app/views/imports/index.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.0.0.rc4 vs app/views/imports/index.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.1.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,46 @@
- in_section :imports
- content_for :header do
- %h1 Imports / Exports
+ %h1 Imports and Exports
- .span12
- %h3 Imports
- %ul.detailed-list
- - @imports.each do |import|
- %li
- %h4= link_to File.basename(import.s3_key), import_path(import)
- %ul.details-long
- %li= describe_import_status import
- %p= link_to "Upload a new file to import", new_import_path, :class => "btn"
- %br
- %h3 Exports
- %p= link_to "Export all people currently in", contacts_export_index_path, :class => "btn"
- %p= link_to "Export all donations currently in", donations_export_index_path, :class => "btn"
- %p= link_to "Export all ticket sales currently in", ticket_sales_export_index_path, :class => "btn"
+ .span8
+ .bottom-room
+ %h3 Imports
+ .row-fluid
+ .span4
+ %h4 People
+ %p Do you have a database of contacts already? Import those contacts into!
+ .span4
+ %h4 Events
+ %p Import sales from events not ticketed by
+ .span4
+ %h4 Donations
+ %p Import a list of past donations to your organization.
+ .row-fluid
+ .span4
+ = link_to "Import People", new_import_path(:type => :people), :class => "btn"
+ .span4
+ = link_to "Import Events", new_import_path(:type => :events), :class => "btn"
+ .span4
+ = link_to "Import Donations", new_import_path(:type => :donations), :class => "btn"
+ .bottom-room
+ -unless @imports.empty?
+ %h3 Import History
+ %table.table.table-condensed
+ - @imports.each do |import|
+ %tr
+ %td= link_to File.basename(import.s3_key), import_path(import)
+ %td=
+ %td= l import.created_at_local_to_organization, :format => :short
+ %td= import.status.capitalize
+ .span1
+ .span3
+ .well{:style => "text-align: center"}
+ %h3 Exports
+ %p= link_to "Export People", contacts_export_index_path, :class => "btn btn3"
+ %p= link_to "Export Donations", donations_export_index_path, :class => "btn btn3"
+ %p= link_to "Export Sales", ticket_sales_export_index_path, :class => "btn btn3"