CHANGELOG.adoc in asciidoctor-1.5.3 vs CHANGELOG.adoc in asciidoctor-1.5.4
- old
+ new
@@ -9,25 +9,86 @@
{uri-asciidoctor}[Asciidoctor] is a _fast_, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting {uri-asciidoc}[AsciiDoc] content into HTML5, DocBook 5 (or 4.5) and other formats.
This document provides a high-level view of the changes introduced in Asciidoctor by release.
For a detailed view of what has changed, refer to the[commit history] on GitHub.
+// tag::compact[]
+== 1.5.4 (2016-01-03) - @mojavelinux
+ * translate README into French (@anthonny, @mogztter, @gscheibel, @mgreau) (#1630)
+ * allow linkstyle in manpage output to be configured (#1610)
+ * upgrade to MathJax 2.6.0 and disable loading messages
+ * upgrade to Font Awesome 4.5.0
+ * disable toc if document has no sections (#1633)
+ * convert inline asciimath to MathML (using asciimath gem) in DocBook converter (#1622)
+ * add attribute to control build reproducibility (@bk2204) (#1453)
+ * recognize \file:/// as a file root in Opal browser env (#1561)
+ * honor icon attribute on admonition block when font-based icons are enabled (@robertpanzer) (#1593)
+ * resolve custom icon relative to iconsdir; add file extension if absent (#1634)
+ * allow asciidoctor cli to resolve library path when invoked without leading ./
+ * allow special section to be nested at any depth (#1591)
+ * ensure colpcwidth values add up to 100%; increase precision of values to 4 decimal places (#1647)
+ * ignore blank cols attribute on table (#1647)
+ * support shorthand syntax for block attributes on document title (#1650)
+Bug fixes::
+ * don't include default toc in AsciiDoc table cell; don't pass toc location attributes to nested document (#1582)
+ * guard against nil dlist list item in find_by (#1618)
+ * don't swallow trailing line when include file is not readable (#1602)
+ * change xlink namespace to xl in DocBook 5 output to prevent parse error (#1597)
+ * make callouts globally unique within document, including AsciiDoc table cells (#1626)
+ * initialize Slim-related attributes regardless of when Slim was loaded (@terceiro) (#1576)
+ * differentiate literal backslash from escape sequence in manpage output (@ds26gte) (#1604)
+ * don't mistake line beginning with \. for troff macro in manpage output (@ds26gte) (#1589)
+ * escape leading dots so user content doesn't trigger troff macros in manpage output (@ds26gte) (#1631)
+ * use \c after .URL macro to remove extraneous space in manpage output (@ds26gte) (#1590)
+ * fix missing endline after .URL macro in manpage output (#1613)
+ * properly handle spacing around .URL/.MTO macro in manpage output (@ds26gte) (#1641)
+ * don't swallow doctitle attribute followed by block title (#1587)
+ * change strategy for splitting names of author; fixes bug in Opal/Asciidoctor.js
+ * don't fail if library is loaded more than once
+ * remove trailing endlines in project source code
+ * update contributing guidelines
+ * explicitly test ifeval scenario raised in issue #1585
+ * remove backreference substitution hack for Opal/Asciidoctor.js
+ * fix assignment of default Hash value for Opal/Asciidoctor.js
+ * add JRuby and Ruby 2.3.0 to the Travis CI build matrix
+Distribution Packages::
+ *[RubyGem (asciidoctor)]
+ *[Fedora (rubygem-asciidoctor)]
+ *[Debian (asciidoctor)]
+ *[Ubuntu (asciidoctor)]
+[issues resolved] |
+[git tag] |
+[full diff]
== 1.5.3 (2015-10-31) - @mojavelinux
* add support for interactive & inline SVGs (#1301, #1224)
* add built-in manpage backend (@davidgamba) (#651)
* create Mallard backend; asciidoctor/asciidoctor-mallard (@bk2204) (#425)
* add AsciiMath to MathML converter to support AsciiMath in DocBook converter (@pepijnve) (#954)
* allow text of selected lines to be highlighted in source block by Pygments or CodeRay (#1429)
* use value of `docinfo` attribute to control docinfo behavior (#1510)
* add `docinfosubs` attribute to control which substitutions are performed on docinfo files (@mogztter) (#405)
- * add title accessor as alias to main on Document::Title (@rmannibucau) (#1350)
+ * drop ability to specify multiple attributes with a single `-a` flag when using the CLI (@mogztter) (#405)
+ * make subtitle separator chars for document title configurable (@rmannibucau) (#1350)
* make XrefInlineRx regexp more permissive (Mathieu Boespflug) (#844)
- * load JavaScript and CSS at the end of HTML document (@mogztter) (#1238)
+ * load JavaScript and CSS at bottom of HTML document (@mogztter) (#1238)
* list available backends in help text (@plaindocs) (#1271)
* properly expand tabs in literal text (#1170, #841)
* add `source-indent` as document attribute (@mogztter) (#1169)
* upgrade MathJax to 2.5.3 (#1329)
* upgrade Font Awesome to 4.4.0 (@mogztter) (#1465)
@@ -61,11 +122,11 @@
* introduce helper methods for sniffing URIs (#1422)
* add helper to calculate basename without file extension
* document `-I` and `-r` options in the manual page (@bk2204)
* fix `+--help+` output text for `-I` (@bk2204)
* don't require open-uri-cached if already loaded
- * do not attempt to scan pattern of non-existent directory
+ * do not attempt to scan pattern of non-existent directory in template converter
* use `<sup>` for footnote reference in text instead of `<span>` (#1523)
* fix alignment of wrapped text in footnote (#1524)
* include full stop after footnote number in embeddable HTML
@@ -168,10 +229,11 @@
*[Ubuntu (asciidoctor)][issues resolved] |[git tag] |[full diff]
+// end::compact[]
== 1.5.1 (2014-09-29) - @mojavelinux
Bug fixes::
@@ -252,11 +314,11 @@
* {star} improve print styles, add print styles for book doctype (@leif81) (#997, #952)
* {star} add proper grid and frame styles for tables (@leif81) (#569)
* {star} use glyphs for checkboxes when not using font icons (#878)
* {star} prefer source-language attribute over language attribute for defining default source language (#888)
* {star} pass document as first argument to process method on Preprocessor
- * don't parse link attributes when linkattrs is set unless text contains equal sign
+ * don't parse link attributes when linkattrs is set unless text contains equal sign
* detect bare links, mark with bare class; don't repeat URL of bare link in print styles
* allow Treeprocessor#process method to replace tree (#1035)
* add AbstractNode#find_by method to locate nodes in tree (#862)
* add API for parsing title and subtitle (#1000)
* add use_fallback option to doctitle, document method
@@ -477,10 +539,10 @@
* upgraded Font Awesome to 3.2.1 (#451)
* improved the built-in CodeRay theme to match Asciidoctor styles
* link to CodeRay stylesheet if linkcss is set (#381)
* style the video block (title & margin) (#590)
- * added Groovy, Clojure, Python and YAML to floating language hint
+ * added Groovy, Clojure, Python and YAML to floating language hint
* only process callouts for blocks in which callouts are found
* added content_model to AbstractBlock, rename buffer to lines
* use Untitled as document title in rendered output if document has no title
* rename include-depth attribute to max-include-depth, set 64 as default value (#591)
* the tag attribute can be used on the include directive to identify a single tagged region