CHANGELOG.adoc in asciidoctor-2.0.0.rc.2 vs CHANGELOG.adoc in asciidoctor-2.0.0.rc.3
- old
+ new
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{uri-asciidoctor}[Asciidoctor] is a _fast_, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting {uri-asciidoc}[AsciiDoc] content into HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats.
This document provides a high-level view of the changes introduced in Asciidoctor by release.
For a detailed view of what has changed, refer to the {uri-repo}/commits/master[commit history] on GitHub.
-== 2.0.0.rc.2 (2019-03-12) - @mojavelinux
+== 2.0.0.rc.3 (2019-03-21) - @mojavelinux
Enhancements / Compliance::
* drop support for Ruby < 2.3 and JRuby < 9.1 and remove workarounds (#2764)
* drop support for Slim < 3 (#2998)
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* allow icontype to be set using icons attribute (#2953)
* when using a server-side syntax highlighter, highlight content of source block even if source language is not set (#3027)
* remove the 2-character (i.e., `""`) quote block syntax
* don't allow block role to inherit from document attribute; only look for role in block attributes (#1944)
* split out functionality of -w CLI flag (script warnings) from -v CLI flag (verbose logging) (#3030)
- * log possible invalid references at debug level (#3030)
+ * log possible invalid references at info level (#3030)
+ * log dropped lines at info level when attribute-missing=drop-line (#2861)
* use the third argument of AbstractNode#attr / AbstractNode#attr? to set the name of a fallback attribute to look for on the document (#1934)
* change default value of third argument to Abstractnode#attr / AbstractNode#attr? to nil so attribute doesn't inherit by default (#3059)
* look for table-frame, table-grid, and table-stripes attributes on document as fallback for frame, grid, and stripes attributes on table (#3059)
* always assume the target of a shorthand interdocument xref is a reference to an AsciiDoc document (source-to-source) (#3021)
* if the target of a formal xref macro has a file extension, assume it's a path reference (#3021)
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* modify Cell class to extend from AbstractBlock instead of AbstractNode (#2963)
* implement block? and inline? methods on Column, both which return false (#2963)
* drop verse table cell style (treat as normal table cell) (#3111)
* allow negated subs to be specified on inline pass macro (#2191)
* log warning if footnoteref macro is found and compat mode is not enabled (#3114)
+ * log info message if inline macro processor returns a String value (#3176)
+ * apply subs to Inline node returned by inline macro processor if subs attribute is specified (#3178)
+ * add create_inline_pass helper method to base extension processor class (#3178)
* log debug message instead of warning if block style is unknown (#3092)
* allow backend to delegate to a registered backend using the syntax synthetic:delegate when using custom templates (e.g., slides:html) (#891)
* AbstractBlock#find_by looks inside AsciiDoc table cells if traverse_documents selector option is true (#3101)
* AbstractBlock#find_by finds table cells, which can be selected using the :table_cell context in the selector (#2524)
* allow ampersand to be used in e-mail address (#2553)
* propogate ID assigned to inline passthrough (#2912)
+ * rename control keywords in find_by to better align with the standard NodeFilter terminology
+ * stop find_by iteration if filter block returns :stop directive
+ * rename header_footer option to standalone (while still honoring header_footer for backwards compatibility) (#1444)
+ * replace anchors and xrefs before footnotes (replace footnotes last in macros substitution group)
+ * apply substitution for custom inline macro before all other macros
+ * drop indexterms table from document catalog (in preparation for solution to #450 in a 2.x release)
+ * load additional languages for highlight.js as defined in the comma-separated highlightjs-languages attribute (#3036)
+ * log warning if conditional expression in ifeval directive is invalid (#3161)
+ * drop lines that contain an invalid preprocessor directive (#3161)
+ * rename AbstractBlock#find_by directives; use :prune in place of :skip_children and :reject in place of :skip
+ * convert example block into details/summary tag set if collapsible option is set; open by default if open option is set (#1699)
* propagate document ID to DocBook output (#3011)
+ * always store section numeral as string; compute roman numeral for part at assignment time (@vmj)
* refactor code to use modern Hash syntax
* define LIB_DIR constant; rename *_PATH constants to *_DIR constants to be consistent with RubyGems terminology (#2764)
* only define ROOT_DIR if not already defined (for compatibility with Asciidoctor.js)
* move custom docinfo content in footer below built-in docinfo content in footer in HTML converter (#3017)
* read and write files using File methods instead of IO methods (#2995)
* value comparison in AbstractNode#attr? is only performed if expected value is truthy
* align default CodeRay style with style for other syntax highlighters (#2106)
* ensure linenos class is added to linenos column when source highlighter is pygments and pygments-css=style
* rename CSS class of Pygments line numbering table to linenotable (to align with Rouge) (#1040)
* remove unused Converter#convert_with_options method (#2891)
+ * add -e, --embedded CLI flag as alias for -s, --no-header-footer (require long option to specify eRuby impl) (#1444)
* don't store the options attribute on the block once the options are parsed (#3051)
* add an options method on AbstractNode to retrieve the set of option names (#3051)
* pass :input_mtime option to Document constructor; let Document constructor assign docdate/time/year attributes (#3029)
* never mutate strings; add a `frozen_string_literal: true` magic comment to top of all Ruby source files (#3054)
* always use docdate and doctime to compute docyear and docdatetime (#3064)
* rename PreprocessorReader#exceeded_max_depth? to PreprocessorReader#exceeds_max_depth? and return nil if includes are disabled
+ * log warning when include directive is not resolved due to missing attribute or blank target; always include warning in output (#2868)
+ * honor attribute-missing setting when processing include directives and block macros (#2855)
* stop populating :ids table in document catalog (#3084)
* always use :refs table in document catalog to look for registered IDs (#3084)
* don't compute and store reference text in document catalog (#3084)
* populate reference text table lazily for resolving ID by reference text (#3084)
* don't store fallback reference text on :bibref node (#3085)
* call AbstractNode#reftext instead of AbstractNode#text to retrieve reference text for bibref node (#3085)
* only map unparsed attrlist of inline macro to target when format is short
* add clearer exception message when source data is binary or has invalid encoding (#2884)
* rename context for table cell and table column to :table_cell and :table_column, respectively
* rename hardbreaks document attribute to hardbreaks-option; retain hardbreaks as a deprecated alias (#3123)
+ * extend TLD for implicit e-mail addresses to 5 characters (#3154)
* truncate with precision (instead of rounding) when computing absolute width for columns in DocBook output (#3131)
* drop legacy LaTeX math delimiters (e.g, `$..$`) if present (#1339)
+ * use proper terminology in warning message about mismatched preprocessor directive (#3165)
* upgrade MathJax to 2.7.5
Bug Fixes::
* fix crash caused by inline passthrough macro with the macros sub clearing the remaining passthrough placeholders (#3089)
+ * fix crash if ifeval directive is missing expression (#3164)
+ * prevent relative leveloffset from making section level negative and causing hang (#3152)
* don't fail to parse Markdown-style quote block that only contains attribution line (#2989)
* enforce rule that Setext section title must have at least one alphanumeric character; fixes problem w/ block nested inside quote block (#3060)
* apply header subs to doctitle value when assigning it back to the doctitle document attribute (#3106)
* don't fail if value of pygments-style attribute is not recognized; gracefully fallback to default style (#2106)
* do not alter the $LOAD_PATH (#2764)
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* check if type is defined in a way that's compatible with autoload
* fix invalid check for DSL in extension class (previously always returned true)
* scope constant lookups (#2764)
* use byteslice instead of slice to remove BOM from string (#2764)
* don't fail if value of -a CLI option is empty string or equals sign (#2997)
- * allow failure level to be set to DEBUG
+ * allow failure level of CLI to be set to info
* Reader#push_include should not fail if data is nil
* fix deprecated ERB trim mode that was causing warning (#3006)
* move time anchor after query string on vimeo video to avoid dropping options
* allow color for generic text, line numbers, and line number border to inherit from Pygments style (#2106)
* enforce and report relative include depth properly (depth=0 rather than depth=1 disables nested includes)
* allow outfilesuffix to be soft set from API (#2640)
* don't split paragraphs in table cell at line that resolves to blank if adjacent to other non-blank lines (#2963)
* initialize the level to WARN when instantiating the NullLogger
+ * next_adjacent_block should not fail when called on dlist item (#3133)
+ * don't suppress browser styles for summary tag; add pointer cursor and panel margin bottom (#3155)
+ * only consider TLDs in e-mail address that have ASCII alpha characters
+ * allow underscore in domain of e-mail address
Build / Infrastructure::
* clear SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH env var when testing timezones (PR #2969) (*@aerostitch*)
* remove compat folder (removes the AsciiDoc Python config file that provides pseudo-compliance with Asciidoctor and a stylesheet for an old Font Awesome migration)
* add Ruby 2.6.0 to build matrix
* stop running CI job on unsupported versions of Ruby
* exclude test suite, build script, and Gemfile from gem (#3044)
+ * split build tasks out into individual files
// tag::compact[]
== 1.5.8 (2018-10-28) - @mojavelinux