data/samples/sample-content.adoc in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.5 vs data/samples/sample-content.adoc in asciidoctor-epub3-1.5.0.alpha.6
- old
+ new
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:description: This guide describes the Asciidoctor attributes, values, and layout options available for producing a customized and polished document.
:keywords: AsciiDoc, Asciidoctor, syntax, reference
:language: asciidoc
-This sample guide describes the some Asciidoctor attributes, values, and layout options available for producing a customized and polished document.
+This sample guide describes several Asciidoctor attributes, values, and layout options available for producing a customized and polished document.
== Block titles
You can assign a title to any paragraph, list, delimited block, or block macro.
In most cases, the title is displayed immediately above the content.
If the content is a figure or image, the title is displayed below the content.
A block title is defined on a line above the element.
-The line must begin with a dot (+.+) and be followed immediately by the title text with no spaces inbetween.
+The line must begin with a dot (`.`) and be followed immediately by the title text with no spaces inbetween.
Here's an example of a list with a title:
.A titled list
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Important:: Used to remind the reader to do a critical step or task.
Warning:: Used to inform the reader of potential risks.
Caution:: Also used to inform the reader of potential risks, take your pick.
When you want to call attention to a single paragraph, start the first line of the paragraph with the label you want to use.
-The label must be uppercase and followed by a colon (+:+).
+The label must be uppercase and followed by a colon (`:`).
WARNING: Wolpertingers are known to nest in server racks.
Enter at your own risk.
When you want to apply an admonition label to complex content, set the label as a style attribute on a delimited block.
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== Quotes, Prose Excerpts, and Verses
Quotes, prose excerpts and verses share the same syntax structure, including:
-* style attribute, either +quote+ or +verse+
+* style attribute, either `quote` or `verse`
* name of who the content is attributed to
-* biblographical information of the book, speech, play, etc., where the content was drawn from
+* bibliographical information of the book, speech, play, etc., where the content was drawn from
* excerpt text
.Anatomy of a basic quote
[quote, attribution, citation title and information]