or the String name of the RubyGem if it differs from the library name
- # (default: true)
+ # name - the String name of the library to require.
+ # gem_name - a Boolean that indicates whether this library is provided by a RubyGem,
+ # or the String name of the RubyGem if it differs from the library name
+ # (default: true)
+ # on_failure - a Symbol that indicates how to handle a load failure (:abort, :warn, :ignore) (default: :abort)
- # returns the return value of Kernel#require if the library is available,
- # otherwise Kernel#fail is called with an appropriate message.
- def self.require_library name, gem = true
+ # returns The return value of Kernel#require if the library is available and can be, or was previously, loaded.
+ # Otherwise, Kernel#fail is called with an appropriate message if on_failure is :abort.
+ # Otherwise, Kernel#warn is called with an appropriate message and nil returned if on_failure is :warn.
+ # Otherwise, nil is returned.
+ def self.require_library name, gem_name = true, on_failure = :abort
require name
rescue ::LoadError => e
- if gem
- fail %(asciidoctor: FAILED: required gem '#{gem == true ? name : gem}' is not installed. Processing aborted.)
+ if gem_name
+ gem_name = name if gem_name == true
+ case on_failure
+ when :abort
+ fail %(asciidoctor: FAILED: required gem '#{gem_name}' is not installed. Processing aborted.)
+ when :warn
+ warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: optional gem '#{gem_name}' is not installed. Functionality disabled.)
+ end
- fail %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{e.message.chomp '.'}. Processing aborted.)
+ case on_failure
+ when :abort
+ fail %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{e.message.chomp '.'}. Processing aborted.)
+ when :warn
+ warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: #{e.message.chomp '.'}. Functionality disabled.)
+ end
# Public: Normalize the data to prepare for parsing
@@ -107,10 +122,34 @@
end {|line| line.rstrip }
+ # Public: Efficiently checks whether the specified String resembles a URI
+ #
+ # Uses the Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx regex to check whether the String begins
+ # with a URI prefix (e.g., http://). No validation of the URI is performed.
+ #
+ # str - the String to check
+ #
+ # returns true if the String is a URI, false if it is not
+ def self.uriish? str
+ (str.include? ':') && str =~ UriSniffRx
+ end
+ # Public: Efficiently retrieves the URI prefix of the specified String
+ #
+ # Uses the Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx regex to match the URI prefix in the
+ # specified String (e.g., http://), if present.
+ #
+ # str - the String to check
+ #
+ # returns the string URI prefix if the string is a URI, otherwise nil
+ def self.uri_prefix str
+ (str.include? ':') && str =~ UriSniffRx ? $& : nil
+ end
# Matches the characters in a URI to encode
REGEXP_ENCODE_URI_CHARS = /[^\w\-.!~*';:@=+$,()\[\]]/
# Public: Encode a string for inclusion in a URI
@@ -132,11 +171,29 @@
# Helpers.rootname('part1/chapter1.adoc')
# # => "part1/chapter1"
# Returns the String filename with the file extension removed
def self.rootname(file_name)
- # alternatively, this could be written as ::File.basename file_name, ((::File.extname file_name) || '')
(ext = ::File.extname(file_name)).empty? ? file_name : file_name[0...-ext.length]
+ end
+ # Public: Retrieves the basename of the filename, optionally removing the extension, if present
+ #
+ # file_name - The String file name to process
+ # drop_extname - A Boolean flag indicating whether to drop the extension (default: false)
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # Helpers.basename('images/tiger.png', true)
+ # # => "tiger"
+ #
+ # Returns the String filename with leading directories removed and, if specified, the extension removed
+ def self.basename(file_name, drop_extname = false)
+ if drop_extname
+ ::File.basename file_name, ((::File.extname file_name) || '')
+ else
+ ::File.basename file_name
+ end
def self.mkdir_p(dir)
unless dir
parent_dir = ::File.dirname(dir)