Rakefile in asana-0.10.3 vs Rakefile in asana-0.10.12
- old
+ new
@@ -27,10 +27,15 @@
.map { |n| Integer(n) }
# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
def write_version(major, minor, patch)
+ File.open('VERSION', 'w') do |f|
+ f.write "#{major}.#{minor}.#{patch}"
+ end
str = <<-EOS
module Asana
# Public: Version of the gem.
VERSION = '#{major}.#{minor}.#{patch}'
@@ -39,14 +44,17 @@
File.open('./lib/asana/version.rb', 'w') do |f|
f.write str
new_version = "#{major}.#{minor}.#{patch}"
+ system('bundle lock --update')
+ system('git add Gemfile.lock')
+ system('git add VERSION')
system('git add lib/asana/version.rb')
system(%(git commit -m "Bumped to #{new_version}" && ) +
%(git tag -a v#{new_version} -m "Version #{new_version}"))
- puts "\nRun git push --tags to release."
+ puts "\nRun git push --tags origin master:master to release."
desc 'Bumps a patch version'
task :patch do
major, minor, patch = read_version
@@ -70,19 +78,7 @@
task default: [:all, :rubocop, :yard]
desc 'Test the plugin under all supported Rails versions.'
task :all do |_t|
- if ENV['TRAVIS']
- # require 'json'
- # puts JSON.pretty_generate(ENV.to_hash)
- if ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] =~ /gemfiles/
- appraisal_name = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'].scan(/faraday\_(.*)\.gemfile/).flatten.first
- command_prefix = "appraisal faraday-#{appraisal_name}"
- exec("#{command_prefix} bundle install && #{command_prefix} bundle exec rspec")
- else
- exec(' bundle exec appraisal install && bundle exec rake appraisal spec')
- end
- else
- exec('bundle exec appraisal install && bundle exec rake appraisal spec')
- end
+ exec('bundle exec appraisal install && bundle exec rake appraisal spec')