lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb in asciidoctor- vs lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+# NOTE .to_s hides require from Opal
+require 'asciidoctor'.to_s unless defined? Asciidoctor
# encoding: UTF-8
module Asciidoctor
# Extensions provide a way to participate in the parsing and converting
# phases of the AsciiDoc processor or extend the AsciiDoc syntax.
@@ -105,41 +108,50 @@
# Use the id attribute to assign an explicit ID or set the value to false to
# disable automatic ID generation (when sectids document attribute is set).
# opts - An optional Hash of options (default: {}):
# :level - [Integer] The level to assign to this section; defaults to
# one greater than the parent level (optional).
- # :numbered - [Boolean] A flag to force numbering, which falls back to the
+ # :numbered - [Boolean] A flag to force numbering, which falls back to the
# state of the sectnums document attribute (optional).
# Returns a [Section] node with all properties properly initialized.
def create_section parent, title, attrs, opts = {}
doc = parent.document
- doctype, level = doc.doctype, (opts[:level] || parent.level + 1)
+ book = (doctype = doc.doctype) == 'book'
+ level = opts[:level] || parent.level + 1
if (style = attrs.delete 'style')
- if style == 'abstract' && doctype == 'book'
+ if book && style == 'abstract'
sectname, level = 'chapter', 1
sectname, special = style, true
level = 1 if level == 0
- elsif doctype == 'book'
- sectname = level == 0 ? 'part' : (level == 1 ? 'chapter' : 'section')
+ elsif book
+ sectname = level == 0 ? 'part' : (level > 1 ? 'section' : 'chapter')
elsif doctype == 'manpage' && (title.casecmp 'synopsis') == 0
sectname, special = 'synopsis', true
sectname = 'section'
- sect = parent, level, false
+ sect = parent, level
sect.title, sect.sectname = title, sectname
if special
sect.special = true
- sect.numbered = true if opts.fetch :numbered, (style == 'appendix')
- elsif opts.fetch :numbered, (level > 0 && (doc.attributes.key? 'sectnums'))
- sect.numbered = sect.special ? (parent.context == :section && parent.numbered) : true
+ if opts.fetch :numbered, (style == 'appendix')
+ sect.numbered = true
+ elsif !(opts.key? :numbered) && (doc.attr? 'sectnums', 'all')
+ sect.numbered = book && level == 1 ? :chapter : true
+ end
+ elsif level > 0
+ if opts.fetch :numbered, (doc.attr? 'sectnums')
+ sect.numbered = sect.special ? parent.numbered && true : true
+ end
+ else
+ sect.numbered = true if opts.fetch :numbered, (book && (doc.attr? 'partnums'))
unless (id = attrs.delete 'id') == false
- = attrs['id'] = id || ((doc.attributes.key? 'sectids') ? (Section.generate_id sect.title, doc) : nil)
+ = attrs['id'] = id || ((doc.attr? 'sectids') ? (Section.generate_id sect.title, doc) : nil)
sect.update_attributes attrs
@@ -150,11 +162,11 @@
# Public: Creates an image block node and links it to the specified parent.
# parent - The parent Block (Block, Section, or Document) of this new image block.
# attrs - A Hash of attributes to control how the image block is built.
# Use the target attribute to set the source of the image.
- # Use the alt attribute to specify an alternate text for the image.
+ # Use the alt attribute to specify an alternative text for the image.
# opts - An optional Hash of options (default: {})
# Returns a [Block] node with all properties properly initialized.
def create_image_block parent, attrs, opts = {}
unless (target = attrs['target'])
@@ -641,17 +653,16 @@
# stored in the registry during parsing.
class Registry
# Public: Returns the {Asciidoctor::Document} on which the extensions in this registry are being used.
attr_reader :document
- # Public: Returns the Array of {Group} classes, instances and/or Procs that have been registered.
+ # Public: Returns the Hash of {Group} classes, instances, and/or Procs that have been registered with this registry.
attr_reader :groups
def initialize groups = {}
@groups = groups
- @preprocessor_extensions = @tree_processor_extensions = @postprocessor_extensions = @include_processor_extensions = @docinfo_processor_extensions = nil
- @block_extensions = @block_macro_extensions = @inline_macro_extensions = nil
+ @preprocessor_extensions = @tree_processor_extensions = @postprocessor_extensions = @include_processor_extensions = @docinfo_processor_extensions = @block_extensions = @block_macro_extensions = @inline_macro_extensions = nil
@document = nil
# Public: Activates all the global extension {Group}s and the extension {Group}s
# associated with this registry.
@@ -659,23 +670,25 @@
# document - the {Asciidoctor::Document} on which the extensions are to be used.
# Returns the instance of this [Registry].
def activate document
@document = document
- (Extensions.groups.values + @groups.values).each do |group|
- case group
- when ::Proc
- case group.arity
- when 0, -1
- instance_exec(&group)
- when 1
- self
+ unless (ext_groups = Extensions.groups.values + @groups.values).empty?
+ ext_groups.each do |group|
+ case group
+ when ::Proc
+ case group.arity
+ when 0, -1
+ instance_exec(&group)
+ when 1
+ self
+ end
+ when ::Class
+ self
+ else
+ group.activate self
- when ::Class
- self
- else
- group.activate self
@@ -703,11 +716,11 @@
# # as a name of a Preprocessor subclass
# preprocessor 'FrontMatterPreprocessor'
# # as a method block
# preprocessor do
- # process |doc, reader|
+ # process do |doc, reader|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns the [Extension] stored in the registry that proxies the
@@ -755,11 +768,11 @@
# # as a name of a TreeProcessor subclass
# tree_processor 'ShellTreeProcessor'
# # as a method block
# tree_processor do
- # process |document|
+ # process do |document|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns the [Extension] stored in the registry that proxies the
@@ -812,11 +825,11 @@
# # as a name of a Postprocessor subclass
# postprocessor 'AnalyticsPostprocessor'
# # as a method block
# postprocessor do
- # process |document, output|
+ # process do |document, output|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns the [Extension] stored in the registry that proxies the
@@ -864,11 +877,11 @@
# # as a name of a Postprocessor subclass
# include_processor 'GitIncludeProcessor'
# # as a method block
# include_processor do
- # process |document, output|
+ # process do |document, output|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns the [Extension] stored in the registry that proxies the
@@ -916,11 +929,11 @@
# # as a name of a DocinfoProcessor subclass
# docinfo_processor 'MetaRobotsDocinfoProcessor'
# # as a method block
# docinfo_processor do
- # process |doc|
+ # process do |doc|
# at_location :footer
# 'footer content'
# end
# end
@@ -1005,18 +1018,18 @@
# block 'ShoutBlock', :shout
# # as a method block
# block do
# named :shout
- # process |parent, reader, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, reader, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# # as a method block with an explicit block name
# block :shout do
- # process |parent, reader, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, reader, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns an instance of the [Extension] proxy object that is stored in the
@@ -1094,18 +1107,18 @@
# block_macro 'GistBlockMacro', :gist
# # as a method block
# block_macro do
# named :gist
- # process |parent, target, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, target, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# # as a method block with an explicit macro name
# block_macro :gist do
- # process |parent, target, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, target, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns an instance of the [Extension] proxy object that is stored in the
@@ -1166,11 +1179,11 @@
# # as an InlineMacroProcessor subclass
# inline_macro ChromeInlineMacro
# # as an InlineMacroProcessor subclass with an explicit macro name
- # inline_macro ChromeInineMacro, :chrome
+ # inline_macro ChromeInlineMacro, :chrome
# # as an instance of an InlineMacroProcessor subclass
# inline_macro
# # as an instance of an InlineMacroProcessor subclass with an explicit macro name
@@ -1178,23 +1191,23 @@
# # as a name of an InlineMacroProcessor subclass
# inline_macro 'ChromeInlineMacro'
# # as a name of an InlineMacroProcessor subclass with an explicit macro name
- # inline_macro 'ChromeInineMacro', :chrome
+ # inline_macro 'ChromeInlineMacro', :chrome
# # as a method block
# inline_macro do
# named :chrome
- # process |parent, target, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, target, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# # as a method block with an explicit macro name
# inline_macro :chrome do
- # process |parent, target, attrs|
+ # process do |parent, target, attrs|
# ...
# end
# end
# Returns an instance of the [Extension] proxy object that is stored in the
@@ -1475,19 +1488,38 @@
# Public: Resolves the Class object for the qualified name.
# Returns Class
- def class_for_name qualified_name
- resolved = ::Object
- (qualified_name.split '::').each do |name|
- unless name.empty? || ((resolved.const_defined? name) && ::Module === (resolved = resolved.const_get name))
- raise ::NameError, %(Could not resolve class for name: #{qualified_name})
+ def class_for_name qualified_name
+ resolved = ::Object.const_get qualified_name, false
+ raise unless ::Class === resolved
+ resolved
+ rescue
+ raise ::NameError, %(Could not resolve class for name: #{qualified_name})
+ end
+ elsif RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9
+ def class_for_name qualified_name
+ resolved = (qualified_name.split '::').reduce ::Object do |current, name|
+ name.empty? ? current : (current.const_get name, false)
+ raise unless ::Class === resolved
+ resolved
+ rescue
+ raise ::NameError, %(Could not resolve class for name: #{qualified_name})
- raise ::NameError, %(Could not resolve class for name: #{qualified_name}) unless ::Class === resolved
- resolved
+ else
+ def class_for_name qualified_name
+ resolved = (qualified_name.split '::').reduce ::Object do |current, name|
+ # NOTE on Ruby 1.8, const_defined? only checks for constant in current scope
+ name.empty? ? current : ((current.const_defined? name) ? (current.const_get name) : raise)
+ end
+ raise unless ::Class === resolved
+ resolved
+ rescue
+ raise ::NameError, %(Could not resolve class for name: #{qualified_name})
+ end