lib/asciidoctor-epub3/packager.rb in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.11 vs lib/asciidoctor-epub3/packager.rb in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.12
- old
+ new
@@ -5,19 +5,18 @@
module Asciidoctor
module Epub3
module GepubBuilderMixin
include ::Asciidoctor::Logging
- DATA_DIR = ::File.expand_path ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'data')
+ DATA_DIR = ::File.expand_path ::File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'data')
SAMPLES_DIR = ::File.join DATA_DIR, 'samples'
LF = ?\n
CharEntityRx = ContentConverter::CharEntityRx
XmlElementRx = ContentConverter::XmlElementRx
FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap
FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx
CsvDelimiterRx = /\s*,\s*/
- DefaultCoverImage = 'images/default-cover.png'
ImageMacroRx = /^image::?(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/
ImgSrcScanRx = /<img src="(.+?)"/
SvgImgSniffRx = /<img src=".+?\.svg"/
attr_reader :book, :format, :spine
@@ -117,33 +116,32 @@
def add_cover_image doc
+ return if (image_path = doc.attr 'front-cover-image').nil?
imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/'
imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/))
- if (image_path = doc.attr 'front-cover-image')
- image_attrs = {}
- if (image_path.include? ':') && image_path =~ ImageMacroRx
- logger.warn %(deprecated block macro syntax detected in front-cover-image attribute) if image_path.start_with? 'image::'
- image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1})
- ( $2).parse_into image_attrs, %w(alt width height) unless $2.empty?
- end
- workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
- if ::File.readable? ::File.join(workdir, image_path)
- unless !image_attrs.empty? && (width = image_attrs['width']) && (height = image_attrs['height'])
- width, height = 1050, 1600
- end
- else
- logger.error %(#{::File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: front cover image not found or readable: #{::File.expand_path image_path, workdir})
- image_path = nil
- end
+ image_attrs = {}
+ if (image_path.include? ':') && image_path =~ ImageMacroRx
+ logger.warn %(deprecated block macro syntax detected in front-cover-image attribute) if image_path.start_with? 'image::'
+ image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1})
+ ( $2).parse_into image_attrs, %w(alt width height) unless $2.empty?
- image_path, workdir, width, height = DefaultCoverImage, DATA_DIR, 1050, 1600 unless image_path
+ workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir
+ unless ::File.readable? ::File.join(workdir, image_path)
+ logger.error %(#{::File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: front cover image not found or readable: #{::File.expand_path image_path, workdir})
+ return
+ end
+ unless !image_attrs.empty? && (width = image_attrs['width']) && (height = image_attrs['height'])
+ width, height = 1050, 1600
+ end
resources do
cover_image %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname image_path}) => (::File.join workdir, image_path)
@last_defined_item.tap do |last_item|
last_item['width'] = width
last_item['height'] = height
@@ -152,11 +150,12 @@
# NOTE must be called within the ordered block
def add_cover_page doc, spine_builder, manifest
- cover_item_attrs = manifest.items['item_cover'].instance_variable_get :@attributes
+ return if (cover_item_attrs = manifest.items['item_cover'].instance_variable_get :@attributes).nil?
href = cover_item_attrs['href']
# NOTE we only store width and height temporarily to pass through the values
width = cover_item_attrs.delete 'width'
height = cover_item_attrs.delete 'height'
@@ -607,30 +606,50 @@
logger.debug %(Extracted #{fmt.upcase} to #{extract_dir})
if fmt == :kf8
# QUESTION shouldn't we validate this epub file too?
- distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, options[:compress]
+ distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, options[:compress], options[:kindlegen_path]
elsif options[:validate]
- validate_epub epub_file
+ validate_epub epub_file, options[:epubcheck_path]
- def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, compress
- if !(kindlegen_cmd = ENV['kindlegen']).nil?
- argv = [kindlegen_cmd]
- else
+ def get_kindlegen_command kindlegen_path
+ unless kindlegen_path.nil?
+ logger.debug %(Using ebook-kindlegen-path attribute: #{kindlegen_path})
+ return [kindlegen_path]
+ end
+ unless (result = ENV['KINDLEGEN']).nil?
+ logger.debug %(Using KINDLEGEN env variable: #{result})
+ return [result]
+ end
+ begin
require 'kindlegen' unless defined? ::Kindlegen
- argv = [::Kindlegen.command.to_s]
+ result = ::Kindlegen.command.to_s
+ logger.debug %(Using KindleGen from gem: #{result})
+ [result]
+ rescue LoadError => e
+ logger.debug %(#{e}; Using KindleGen from PATH)
+ [%(kindlegen#{::Gem.win_platform? ? '.exe' : ''})]
+ end
+ def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, compress, kindlegen_path
mobi_file = ::File.basename target.sub(EpubExtensionRx, '.mobi')
compress_flag = KindlegenCompression[compress ? (compress.empty? ? '1' : compress.to_s) : '0']
- argv += ['-dont_append_source', compress_flag, '-o', mobi_file, epub_file].compact
- # This duplicates, but we want to override executable
- out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv) do |r|
- r.force_encoding 'UTF-8' if windows? && r.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+ argv = get_kindlegen_command(kindlegen_path) + ['-dont_append_source', compress_flag, '-o', mobi_file, epub_file].compact
+ begin
+ # This duplicates, but we want to override executable
+ out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv) do |r|
+ r.force_encoding 'UTF-8' if ::Gem.win_platform? && r.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ raise 'Unable to run KindleGen. Either install the kindlegen gem or set KINDLEGEN environment variable with path to KindleGen executable', cause: e
out.each_line do |line| line
@@ -644,18 +663,37 @@
logger.error %(kindlegen failed to write MOBI to #{output_file})
- def validate_epub epub_file
- if !(epubcheck = ENV['EPUBCHECK']).nil?
- argv = [epubcheck]
- else
- argv = [::Gem.ruby, ::Gem.bin_path('epubcheck-ruby', 'epubcheck')]
+ def get_epubcheck_command epubcheck_path
+ unless epubcheck_path.nil?
+ logger.debug %(Using ebook-epubcheck-path attribute: #{epubcheck_path})
+ return [epubcheck_path]
- argv += ['-w', epub_file]
- out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv)
+ unless (result = ENV['EPUBCHECK']).nil?
+ logger.debug %(Using EPUBCHECK env variable: #{result})
+ return [result]
+ end
+ begin
+ result = ::Gem.bin_path 'epubcheck-ruby', 'epubcheck'
+ logger.debug %(Using EPUBCheck from gem: #{result})
+ [::Gem.ruby, result]
+ rescue ::Gem::Exception => e
+ logger.debug %(#{e}; Using EPUBCheck from PATH)
+ ['epubcheck']
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_epub epub_file, epubcheck_path
+ argv = get_epubcheck_command(epubcheck_path) + ['-w', epub_file]
+ begin
+ out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ raise 'Unable to run EPUBCheck. Either install epubcheck-ruby gem or set EPUBCHECK environment variable with path to EPUBCheck executable', cause: e
+ end
out.each_line do |line| line
err.each_line do |line|