app/views/refunds/new.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.2.0.pre.15 vs app/views/refunds/new.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.2.0.pre.16
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,56 @@
-- in_section :people
-- content_for :header do
- %h1 Refund Tickets
+- in_section :transactions
- .span8.offset2
- = form_tag refunds_path do
+ .span8.offset2#refund-contaner
+ %h1 Refund Order
- = hidden_field_tag :order_id,
+ %p
+ -if
+ ="#{@order.person} will receive a refund credited to the card that he/she used to as payment for this order."
+ -else
+ ="#{@order.person} paid with #{@order.payment_method.downcase}. will process the tickets and donations as refunded but you'll need to settle any money owed to #{@order.person} manually."
+ = form_tag refunds_path do
+ = hidden_field_tag :order_id,
- @items.each do |item|
= hidden_field_tag "items[]",
- %table.table
+ %h2=refund_header(@items)
+ %table.table#refund-ticket-table
- Event
- %th
- Show
- %th
- Price
- %th
+ Details
+ %th.right
- @items.each do |item|
- if item.ticket?
- %tr
- %td=l, :format => :short
- %td=number_as_cents item.product.price
- %td=number_as_cents item.price
+ %tr.refund-ticket-row
+ %td="#{} #{l, :format => :short}"
+ %td.right=number_as_cents item.price
+ - if item.donation?
+ %tr.refund-donation-row
+ %td="Donation"
+ %td.right=number_as_cents item.price
+ %h2 Options
+ .well
+ - unless @order.skip_confirmation_email?
+ .control-group
+ .controls
+ %label.checkbox
+ = check_box_tag :send_email_confirmation, "1", ""
+ ="Send an email confirmation to #{}."
+ - if
+ .control-group
+ .controls
+ %label.checkbox
+ = check_box_tag :return_to_inventory, "1", ""
+ ="Put these tickets back on sale."
- Refund these tickets and return them to inventory
- %br
- = submit_tag "Issue Refund and Return", :class => "btn"
- %p
- %br
- %p
- Refund these tickets and keep the tickets out of inventory.
- %br
- = submit_tag "Issue Refund", :class => "btn"
+ = submit_tag "Issue Refund ", :class => "btn"
\ No newline at end of file