app/views/memberships/index.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.2.0.beta.1 vs app/views/memberships/index.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.2.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -6,155 +6,89 @@
-{'ng-controller' => 'MembershipActionsCtrl'}
%li.dropdown{:id => "#menu#bulkactions"}
- =icon_link_to('Work with...', "#menu#bulkactions", 'fa-asterisk', 'dropdown-toggle dropdown btn', '')
- =image_tag "loading.gif", :class => 'loading-indicator', 'ng-show' => 'loading'
- .alert{'ng-show' => 'error'}
- %button.close{'ng-click' => 'error = false'}
- ×
- ='{{errorMessage}}'
+ =icon_link_to('Work with...', "#menu#bulkactions", 'icon-asterisk', 'dropdown-toggle dropdown btn', '')
- -# %li= link_to "Full Refund", "#full-refund", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
- -# %li= link_to "Partial Refund", "#partial-refund", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
- = link_to "Change Expiration", "#extend", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
+ = link_to "Full Refund", "#full-refund", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
- = link_to "Change Membership Type", "#change", 'ng-click' => 'change($event)'
+ = link_to "Partial Refund", "#partial-refund", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
- = link_to "Cancel Membership", "#cancel", 'ng-click' => 'cancel($event)'
+ = link_to "Change Expiration", "#extend", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
+ %li
+ = link_to "Cancel", "#cancel", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
- = icon_link_to("View Record", person_path(@person), 'fa-share-alt', 'btn', '')
- -# = link_to "Log In", "#", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => 'btn'
- = link_to "Reset Password", "#reset-password-modal", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => 'btn btn-danger'
+ = icon_link_to("View Record", person_path(@person), 'icon-share-alt', 'btn', '')
+ = link_to "Log In", "#", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => 'btn'
+ = link_to "Reset Password", "#", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => 'btn btn-danger'
=form_tag bulk_update_person_memberships_path(@person), :method => :post do
- %table.zebra.table{'ng-init' => "scope = { showExpired: false, expiredStyle: {textDecoration: 'line-through'} }"}
+ %table.zebra.table
%th.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag :all, nil, false, :class => :checkall
%th Membership Type
%th Starts
%th Expires
%th.right Price Paid
+ %th.right Fee
- @person.memberships.each do |membership|
- - if membership.expired?
- %tr{'ng-show' => 'scope.showExpired', 'ng-style' => 'scope.expiredStyle'}
- %td.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag "membership_ids[]",, false, :id => "membership_id_#{}", 'ng-disabled' => 'true'
- %td.starts-at=l membership.starts_at, :format => :slashed_date
- %td.ends-at=l membership.ends_at, :format => :slashed_date
- %td.price.right=number_as_cents membership.total_paid
- - else
- %tr
- %td.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag "membership_ids[]",, false, :id => "membership_id_#{}"
- %td.starts-at=l membership.starts_at, :format => :slashed_date
- %td.ends-at=l membership.ends_at, :format => :slashed_date
- %td.price.right=number_as_cents membership.total_paid
+ %tr
+ %td.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag "membership_ids[]",, false
+ %td.item-description=link_to, membership_type_path(
+ %td=l membership.starts_at, :format => :slashed_date
+ %td=l membership.ends_at, :format => :slashed_date
+ %td.price.right=number_as_cents membership.sold_price
+ %td.fee.right TODO
- - if @expired_count > 0
- = link_to "See #{@expired_count} lapsed & expired memberships", '#', 'ng-show' => '!scope.showExpired', 'ng-click' => 'scope.showExpired = true'
- = link_to "Hide #{@expired_count} lapsed & expired memberships", '#', 'ng-show' => 'scope.showExpired', 'ng-click' => 'scope.showExpired = false'
+ #full-refund.modal
+ .modal-header
+ .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
+ %h3 Refund Membership
+ .modal-body
+ %p="#{@person} will receive a full refund for these memberships"
+ .modal-footer
+ =link_to "Process Refund", "#", :class => "btn btn-success", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- #extend.modal
+ #partial-refund.modal
.close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
- %h3 Change Expiration
+ %h3 Refund Membership
- %label Change the expiration of these memberships to:
+ %label Enter refund amount:
- .datepicker-alt-field
- =hidden_field_tag "ends_at", ""
+ =text_field_tag "whatever", "", :class => "currency"
+ %p="#{@person} will receive a partial refund for the above amount and these memberships will be cancelled."
- =submit_tag "Change Expiration", :class => "btn btn-success"
- =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ =link_to "Process Refund", "#", :class => "btn btn-success", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- #full-refund.modal
- .modal-header
- .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
- %h3 Refund Membership
- .modal-body
- %p="#{@person} will receive a full refund for these memberships"
- .modal-footer
- =link_to "Process Refund", "#", :class => "btn btn-success", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ #cancel.modal
+ .modal-header
+ .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
+ %h3 Cancel Membership
+ .modal-body
+ %p="These memberships will be cancelled."
+ .modal-footer
+ =link_to "Cancel Memberhships", "#", :class => "btn btn-success", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- #change.modal{'ng-controller' => 'ChangeMembershipController'}
- =form_tag person_membership_changes_path, :class => "form-horizontal", 'novalidate' => 'novalidate', 'name' => 'changeForm', :method => :post do
+ #extend.modal
.close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
- %h3 Change Membership Type
+ %h3 Change Expiration
- %label.control-label="Selected Memberships"
+ %label Change the expiration of these memberships to:
- %ol
- %li{'ng-repeat' => 'membership in selected'}
- = hidden_field_tag('membership_ids[]', '{{}}')
- %label='{{membership.type}} - {{membership.price}}'
- .control-group
- %label.control-label="New Membership Type"
- .controls
- = select_tag :membership_type_id, options_for_membership_types(@membership_types, include_price: true)
- .control-group
- %label.control-label Payment Method
- #payment-controls.controls
- = select_tag :payment_method, options_for_select([%w(Cash cash), %w(Comp comp), ['Credit card', 'credit_card_manual']]), :prompt => '--', 'ng-model' => 'payment_method'
- .control-group{'ng-show' => '!comped()'}
- %label.control-label Change Fee Per Membership
- .controls
- = text_field_tag :price, '0', :class => 'span1 currency', 'ng-model' => 'price', 'ng-change' => 'updateTotal()'
- .control-group{'ng-show' => '!comped()'}
- %label.control-label Total Change Fee
- .controls
- #payment-info.well{'ng-show' => "!comped() && 'credit_card_manual' == payment_method"}
- .control-group
- %label.control-label='Name on Card'
- .controls= text_field_tag('credit_card_info[name]')
- .control-group
- %label.control-label='Card Number'
- .controls= text_field_tag('credit_card_info[number]')
- .control-group
- %label.control-label='Expiration Date'
- .date_field.controls
- = select_tag('credit_card_info[month]', options_for_select(1..12), :class => 'input-small inline')
- = select_tag('credit_card_info[year]', options_for_select( + 10), :class => 'input-small inline')
+ =text_field_tag "ends_at", "", :class => "datepicker"
- = submit_tag "Process Membership Change", :class => "btn btn-success"
- =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- #partial-refund.modal
- .modal-header
- .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
- %h3 Refund Membership
- .modal-body
- .control-group
- %label Enter refund amount:
- .controls
- =text_field_tag "whatever", "", :class => "currency"
- %p="#{@person} will receive a partial refund for the above amount and these memberships will be cancelled."
- .modal-footer
- =link_to "Process Refund", "#", :class => "btn btn-success", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
- #reset-password-modal.modal
- .modal-header
- .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
- %h3 Reset Password
- .modal-body
- %p="This member will receive an email with a link to reset their password so they can log in to their member dashboard."
- .modal-footer
- =link_to "Send Password Reset", reset_password_person_path(@person), :class => "btn btn-primary", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal', :method => :post
- =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
+ =submit_tag "Change Expiration", :class => "btn btn-success"
+ =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
\ No newline at end of file