app/views/contributions/new.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.0.0.rc4 vs app/views/contributions/new.html.haml in artfully_ose-1.1.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,10 @@
- in_section :transactions
- content_for :header do
%h1 Record Contribution
- .span8.offset2
- %h4= link_to "#{@contribution.contributor.first_name} #{@contribution.contributor.last_name}", person_path(@contribution.contributor)
- %h4=
- .hr
- - if current_user.current_organization.has_active_fiscally_sponsored_project?
- %p Use this form for recording contributions received outside of Fractured Atlas. Donations to Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Projects should be made through Fractured Atlas.
- %p Please contact support with any questions.
- %hr
- = form_for(@contribution, :url => contributions_path, :html=>{ :class=>'form-horizontal' }) do |form|
- = form.hidden_field :person_id
- = form.hidden_field :organization_id
- .control-group
- = form.label :subtype, "Type", :class => 'control-label'
- .controls
- = :subtype, options_for_select(Action::GIVE_TYPES)
- .control-group
- = form.label :amount, "Dollar Value", :class => 'control-label'
- .controls
- = form.text_field :amount, :class => :currency
- .control-group
- = form.label :occurred_at, "Date and Time", :class => 'control-label'
- .controls
- = form.text_field :occurred_at, :value => l(, :format => :datetime_for_input), :readonly => true, :class => :datetimepicker
- .control-group
- = form.label :details, "Notes", :class => 'control-label'
- .controls
- = form.text_field :details
- .form-actions
- = submit_tag "Save", :class => "btn"
- = link_to "Cancel", person_path(@contribution.person_id), :class => "btn"
+ .span3
+ =render :partial => "sidebar", :locals => {:contribution => @contribution}
+ .span9
+ =render :partial => "form", :locals => {:contribution => @contribution, :cancel_path => person_path(@contribution.person_id)}