templates/helpers.rb in asciidoctor-revealjs-5.0.0.rc1 vs templates/helpers.rb in asciidoctor-revealjs-5.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -191,19 +191,106 @@
+ # Retrieves the built-in html5 converter.
+ #
+ # Returns the instance of the Asciidoctor::Converter::Html5Converter
+ # associated with this node.
+ def html5_converter
+ converter.instance_variable_get("@delegate_converter")
+ end
+ def convert_inline_image(node = self)
+ target = node.target
+ if (node.type || 'image') == 'icon'
+ if (icons = node.document.attr 'icons') == 'font'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{node.attr(:set, 'fa')} fa-#{target})
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-#{node.attr 'size'}) if node.attr? 'size'
+ if node.attr? 'flip'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-flip-#{node.attr 'flip'})
+ elsif node.attr? 'rotate'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-rotate-#{node.attr 'rotate'})
+ end
+ attrs = (node.attr? 'title') ? %( title="#{node.attr 'title'}") : ''
+ img = %(<i class="#{i_class_attr_val}"#{attrs}></i>)
+ elsif icons
+ attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
+ img = %(<img src="#{src = node.icon_uri target}" alt="#{encode_attribute_value node.alt}"#{attrs}>)
+ else
+ img = %([#{node.alt}])
+ end
+ else
+ html_attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
+ html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
+ img, src = img_tag(node, target, html_attrs)
+ end
+ img_link(node, src, img)
+ end
+ def convert_image(node = self)
+ # When the stretch class is present, block images will take the most space
+ # they can take. Setting width and height can override that.
+ # We pinned the 100% to height to avoid aspect ratio breakage and since
+ # widescreen monitors are the most popular, chances are that height will
+ # be the biggest constraint
+ if node.has_role?('stretch') && !(node.attr?(:width) || node.attr?(:height))
+ height_value = "100%"
+ elsif node.attr? 'height'
+ height_value = node.attr 'height'
+ else
+ height_value = nil
+ end
+ html_attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} height="#{height_value}") if height_value
+ html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
+ html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} style="background: #{node.attr :background}") if node.attr? 'background'
+ img, src = img_tag(node, node.attr('target'), html_attrs)
+ img_link(node, src, img)
+ end
+ def img_tag(node = self, target, html_attrs)
+ if ((node.attr? 'format', 'svg') || (target.include? '.svg')) && node.document.safe < ::Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE
+ if node.option? 'inline'
+ img = (html5_converter.read_svg_contents node, target) || %(<span class="alt">#{node.alt}</span>)
+ elsif node.option? 'interactive'
+ fallback = (node.attr? 'fallback') ? %(<img src="#{node.image_uri node.attr 'fallback'}" alt="#{encode_attribute_value node.alt}"#{html_attrs}>) : %(<span class="alt">#{node.alt}</span>)
+ img = %(<object type="image/svg+xml" data="#{src = node.image_uri target}"#{html_attrs}>#{fallback}</object>)
+ else
+ img = %(<img src="#{src = node.image_uri target}" alt="#{encode_attribute_value node.alt}"#{html_attrs}>)
+ end
+ else
+ img = %(<img src="#{src = node.image_uri target}" alt="#{encode_attribute_value node.alt}"#{html_attrs}>)
+ end
+ [img, src]
+ end
+ # Wrap the <img> element in a <a> element if the link attribute is defined
+ def img_link(node = self, src, content)
+ if (node.attr? 'link') && ((href_attr_val = node.attr 'link') != 'self' || (href_attr_val = src))
+ if (link_preview_value = bool_data_attr :link_preview)
+ data_preview_attr = %( data-preview-link="#{link_preview_value == true ? "" : link_preview_value}")
+ end
+ return %(<a class="image" href="#{href_attr_val}"#{(append_link_constraint_attrs node).join}#{data_preview_attr}>#{content}</a>)
+ end
+ content
+ end
def revealjs_dependencies(document, node, revealjsdir)
dependencies = []
dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/zoom/zoom.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealZoom) } }" unless (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_zoom', 'disabled')
dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealNotes) } }" unless (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_notes', 'disabled')
dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/search/search.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealSearch) } }" if (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_search', 'enabled')
dependencies.join(",\n ")
# Between delimiters (--) is code taken from asciidoctor-bespoke 1.0.0.alpha.1
# Licensed under MIT, Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Dan Allen and the Asciidoctor Project
# Retrieve the converted content, wrap it in a `<p>` element if
# the content_model equals :simple and return the result.
@@ -272,9 +359,26 @@
def yield_content key, opts = {}
if (defined? @content) && (blks = (opts.fetch :drain, true) ? (@content.delete key) : @content[key])
blks.map {|b| b.call }.join
+ end
+ # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/html5.rb (method is private)
+ def append_link_constraint_attrs node, attrs = []
+ rel = 'nofollow' if node.option? 'nofollow'
+ if (window = node.attributes['window'])
+ attrs << %( target="#{window}")
+ attrs << (rel ? %( rel="#{rel} noopener") : ' rel="noopener"') if window == '_blank' || (node.option? 'noopener')
+ elsif rel
+ attrs << %( rel="#{rel}")
+ end
+ attrs
+ end
+ # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/html5.rb (method is private)
+ def encode_attribute_value val
+ (val.include? '"') ? (val.gsub '"', '"') : val
# Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/semantic-html5.rb which is not yet shipped
# @todo remove this code when the new converter becomes available in the main gem
def generate_authors node