spec/assets/iso.html in asciidoctor-iso-0.10.2 vs spec/assets/iso.html in asciidoctor-iso-0.10.3
- old
+ new
@@ -2,1120 +2,10 @@
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-3.5 Bibliograhy
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-3.6 Source Code + figures
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-3.7 Notes
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- text-align: left; }
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-3.8 Examples
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-3.9 Tables
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-3.10 Footnotes
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-ol li p:before {
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-3.11 Blockquotes
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- width: 80%;
- padding: 1.5em;
- margin-top: 2em;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto; }
-3.12 Formulas
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- padding: 1.5em;
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- margin-left: 20%;
- margin-right: 20%; }
-span.keyword {
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- padding: 0.5em;
- margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em 0;
- text-align: left; }
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-/* Old CSS
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- /* may need to be revised */
- /*
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-p.Definition, li.Definition, div.Definition {
- margin-top: 0cm;
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