bin/ascii_binder in ascii_binder-0.1.4 vs bin/ascii_binder in ascii_binder-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,312 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'ascii_binder/helpers'
-require 'ascii_binder/version'
-require 'pathname'
-require 'trollop'
-include AsciiBinder::Helpers
-def call_generate(branch_group, distro, page)
- if page == ''
- page = nil
- end
- begin
- generate_docs(branch_group, distro, page)
- rescue => e
- message = "#{}: #{e.message} at\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}"
- Trollop::die "Could not generate docs:\n#{message}"
- end
-def repo_check(repo_dir)
- missing_files = false
- # These must all be present
- ['.git','_distro_map.yml','_templates'].each do |file|
- unless File.exist?(File.join(repo_dir, file))
- missing_files = true
- end
- end
- # Either of these must be present
- unless File.exist?(File.join(repo_dir, '_build_cfg.yml')) or File.exist?(File.join(repo_dir, '_topic_map.yml'))
- missing_files = true
- end
- if missing_files
- Trollop::die "The specified repo directory '#{repo_dir}' does not appear to be an AsciiBinder repo."
- end
-SUB_COMMANDS = %w{help version build watch package clean create clone}
-Trollop::options do
- version AsciiBinder::VERSION
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 <command> <repo_dir>
- build (default action)
- Builds the HTML docs in the indicated repo dir
- create
- Generates a new AsciiBinder repo at the indicated dir
- clone
- Clones an existing AsciiBinder repo to the local filesystem
- watch
- Starts Guard, which automatically regenerates changed HTML
- files on the working branch in the repo dir
- package
- Builds and packages the static HTML for all of the sites
- defined in the _distro_config.yml file
- clean
- Remove _preview, _publish and _package dirs created by
- other AsciiBinder operations.
- stop_on SUB_COMMANDS
-cmd = ARGV.shift
-repo_dir = nil
-if cmd.nil?
- cmd = "build"
-elsif !SUB_COMMANDS.include?(cmd)
- if ARGV.empty?
- repo_dir =
- cmd = "build"
- else
- Trollop::die "'#{cmd}' is not a valid asciibinder subcommand. Legal values are '#{SUB_COMMANDS.join('\', \'')}'."
- end
-cmd_opts = case cmd
- when "build"
- Trollop::options do
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 build <options> <repo_dir>
- This is the default behavior for the asciibinder utility. When run,
- AsciiBinder reads the _distro_config.yml file out of the working
- branch of the indicated repo directory and based on that, proceeds to
- build the working branch version of the documentation for each distro.
- If you use the --all_branches flag, AsciiBinder behaves as described
- above, and then once the working branch version is built, AsciiBinder
- cycles through the other branches named in the _distro_config.yml file
- until all of the permutations have been built.
- If you want to limit the scope of the build work for faster builds,
- you have two targeted options:
- --distro=<distro_key> - Only builds the specified distro and branches
- associated with this distro.
- --page=<page_path> - Only builds the specified page for all distros.
- Note that the format for the "--page" option is:
- <topic_group>:<topic_file>
- or for subtopics:
- <topic_group>/<subtopic_group>:<topic_file>
- However, if you want to use the --page option extensively, then be
- aware of the `asciibinder watch` function, which does this for you
- automatically as you change any .adoc files in your working branch.
- opt :all_branches, "Instead of building only the current working branch, build all branches", :default => false
- opt :distro, "Instead of building all distros, build branches only for the specified distro.", :default => ''
- opt :page, "Build only the specified page for all distros and only the current working branch.", :default => ''
- conflicts :distro, :page
- end
- when "create"
- Trollop::options do
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 create <new_repo_dir>
- Creates a new, bare AsciiBinder repo in the specified directory.
- end
- when "clone"
- Trollop::options do
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 clone <options> <git_repo_url>
- Clones an existing AsciiBinder repo to the current directory.
- Under the default behavior, AsciiBinder will attempt to set up
- tracking branches based on the contents of _distro_map.yml,
- but this can be suppressed (see Options).
- opt :branches, "Create tracking branches after cloning.", :default => true
- opt :dir, "Specify the pathname of the local directory for cloning.", :default => ''
- end
- when "watch"
- Trollop::options do
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 watch <repo_dir>
- In watch mode, AsciiBinder starts a Guard process in the foreground.
- This process watches the repo_dir for changes to the AsciiDoc (.adoc)
- files. When a change occurs, AsciiBinder regenerates the specific
- HTML output of the file that was changed, for the working branch only.
- This is the equivalent of running:
- $ asciibinder build --page='<topic_group>:<affected_file>'
- ...except that the Guardfile automatically detects and runs this as
- you work.
- This is meant to be used in conjunction with a web browser that is
- running a LiveReload plugin. If you are viewing the output HTML page
- in a browser where LiveReload is active, then every time you save a
- new version of the .adoc file, the new HTML is automatically
- regenerated and your page view is automatically refreshed.
- end
- when "package"
- Trollop::options do
- banner <<-EOF
- #$0 package <options> <repo_dir>
- Publish mode is similar to 'build' mode, but once all of the branches' of
- HTML are generated, 'publish' goes on to organize the branch / distro
- combinations that are described in _distro_config.yml into their "site"
- layouts. As a final step, the site layouts are tarred and gzipped for
- easy placement onto a production web server.
- opt :site, "Instead of packaging every docs site, package the specified site only.", :default => ''
- end
- when "help"
- Trollop::educate
- when "version"
- puts AsciiBinder::VERSION
- exit 0
- end
-if (not repo_dir.nil? and not ARGV.empty?) or (repo_dir.nil? and ARGV.length > 1)
- Trollop::die "Too many arguments provided to ascii_binder: '#{ARGV.join(' ')}'. Exiting."
-elsif repo_dir.nil?
- if ARGV.length == 1
- if cmd == 'clone'
- cmd_opts[:giturl] = ARGV.shift
- if cmd_opts[:dir] != ''
- repo_dir =[:dir])
- else
- repo_dir =, cmd_opts[:giturl].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]))
- end
- else
- repo_dir =
- end
- else
- if cmd != 'create'
- if cmd == 'clone'
- Trollop::die "Provide a git URL to clone from."
- else
- repo_dir = Pathname.pwd
- end
- else
- Trollop::die "Specify a name for the new repo directory."
- end
- end
-# Validate the repo_dir path
-if cmd == 'create' or cmd == 'clone'
- if repo_dir.exist?
- Trollop::die "The specified new repo directory '#{repo_dir}' already exists."
- end
- if !repo_dir.exist?
- Trollop::die "The specified repo directory '#{repo_dir}' does not exist."
- elsif !
- Trollop::die "The specified repo directory path '#{repo_dir}' is not a directory."
- elsif !repo_dir.readable?
- Trollop::die "The specified repo directory '#{repo_dir}' is not readable."
- elsif !repo_dir.writable?
- Trollop::die "The specified repo directory '#{repo_dir}' cannot be written to."
- else
- repo_check(repo_dir)
- end
-# Set the repo root
-# Cloning? Time to try it.
-if cmd == 'clone'
- puts "Cloning #{cmd_opts[:giturl]} to #{repo_dir}"
- system("git clone #{cmd_opts[:giturl]} #{repo_dir}")
- Trollop::die "The git URL could not be cloned: #{err}" if $?.exitstatus != 0
- # Make sure this cloned repo is legit.
- repo_check(repo_dir)
- if cmd_opts[:branches]
- Dir.chdir(repo_dir)
- puts "Tracking branch setup:"
- distro_branches.each do |doc_branch|
- next if doc_branch == 'master'
- puts "- #{doc_branch}"
- system("git branch #{doc_branch} origin/#{doc_branch}")
- end
- else
- puts "- Skipping tracking branch setup"
- end
- # Done and done.
- puts "Cloning complete."
- exit
-# Change to the repo dir. This is necessary in order for
-# AsciiDoctor to work properly.
-if cmd != 'create'
- Dir.chdir source_dir
-# Do the things with the stuff
-case cmd
-when "build"
- branch_group = cmd_opts[:all_branches] ? :all : :working_only
- build_distro = cmd_opts[:distro] || ''
- refresh_page = cmd_opts[:page] || nil
- call_generate(branch_group,build_distro,refresh_page)
-when "package"
- clean_up
- call_generate(:publish,'',nil)
- package_site = cmd_opts[:site] || ''
- package_docs(package_site)
-when "watch"
- if !dir_empty?(preview_dir)
- guardfile_path = File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name("ascii_binder").full_gem_path, 'Guardfile')
- exec("guard -G #{guardfile_path}")
- else
- Trollop::die "Run 'asciibinder build' at least once before running 'asciibinder watch'."
- end
-when "clean"
- clean_up
- puts "Cleaned up #{repo_dir}."
-when "create"
- create_new_repo
- puts "Created new repo in #{repo_dir}."
\ No newline at end of file