lib/asciidoctor-epub3/packager.rb in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.6 vs lib/asciidoctor-epub3/packager.rb in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.7
- old
+ new
@@ -6,30 +6,50 @@
module Asciidoctor
module Epub3
module GepubBuilderMixin
DATA_DIR = ::File.expand_path(::File.join ::File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'data')
SAMPLES_DIR = ::File.join DATA_DIR, 'samples'
- WordJoinerRx = Epub3::WordJoinerRx
+ CharEntityRx = ContentConverter::CharEntityRx
+ XmlElementRx = ContentConverter::XmlElementRx
FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap
FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx
CsvDelimiterRx = /\s*,\s*/
DefaultCoverImage = 'images/default-cover.png'
- InlineImageMacroRx = /^image:(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/
+ ImageMacroRx = /^image::?(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/
+ ImgSrcScanRx = /<img src="(.+?)"/
+ SvgImgSniffRx = /<img src=".+?\.svg"/
- def sanitized_doctitle doc, target = :plain
- return (doc.attr 'untitled-label') unless doc.header?
- title = case target
+ attr_reader :book, :format, :spine
+ # FIXME move to Asciidoctor::Helpers
+ def sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, content_spec
+ doctitle = doc.header? ? doc.doctitle : (doc.attr 'untitled-label')
+ sanitize_xml doctitle, content_spec
+ end
+ # FIXME move to Asciidoctor::Helpers
+ def sanitize_xml content, content_spec
+ if content_spec != :pcdata && (content.include? '<')
+ if (content = (content.gsub XmlElementRx, '').strip).include? ' '
+ content = content.tr_s ' ', ' '
+ end
+ end
+ case content_spec
when :attribute_cdata
- doc.doctitle(sanitize: true).gsub('"', '"')
- when :element_cdata
- doc.doctitle sanitize: true
- when :pcdata
- doc.doctitle
- when :plain
- doc.doctitle(sanitize: true).gsub(FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx, FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap)
+ content = content.gsub '"', '"' if content.include? '"'
+ when :cdata, :pcdata
+ # noop
+ when :plain_text
+ if content.include? ';'
+ content = content.gsub(CharEntityRx) { [$1.to_i].pack 'U*' } if content.include? '&#'
+ content = content.gsub FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx, FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap
+ end
+ else
+ raise ::ArgumentError, %(Unknown content spec: #{content_spec})
- title.gsub WordJoinerRx, ''
+ content
def add_theme_assets doc
builder = self
format = @format
@@ -79,54 +99,65 @@
file font_file => ::File.join(DATA_DIR, font_file)
+ nil
def add_cover_image doc
imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/))
- if (front_cover_image = doc.attr 'front-cover-image')
- if front_cover_image =~ InlineImageMacroRx
- front_cover_image = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1})
+ if (image_path = doc.attr 'front-cover-image')
+ image_attrs = {}
+ if (image_path.include? ':') && image_path =~ ImageMacroRx
+ if image_path.start_with? 'image::'
+ warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: deprecated block macro syntax detected in front-cover-image attribute)
+ end
+ image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1})
+ ( $2).parse_into image_attrs, %w(alt width height) unless $2.empty?
- workdir = doc.attr 'docdir', '.'
- workdir = '.' if workdir.empty?
- else
- front_cover_image = DefaultCoverImage
- workdir = DATA_DIR
+ workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
+ if ::File.readable?(::File.join workdir, image_path)
+ unless !image_attrs.empty? && (width = image_attrs['width']) && (height = image_attrs['height'])
+ width, height = 1050, 1600
+ end
+ else
+ warn %(asciidoctor: ERROR: front cover image not found or readable: #{image_path})
+ image_path = nil
+ end
+ unless image_path
+ image_path, workdir, width, height = DefaultCoverImage, DATA_DIR, 1050, 1600
+ end
resources do
- cover_image %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname front_cover_image}) => ::File.join(workdir, front_cover_image)
+ cover_image %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname image_path}) => (::File.join workdir, image_path)
+ @last_defined_item.tap do |last_item|
+ last_item['width'] = width
+ last_item['height'] = height
+ end
+ nil
# NOTE must be called within the ordered block
- def add_cover_page doc, spine_builder, book
- imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
- imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/))
+ def add_cover_page doc, spine_builder, manifest
+ cover_item_attrs = manifest.items['item_cover'].instance_variable_get :@attributes
+ href = cover_item_attrs['href']
+ # NOTE we only store width and height temporarily to pass through the values
+ width = cover_item_attrs.delete 'width'
+ height = cover_item_attrs.delete 'height'
- img = (doc.attr 'front-cover-image') || DefaultCoverImage
- if img =~ InlineImageMacroRx
- img = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1})
- # TODO use proper attribute parser
- _, w, h = $2.split ',', 3
- end
- w ||= 1050
- h ||= 1600
- img_path = %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname img})
# NOTE SVG wrapper maintains aspect ratio and confines image to view box
content = %(<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:epub="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
-<title>#{sanitized_doctitle doc, :element_cdata}</title>
+<title>#{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata}</title>
<style type="text/css">
@page {
margin: 0;
html {
@@ -143,139 +174,226 @@
display: block;
<body epub:type="cover"><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
- width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 #{w} #{h}" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
-<image width="#{w}" height="#{h}" xlink:href="#{img_path}"/>
+ width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height}" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
+<image width="#{width}" height="#{height}" xlink:href="#{href}"/>
- # GitDen expects a cover.xhtml, so add it to the spine
+ # Gitden expects a cover.xhtml, so add it to the spine
spine_builder.file 'cover.xhtml' => content
+ assigned_id = (spine_builder.instance_variable_get :@last_defined_item) 'cover'
# clearly a deficiency of gepub that it does not match the id correctly
- book.spine.itemref_by_id['item_cover1'].idref = 'cover'
+ # FIXME can we move this hack elsewhere?
+ @book.spine.itemref_by_id[assigned_id].idref = 'cover'
+ nil
def add_images_from_front_matter
- if ::File.exist? 'front-matter.html'
-'front-matter.html').scan(/<img src="(.+?)"/) do
- resources do
- file $1
- end
+ ( 'front-matter.html').scan ImgSrcScanRx do
+ resources do
+ file $1
- end
+ end if ::File.file? 'front-matter.html'
+ nil
- def add_front_matter_page doc, spine_builder, builder, format
- if ::File.exist? 'front-matter.html'
- spine_builder.file 'front-matter.html' => (builder.postprocess_xhtml_file 'front-matter.html', format)
- (spine_builder.instance_variable_get :@last_defined_item).properties << 'svg'
+ def add_front_matter_page doc, spine_builder
+ if ::File.file? 'front-matter.html'
+ front_matter_content = 'front-matter.html'
+ spine_builder.file 'front-matter.xhtml' => (postprocess_xhtml front_matter_content, @format)
+ unless ( 'svg') || SvgImgSniffRx !~ front_matter_content
+ spine_builder.add_property 'svg'
+ end
+ nil
- # FIXME don't add same image more than once
# FIXME add inline images
def add_content_images doc, images
docimagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
docimagesdir = (docimagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{docimagesdir}/))
- workdir = doc.attr 'docdir', '.'
- workdir = '.' if workdir.empty?
+ workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
resources workdir: workdir do
images.each do |image|
imagesdir = (image.document.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/))
image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{image.attr 'target'})
if image_path.start_with? %(#{docimagesdir}jacket/cover.)
- warn %(The image path #{image_path} is reserved for the cover artwork. Ignoring conflicting image from content.)
+ warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: image path is reserved for cover artwork: #{image_path}; skipping image found in content)
elsif ::File.readable? image_path
file image_path
- warn %(Image not found or not readable: #{image_path})
+ warn %(asciidoctor: ERROR: image not found or not readable: #{image_path})
+ nil
def add_profile_images doc, usernames
- spine = @spine
imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/))
resources do
file %(#{imagesdir}avatars/default.jpg) => ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-avatar.jpg')
file %(#{imagesdir}headshots/default.jpg) => ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-headshot.jpg')
- workdir = doc.attr 'docdir', '.'
- workdir = '.' if workdir.empty?
+ workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
resources do
usernames.each do |username|
avatar = %(#{imagesdir}avatars/#{username}.jpg)
if ::File.readable?(resolved_avatar = ::File.join(workdir, avatar))
file avatar => resolved_avatar
- warn %(Avatar #{avatar} not found or readable. Falling back to default avatar for #{username}.)
+ warn %(asciidoctor: ERROR: avatar for #{username} not found or readable: #{avatar}; falling back to default avatar)
file avatar => ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-avatar.jpg')
headshot = %(#{imagesdir}headshots/#{username}.jpg)
if ::File.readable?(resolved_headshot = ::File.join(workdir, headshot))
file headshot => resolved_headshot
elsif doc.attr? 'builder', 'editions'
- warn %(Headshot #{headshot} not found or readable. Falling back to default headshot for #{username}.)
+ warn %(asciidoctor: ERROR: headshot for #{username} not found or readable: #{headshot}; falling back to default headshot)
file headshot => ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-headshot.jpg')
- spine.each do |item|
- username = (item.attr 'username') || 'default'
- avatar_target = %(#{imagesdir}avatars/#{username}.jpg)
- if ::File.readable?(avatar = %(#{item.attr 'docname'}/avatar.jpg))
- file avatar_target => avatar
- else
- warn %(Avatar #{avatar} not found or not readable. Falling back to default avatar for #{username}.)
- ::Dir.chdir DATA_DIR do
- file avatar_target => %(images/default-avatar.jpg)
- end
- end
- if ::File.readable? (headshot = %(#{item.attr 'docname'}/headshot.jpg))
- file headshot
- # TODO default headshot?
- end
- end
+ nil
def add_content doc
- builder = self
- spine = @spine
- format = @format
- workdir = doc.attr 'docdir', '.'
- workdir = '.' if workdir.empty?
+ builder, spine, format = self, @spine, @format
+ workdir = (doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
resources workdir: workdir do
+ extend GepubResourceBuilderMixin
- # QUESTION should we move navigation_document to the Packager class? seems to make sense
- #nav 'nav.xhtml' => (builder.postprocess_xhtml doc.converter.navigation_document(doc, spine), format)
- nav 'nav.xhtml' => (builder.postprocess_xhtml ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Factory.default.create('epub3-xhtml5').navigation_document(doc, spine), format)
+ builder.add_nav_doc doc, self, spine, format
+ builder.add_ncx_doc doc, self, spine
ordered do
- builder.add_cover_page doc, self, @book unless format == :kf8
- builder.add_front_matter_page doc, self, builder, format
+ builder.add_cover_page doc, self, @book.manifest unless format == :kf8
+ builder.add_front_matter_page doc, self
spine.each_with_index do |item, i|
- content_path = %(#{ || (item.attr 'docname')}.xhtml)
- file content_path => (builder.postprocess_xhtml item.convert, format)
- # NOTE heading for ePub2 navigation file; toc.ncx requires headings to be plain text
- heading builder.sanitized_doctitle(item)
- << 'svg' if ((item.attr 'epub-properties') || []).include? 'svg'
+ file %(#{ || (item.attr 'docname')}.xhtml) => (builder.postprocess_xhtml item.convert, format)
+ add_property 'svg' if ((item.attr 'epub-properties') || []).include? 'svg'
+ # QUESTION reenable?
#linear 'yes' if i == 0
+ nil
+ def add_nav_doc doc, spine_builder, spine, format
+ spine_builder.nav 'nav.xhtml' => (postprocess_xhtml nav_doc(doc, spine), format)
+ 'nav'
+ nil
+ end
+ # TODO aggregate authors of spine document into authors attribute(s) on main document
+ def nav_doc doc, spine
+ lines = [%(<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="" xmlns:epub="" xml:lang="#{lang = (doc.attr 'lang', 'en')}" lang="#{lang}">
+<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
+<title>#{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata}</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/epub3.css"/>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/epub3-css3-only.css" media="(min-device-width: 0px)"/>
+<h1>#{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :pcdata}</h1>
+<nav epub:type="toc" id="toc">
+<h2>#{doc.attr 'toc-title'}</h2>)]
+ lines << (nav_level spine, [(doc.attr 'toclevels', 1).to_i, 0].max)
+ lines << %(</nav>
+ lines * EOL
+ end
+ def nav_level items, depth, state = {}
+ lines = []
+ lines << '<ol>'
+ items.each do |item|
+ #index = (state[:index] = (state.fetch :index, 0) + 1)
+ if item.context == :document
+ # NOTE we sanitize the chapter titles because we use formatting to control layout
+ item_label = sanitize_doctitle_xml item, :cdata
+ item_href = (state[:content_doc_href] = %(#{ || (item.attr 'docname')}.xhtml))
+ else
+ item_label = sanitize_xml item.title, :pcdata
+ item_href = %(#{state[:content_doc_href]}##{})
+ end
+ lines << %(<li><a href="#{item_href}">#{item_label}</a>)
+ unless depth == 0 || (child_sections = item.sections).empty?
+ lines << (nav_level child_sections, depth - 1, state)
+ lines << '</li>'
+ else
+ lines[-1] = %(#{lines[-1]}</li>)
+ end
+ state.delete :content_doc_href if item.context == :document
+ end
+ lines << '</ol>'
+ lines * EOL
+ end
+ # NOTE gepub doesn't support building a ncx TOC with depth > 1, so do it ourselves
+ def add_ncx_doc doc, spine_builder, spine
+ spine_builder.file 'toc.ncx' => (ncx_doc doc, spine).to_ios
+ 'ncx'
+ nil
+ end
+ def ncx_doc doc, spine
+ # TODO populate docAuthor element based on unique authors in work
+ lines = [%(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1" xml:lang="#{doc.attr 'lang', 'en'}">
+<meta name="dtb:uid" content="#{@book.identifier}"/>
+<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0"/>
+<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0"/>
+<docTitle><text>#{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata}</text></docTitle>
+ lines << (ncx_level spine, [(doc.attr 'toclevels', 1).to_i, 0].max, state = {})
+ lines[0] = lines[0].sub '%{depth}', %(<meta name="dtb:depth" content="#{state[:max_depth]}"/>)
+ lines << %(</navMap>
+ lines * EOL
+ end
+ def ncx_level items, depth, state = {}
+ lines = []
+ state[:max_depth] = (state.fetch :max_depth, 0) + 1
+ items.each do |item|
+ index = (state[:index] = (state.fetch :index, 0) + 1)
+ if item.context == :document
+ item_id = %(nav_#{index})
+ item_label = sanitize_doctitle_xml item, :cdata
+ item_href = (state[:content_doc_href] = %(#{ || (item.attr 'docname')}.xhtml))
+ else
+ item_id = %(nav_#{index})
+ item_label = sanitize_xml item.title, :cdata
+ item_href = %(#{state[:content_doc_href]}##{})
+ end
+ lines << %(<navPoint id="#{item_id}" playOrder="#{index}">)
+ lines << %(<navLabel><text>#{item_label}</text></navLabel>)
+ lines << %(<content src="#{item_href}"/>)
+ unless depth == 0 || (child_sections = item.sections).empty?
+ lines << (ncx_level child_sections, depth - 1, state)
+ end
+ lines << %(</navPoint>)
+ state.delete :content_doc_href if item.context == :document
+ end
+ lines * EOL
+ end
def collect_keywords doc, spine
([doc] + spine).map do |item|
if item.attr? 'keywords'
(item.attr 'keywords').split CsvDelimiterRx
@@ -325,14 +443,27 @@
.gsub(/<script type="text\/javascript">.*?<\/script>\n?/m, '')
+module GepubResourceBuilderMixin
+ # Add missing method to builder to add a property to last defined item
+ def add_property property
+ @last_defined_item.add_property property
+ end
+ # Add helper method to builder to check if property is set on last defined item
+ def property? property
+ (@last_defined_item['properties'] || []).include? property
+ end
class Packager
KINDLEGEN = ENV['KINDLEGEN'] || 'kindlegen'
EPUBCHECK = ENV['EPUBCHECK'] || %(epubcheck#{::Gem.win_platform? ? '.bat' : '.sh'})
EpubExtensionRx = /\.epub$/i
+ KindlegenCompression = ::Hash['0', '-c0', '1', '-c1', '2', '-c2', 'none', '-c0', 'standard', '-c1', 'huffdic', '-c2']
def initialize spine_doc, spine, format = :epub3, options = {}
@document = spine_doc
@spine = spine || []
@format = format
@@ -343,12 +474,12 @@
spine = @spine
fmt = @format
target = options[:target]
dest = File.dirname target
- images = {|item| (item.find_by context: :image) || [] }.flatten
- usernames = {|item| item.attr 'username' }.compact.uniq
+ images = {|item| item.find_by context: :image }.compact.flatten
+ .uniq {|img| %(#{(img.document.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'}/#{img.attr 'target'}) }
# FIXME authors should be aggregated already on parent document
authors = if doc.attr? 'authors'
(doc.attr 'authors').split(GepubBuilderMixin::CsvDelimiterRx).concat( {|item| item.attr 'author' }).uniq
@@ -370,11 +501,12 @@
unique_identifier, 'pub-identifier', 'uuid'
# replace with next line once the attributes argument is supported
#unique_identifier, 'pub-id', 'uuid', 'scheme' => 'xsd:string'
- title sanitized_doctitle(doc)
+ # NOTE we must use :plain_text here since gepub reencodes
+ title(sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :plain_text)
id 'pub-title'
# FIXME this logic needs some work
if doc.attr? 'publisher'
publisher(publisher_name = doc.attr('publisher'))
@@ -427,15 +559,18 @@
if doc.attr? 'copyright'
rights(doc.attr 'copyright')
- #add_metadata 'ibooks:specified-fonts', true
+ #add_metadata 'ibooks:specified-fonts', true
add_theme_assets doc
add_cover_image doc
- add_profile_images doc, usernames
+ if (doc.attr 'publication-type', 'book') != 'book'
+ usernames = {|item| item.attr 'username' }.compact.uniq
+ add_profile_images doc, usernames
+ end
# QUESTION move add_content_images to add_content method?
add_content_images doc, images
add_content doc
@@ -462,33 +597,34 @@
puts %(Extracted #{fmt.upcase} to #{extract_dir}) if $VERBOSE
if fmt == :kf8
# QUESTION shouldn't we validate this epub file too?
- distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target
+ distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, options[:compress]
elsif options[:validate]
validate_epub epub_file
- # QUESTION how to enable the -c2 flag? (enables ~3-5% compression)
- def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target
+ def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, compress
kindlegen_cmd = KINDLEGEN
unless ::File.executable? kindlegen_cmd
require 'kindlegen' unless defined? ::Kindlegen
kindlegen_cmd = ::Kindlegen.command
mobi_file = ::File.basename(target.sub EpubExtensionRx, '.mobi')
- ::Open3.popen2e(::Shellwords.join [kindlegen_cmd, '-dont_append_source', '-o', mobi_file, epub_file]) {|input, output, wait_thr|
+ compress_flag = KindlegenCompression[compress ? (compress.empty? ? '1' : compress.to_s) : '0']
+ cmd = [kindlegen_cmd, '-dont_append_source', compress_flag, '-o', mobi_file, epub_file].compact
+ ::Open3.popen2e(::Shellwords.join cmd) {|input, output, wait_thr|
output.each {|line| puts line } unless $VERBOSE.nil?
puts %(Wrote MOBI to #{::File.join ::File.dirname(epub_file), mobi_file}) if $VERBOSE
def validate_epub epub_file
epubcheck_cmd = EPUBCHECK
unless ::File.executable? epubcheck_cmd
- epubcheck_cmd = ::Gem.bin_path 'epubcheck', 'epubcheck'
+ epubcheck_cmd = ::Gem.bin_path 'epubcheck', 'epubcheck'
# NOTE epubcheck gem doesn't support epubcheck command options; enable -quiet once supported
::Open3.popen2e(::Shellwords.join [epubcheck_cmd, epub_file]) {|input, output, wait_thr|
output.each {|line| puts line } unless $VERBOSE.nil?