app/controllers/passes_controller.rb in artfully_ose-1.2.0.pre.23 vs app/controllers/passes_controller.rb in artfully_ose-1.2.0.pre.24
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,52 @@
class PassesController < ArtfullyOseController
before_filter :find_person
before_filter :load_tags, :only => [:index]
def index
- @passes = @person.passes.includes(:pass_type)
+ @passes = @person.passes.includes(:pass_type, :tickets).not_expired
+ @expired_passes = @person.passes.includes(:pass_type).expired
+ def bulk_update
+ @person = Person.find(params[:person_id])
+ authorize! :edit, @person
+ extend_passes(params)
+ redirect_to person_passes_path(@person)
+ end
+ def reminder
+ @person = Person.find(params[:person_id])
+ authorize! :edit, @person
+ @pass_ids = params['pass_ids']
+ if @pass_ids.blank?
+ flash[:error] = "Please select at least one pass to send a reminder for."
+ else
+ @passes = Pass.where(:organization_id =>
+ .where(:id => params[:pass_ids])
+ .all
+ @person.delay.send_pass_summary_email(@passes)
+ flash[:notice] = "We'll get those pass codes out to #{@person} right away!"
+ end
+ redirect_to person_passes_path(@person)
+ end
def find_person
@person = current_organization.people.find(params[:person_id])
+ end
+ def extend_passes(params)
+ if params[:commit].eql? "Change Expiration"
+ if params[:pass_ids].blank?
+ flash[:error] = "Please select at least one pass to send a reminder for."
+ else
+ params[:pass_ids].each do |pass_id|
+ Pass.find(pass_id).adjust_expiration_to(params[:ends_at])
+ end
+ flash[:notice] = "Passes have been adjusted."
+ end
+ end
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