lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb in asciidoctor- vs lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb in asciidoctor-1.5.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
module Asciidoctor
class AbstractBlock < AbstractNode
- # Public: The types of content that this block can accomodate
- attr_accessor :content_model
- # Public: Substitutions to be applied to content in this block
- attr_reader :subs
# Public: Get the Array of Asciidoctor::AbstractBlock sub-blocks for this block
attr_reader :blocks
- # Public: Set the Integer level of this Section or the Section level in which this Block resides
- attr_accessor :level
- # Public: Get/Set the String style (block type qualifier) for this block.
- attr_accessor :style
# Public: Set the caption for this block
attr_writer :caption
+ # Public: The types of content that this block can accomodate
+ attr_accessor :content_model
+ # Public: Set the Integer level of this Section or the Section level in which this Block resides
+ attr_accessor :level
# Public: Get/Set the number of this block (if section, relative to parent, otherwise absolute)
# Only assigned to section if automatic section numbering is enabled
# Only assigned to formal block (block with title) if corresponding caption attribute is present
attr_accessor :number
# Public: Gets/Sets the location in the AsciiDoc source where this block begins
attr_accessor :source_location
+ # Public: Get/Set the String style (block type qualifier) for this block.
+ attr_accessor :style
+ # Public: Substitutions to be applied to content in this block
+ attr_reader :subs
def initialize parent, context, opts = {}
@content_model = :compound
@blocks = []
@subs = []
@@ -50,19 +50,20 @@
def inline?
- # Public: Update the context of this block.
- #
- # This method changes the context of this block. It also
- # updates the node name accordingly.
- def context=(context)
- @context = context
- @node_name = context.to_s
+ # Public: Get the source file where this block started
+ def file
+ @source_location && @source_location.file
+ # Public: Get the source line number where this block started
+ def lineno
+ @source_location && @source_location.lineno
+ end
# Public: Get the converted String content for this Block. If the block
# has child blocks, the content method should cause them to be
# converted and returned as content that can be included in the
# parent block's template.
def convert
@@ -77,153 +78,21 @@
# children appropriate to content model that this block supports.
def content {|b| b.convert } * LF
- # Public: Get the source file where this block started
- def file
- @source_location ? @source_location.file : nil
- end
- # Public: Get the source line number where this block started
- def lineno
- @source_location ? @source_location.lineno : nil
- end
- # Public: A convenience method that checks whether the specified
- # substitution is enabled for this block.
+ # Public: Update the context of this block.
- # name - The Symbol substitution name
+ # This method changes the context of this block. It also updates the node name accordingly.
- # Returns A Boolean indicating whether the specified substitution is
- # enabled for this block
- def sub? name
- @subs.include? name
- end
- # Public: A convenience method that checks whether the title of this block is defined.
+ # context - the context Symbol context to assign to this block
- # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether this block has a title.
- def title?
- @title ? true : false
+ # Returns the new context Symbol assigned to this block
+ def context= context
+ @node_name = (@context = context).to_s
- # Public: Get the String title of this Block with title substitions applied
- #
- # The following substitutions are applied to block and section titles:
- #
- # :specialcharacters, :quotes, :replacements, :macros, :attributes and :post_replacements
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # block.title = "Foo 3^ # {two-colons} Bar(1)"
- # block.title
- # => "Foo 3^ # :: Bar(1)"
- #
- # Returns the converted String title for this Block, or nil if the source title is falsy
- def title
- # prevent substitutions from being applied to title multiple times
- @title_converted ? @converted_title : (@converted_title = (@title_converted = true) && @title && (apply_title_subs @title))
- end
- # Public: Set the String block title.
- #
- # Returns the new String title assigned to this Block
- def title= val
- @title, @title_converted = val, nil
- end
- # Gets the caption for this block.
- #
- # This method routes the deprecated use of the caption method on an
- # admonition block to the textlabel attribute.
- #
- # Returns the [String] caption for this block (or the value of the textlabel
- # attribute if this is an admonition block).
- def caption
- @context == :admonition ? @attributes['textlabel'] : @caption
- end
- # Public: Convenience method that returns the interpreted title of the Block
- # with the caption prepended.
- #
- # Concatenates the value of this Block's caption instance variable and the
- # return value of this Block's title method. No space is added between the
- # two values. If the Block does not have a caption, the interpreted title is
- # returned.
- #
- # Returns the converted String title prefixed with the caption, or just the
- # converted String title if no caption is set
- def captioned_title
- %(#{@caption}#{title})
- end
- # Public: Returns the converted alt text for this block image.
- #
- # Returns the [String] value of the alt attribute with XML special character
- # and replacement substitutions applied.
- def alt
- if (text = @attributes['alt'])
- if text == @attributes['default-alt']
- sub_specialchars text
- else
- text = sub_specialchars text
- (ReplaceableTextRx.match? text) ? (sub_replacements text) : text
- end
- end
- end
- # Public: Generate cross reference text (xreftext) that can be used to refer
- # to this block.
- #
- # Use the explicit reftext for this block, if specified, retrieved from the
- # {#reftext} method. Otherwise, if this is a section or captioned block (a
- # block with both a title and caption), generate the xreftext according to
- # the value of the xrefstyle argument (e.g., full, short). This logic may
- # leverage the {Substitutors#sub_quotes} method to apply formatting to the
- # text. If this is not a captioned block, return the title, if present, or
- # nil otherwise.
- #
- # xrefstyle - An optional String that specifies the style to use to format
- # the xreftext ('full', 'short', or 'basic') (default: nil).
- #
- # Returns the generated [String] xreftext used to refer to this block or
- # nothing if there isn't sufficient information to generate one.
- def xreftext xrefstyle = nil
- if (val = reftext) && !val.empty?
- val
- # NOTE xrefstyle only applies to blocks with a title and a caption or number
- elsif xrefstyle && @title && @caption
- case xrefstyle
- when 'full'
- quoted_title = sprintf sub_quotes(@document.compat_mode ? %q(``%s'') : '"`%s`"'), title
- if @number && (prefix = @document.attributes[@context == :image ? 'figure-caption' : %(#{@context}-caption)])
- %(#{prefix} #{@number}, #{quoted_title})
- else
- %(#{@caption.chomp '. '}, #{quoted_title})
- end
- when 'short'
- if @number && (prefix = @document.attributes[@context == :image ? 'figure-caption' : %(#{@context}-caption)])
- %(#{prefix} #{@number})
- else
- @caption.chomp '. '
- end
- else # 'basic'
- title
- end
- else
- title
- end
- end
- # Public: Determine whether this Block contains block content
- #
- # Returns A Boolean indicating whether this Block has block content
- def blocks?
- !@blocks.empty?
- end
# Public: Append a content block to this block's list of blocks.
# block - The new child block.
# Examples
@@ -237,43 +106,23 @@
# block.blocks.size
# # => 2
# Returns The parent Block
def << block
- # parent assignment pending refactor
- #block.parent = self
+ block.parent = self unless block.parent == self
@blocks << block
# NOTE append alias required for adapting to a Java API
alias append <<
- # Public: Get the Array of child Section objects
+ # Public: Determine whether this Block contains block content
- # Only applies to Document and Section instances
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # doc << (sect1 = doc, 1, false)
- # sect1.title = 'Section 1'
- # para1 = sect1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 1'
- # para2 = sect1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 2'
- # sect1 << para1 << para2
- # sect1 << (sect1_1 = sect1, 2, false)
- # sect1_1.title = 'Section 1.1'
- # sect1_1 << ( sect1_1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 3')
- # sect1.blocks?
- # # => true
- # sect1.blocks.size
- # # => 3
- # sect1.sections.size
- # # => 1
- #
- # Returns an [Array] of Section objects
- def sections
- {|block| block.context == :section }
+ # Returns A Boolean indicating whether this Block has block content
+ def blocks?
+ !@blocks.empty?
# Public: Check whether this block has any child Section objects.
# Only applies to Document and Section instances
@@ -281,41 +130,10 @@
# Returns A [Boolean] to indicate whether this block has child Section objects
def sections?
@next_section_index > 0
-# stage the Enumerable mixin until we're sure we've got it right
- include ::Enumerable
- # Public: Yield the block on this block node and all its descendant
- # block node children to satisfy the Enumerable contract.
- #
- # Returns nothing
- def each &block
- # yucky, dlist is a special case
- if @context == :dlist
- @blocks.flatten.each &block
- else
- #yield self.header if @context == :document && header?
- @blocks.each &block
- end
- end
- #--
- # TODO is there a way to make this lazy?
- def each_recursive &block
- block = lambda {|node| node } unless block_given?
- results = []
- self.each do |node|
- results <<
- results.concat(node.each_recursive(&block)) if ::Enumerable === node
- end
- block_given? ? results : results.to_enum
- end
# Public: Query for all descendant block-level nodes in the document tree
# that match the specified selector (context, style, id, and/or role). If a
# Ruby block is given, it's used as an additional filter. If no selector or
# Ruby block is supplied, all block-level nodes in the tree are returned.
@@ -375,28 +193,192 @@
alias query find_by
# Move to the next adjacent block in document order. If the current block is the last
# item in a list, this method will return the following sibling of the list block.
def next_adjacent_block
(sib = (p = parent).blocks[(p.blocks.find_index self) + 1]) ? sib : p.next_adjacent_block unless @context == :document
+ # Public: Get the Array of child Section objects
+ #
+ # Only applies to Document and Section instances
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # doc << (sect1 = doc, 1)
+ # sect1.title = 'Section 1'
+ # para1 = sect1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 1'
+ # para2 = sect1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 2'
+ # sect1 << para1 << para2
+ # sect1 << (sect1_1 = sect1, 2)
+ # sect1_1.title = 'Section 1.1'
+ # sect1_1 << ( sect1_1, :paragraph, :source => 'Paragraph 3')
+ # sect1.blocks?
+ # # => true
+ # sect1.blocks.size
+ # # => 3
+ # sect1.sections.size
+ # # => 1
+ #
+ # Returns an [Array] of Section objects
+ def sections
+ {|block| block.context == :section }
+ end
+ # Public: Returns the converted alt text for this block image.
+ #
+ # Returns the [String] value of the alt attribute with XML special character
+ # and replacement substitutions applied.
+ def alt
+ if (text = @attributes['alt'])
+ if text == @attributes['default-alt']
+ sub_specialchars text
+ else
+ text = sub_specialchars text
+ (ReplaceableTextRx.match? text) ? (sub_replacements text) : text
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Gets the caption for this block.
+ #
+ # This method routes the deprecated use of the caption method on an
+ # admonition block to the textlabel attribute.
+ #
+ # Returns the [String] caption for this block (or the value of the textlabel
+ # attribute if this is an admonition block).
+ def caption
+ @context == :admonition ? @attributes['textlabel'] : @caption
+ end
+ # Public: Convenience method that returns the interpreted title of the Block
+ # with the caption prepended.
+ #
+ # Concatenates the value of this Block's caption instance variable and the
+ # return value of this Block's title method. No space is added between the
+ # two values. If the Block does not have a caption, the interpreted title is
+ # returned.
+ #
+ # Returns the converted String title prefixed with the caption, or just the
+ # converted String title if no caption is set
+ def captioned_title
+ %(#{@caption}#{title})
+ end
+ # Public: Retrieve the list marker keyword for the specified list type.
+ #
+ # For use in the HTML type attribute.
+ #
+ # list_type - the type of list; default to the @style if not specified
+ #
+ # Returns the single-character [String] keyword that represents the marker for the specified list type
+ def list_marker_keyword list_type = nil
+ ORDERED_LIST_KEYWORDS[list_type || @style]
+ end
+ # Public: Get the String title of this Block with title substitions applied
+ #
+ # The following substitutions are applied to block and section titles:
+ #
+ # :specialcharacters, :quotes, :replacements, :macros, :attributes and :post_replacements
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # block.title = "Foo 3^ # {two-colons} Bar(1)"
+ # block.title
+ # => "Foo 3^ # :: Bar(1)"
+ #
+ # Returns the converted String title for this Block, or nil if the source title is falsy
+ def title
+ # prevent substitutions from being applied to title multiple times
+ @title_converted ? @converted_title : (@converted_title = (@title_converted = true) && @title && (apply_title_subs @title))
+ end
+ # Public: A convenience method that checks whether the title of this block is defined.
+ #
+ # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether this block has a title.
+ def title?
+ @title ? true : false
+ end
+ # Public: Set the String block title.
+ #
+ # Returns the new String title assigned to this Block
+ def title= val
+ @title, @title_converted = val, nil
+ end
+ # Public: A convenience method that checks whether the specified
+ # substitution is enabled for this block.
+ #
+ # name - The Symbol substitution name
+ #
+ # Returns A Boolean indicating whether the specified substitution is
+ # enabled for this block
+ def sub? name
+ @subs.include? name
+ end
# Public: Remove a substitution from this block
# sub - The Symbol substitution name
# Returns nothing
def remove_sub sub
@subs.delete sub
+ # Public: Generate cross reference text (xreftext) that can be used to refer
+ # to this block.
+ #
+ # Use the explicit reftext for this block, if specified, retrieved from the
+ # {#reftext} method. Otherwise, if this is a section or captioned block (a
+ # block with both a title and caption), generate the xreftext according to
+ # the value of the xrefstyle argument (e.g., full, short). This logic may
+ # leverage the {Substitutors#sub_quotes} method to apply formatting to the
+ # text. If this is not a captioned block, return the title, if present, or
+ # nil otherwise.
+ #
+ # xrefstyle - An optional String that specifies the style to use to format
+ # the xreftext ('full', 'short', or 'basic') (default: nil).
+ #
+ # Returns the generated [String] xreftext used to refer to this block or
+ # nothing if there isn't sufficient information to generate one.
+ def xreftext xrefstyle = nil
+ if (val = reftext) && !val.empty?
+ val
+ # NOTE xrefstyle only applies to blocks with a title and a caption or number
+ elsif xrefstyle && @title && @caption
+ case xrefstyle
+ when 'full'
+ quoted_title = sprintf sub_quotes(@document.compat_mode ? %q(``%s'') : '"`%s`"'), title
+ if @number && (prefix = @document.attributes[@context == :image ? 'figure-caption' : %(#{@context}-caption)])
+ %(#{prefix} #{@number}, #{quoted_title})
+ else
+ %(#{@caption.chomp '. '}, #{quoted_title})
+ end
+ when 'short'
+ if @number && (prefix = @document.attributes[@context == :image ? 'figure-caption' : %(#{@context}-caption)])
+ %(#{prefix} #{@number})
+ else
+ @caption.chomp '. '
+ end
+ else # 'basic'
+ title
+ end
+ else
+ title
+ end
+ end
# Public: Generate and assign caption to block if not already assigned.
# If the block has a title and a caption prefix is available for this block,
# then build a caption from this information, assign it a number and store it
# to the caption attribute on the block.
@@ -419,45 +401,40 @@
- # Internal: Assign the next index (0-based) and number (1-based) to the section
+ # Internal: Assign the next index (0-based) and numeral (1-based) to the section.
+ # If the section is an appendix, the numeral is a letter (starting with A). This
+ # method also assigns the appendix caption.
+ # section - The section to which to assign the next index and numeral.
+ #
# Assign to the specified section the next index and, if the section is
- # numbered, number within this block (its parent).
+ # numbered, the numeral within this block (its parent).
# Returns nothing
- def enumerate_section section
+ def assign_numeral section
@next_section_index = (section.index = @next_section_index) + 1
- if (sectname = section.sectname) == 'appendix'
- section.number = @document.counter 'appendix-number', 'A'
- if (caption = @document.attributes['appendix-caption'])
- section.caption = %(#{caption} #{section.number}: )
+ if (like = section.numbered)
+ if (sectname = section.sectname) == 'appendix'
+ section.number = @document.counter 'appendix-number', 'A'
+ if (caption = @document.attributes['appendix-caption'])
+ section.caption = %(#{caption} #{section.number}: )
+ else
+ section.caption = %(#{section.number}. )
+ end
+ # NOTE currently chapters in a book doctype are sequential even for multi-part books (see #979)
+ elsif sectname == 'chapter' || like == :chapter
+ section.number = @document.counter 'chapter-number', 1
- section.caption = %(#{section.number}. )
+ @next_section_number = (section.number = @next_section_number) + 1
- # NOTE currently chapters in a book doctype are sequential even for multi-part books (see #979)
- elsif sectname == 'chapter'
- section.number = @document.counter 'chapter-number', 1
- else
- @next_section_number = (section.number = @next_section_number) + 1
- end if section.numbered
+ end
- # Public: Retrieve the list marker keyword for the specified list type.
- #
- # For use in the HTML type attribute.
- #
- # list_type - the type of list; default to the @style if not specified
- #
- # Returns the single-character [String] keyword that represents the marker for the specified list type
- def list_marker_keyword list_type = nil
- ORDERED_LIST_KEYWORDS[list_type || @style]
- end
# Internal: Reassign the section indexes
# Walk the descendents of the current Document or Section
# and reassign the section 0-based index value to each Section
# as it appears in document order.
@@ -469,12 +446,43 @@
def reindex_sections
@next_section_index = 0
@next_section_number = 1
@blocks.each do |block|
if block.context == :section
- enumerate_section block
+ assign_numeral block
+# stage the Enumerable mixin until we're sure we've got it right
+ include ::Enumerable
+ # Public: Yield the block on this block node and all its descendant
+ # block node children to satisfy the Enumerable contract.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing
+ def each &block
+ # yucky, dlist is a special case
+ if @context == :dlist
+ @blocks.flatten.each &block
+ else
+ #yield self.header if @context == :document && header?
+ @blocks.each &block
+ end
+ end
+ #--
+ # TODO is there a way to make this lazy?
+ def each_recursive &block
+ block = lambda {|node| node } unless block_given?
+ results = []
+ self.each do |node|
+ results <<
+ results.concat(node.each_recursive(&block)) if ::Enumerable === node
+ end
+ block_given? ? results : results.to_enum
+ end