app/views/segments/show.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.2.0 vs app/views/segments/show.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.3.0.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -20,14 +20,19 @@
=link_to "Log action", "#bulk-action-modal", :id => 'bulk-action-link', 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
= link_to "Delete this list segment", @segment, :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete #{}?"}
- = link_to 'Export all to CSV', segment_path(@segment, :format => :csv), :class => "artfully-tooltip", :rel => "tooltip", :data => {"original-title" => "To view all the data on patrons in this segment, including mailing address and phone numbers, export this segment to a CSV file.", :trigger => "hover", :placement => "right"}
+ = link_to 'Export all to CSV', segment_path(@segment, :format => :csv), :class => "remote-monitor", :rel => "tooltip"
-with_kit(:membership) do
=link_to "Comp Memberships", new_segment_membership_comp_path(@segment), :id => 'comp-memberships-link'
+ -with_kit(:mailchimp) do
+ %li
+ = link_to "Subscribe to MailChimp list", "#subscribe-modal", :data => { :toggle => "modal" }
+ %li
+ = link_to "Subscribe to MailChimp list group", "#subscribe-group-modal", :data => { :toggle => "modal" }
- @people.each do |person|
@@ -54,5 +59,35 @@
= submit_tag "Save", :class => "btn"
= render :partial => 'actions/modal', :locals => {:action => Action.for_organization(current_user.current_organization), :target => @segment}
+- with_kit(:mailchimp) do
+ #subscribe-modal.modal
+ = form_tag subscribe_segment_path(@segment) do
+ .modal-header
+ .close{"data-dismiss" => "modal"} ×
+ %h3 Susbcribe everyone in #{}
+ .modal-body
+ %p
+ This will subscribe users that are not already subscribed to the list. They will receive a confirmation email and will only be subscribed if they accept the invitation.
+ = label_tag "list_id", "List to subscribe users to"
+ = select_tag "list_id", options_for_select(mailchimp_lists_for_search(@segment))
+ .modal-footer
+ = submit_tag "Subscribe", :class => "btn"
+ #subscribe-group-modal.modal
+ = form_tag add_group_segment_path(@segment) do
+ .modal-header
+ .close{"data-dismiss" => "modal"} ×
+ %h3 Susbcribe everyone in #{} to a group
+ .modal-body
+ %p
+ This will only add users to a group if they are subscribed to the list already.
+ = label_tag "grouping", "Group to add users to"
+ = select_tag "grouping", grouped_options_for_select(mailchimp_groups_for_search(@segment))
+ .modal-footer
+ = submit_tag "Subscribe", :class => "btn"