test/unit/ardb_tests.rb in ardb-0.27.3 vs test/unit/ardb_tests.rb in ardb-0.28.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,74 +1,361 @@
require 'assert'
require 'ardb'
+require 'logger'
+require 'ardb/adapter_spy'
+require 'ardb/adapter/mysql'
+require 'ardb/adapter/postgresql'
+require 'ardb/adapter/sqlite'
module Ardb
class UnitTests < Assert::Context
desc "Ardb"
setup do
- @orig_ar_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
- Adapter.reset
@module = Ardb
- teardown do
- Adapter.reset
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger = @orig_ar_logger
- end
subject{ @module }
- should have_imeths :config, :configure, :adapter, :validate!, :init
+ should have_imeths :config, :configure, :adapter, :init
should have_imeths :escape_like_pattern
- should "return its `Config` class with the `config` method" do
- assert_same Config, subject.config
+ should "default the db file env var" do
+ assert_equal 'config/db', ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE']
- should "complain if init'ing and not all configs are set" do
- orig_adapter = Ardb.config.db.adapter
- Ardb.config.db.adapter = nil
- assert_raises(NotConfiguredError){ subject.init }
- Ardb.config.db.adapter = orig_adapter
+ should "know its config" do
+ assert_instance_of Config, subject.config
+ result = subject.config
+ assert_same result, subject.config
- should "init the adapter on init" do
- assert_nil Adapter.current
- begin
- subject.init
- rescue LoadError
+ should "yield its config using `configure`" do
+ yielded = nil
+ subject.configure{ |c| yielded = c }
+ assert_same subject.config, yielded
+ end
+ end
+ class InitMethodSetupTests < UnitTests
+ setup do
+ @orig_env_pwd = ENV['PWD']
+ @orig_env_ardb_db_file = ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE']
+ @orig_ar_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ # stub in a temporary config, this allows us to modify it and not worry
+ # about affecting Ardb's global config which could cause issues on other
+ # tests
+ @ardb_config = Config.new
+ Assert.stub(Ardb, :config){ @ardb_config }
+ @ardb_adapter = nil
+ Assert.stub(Ardb::Adapter, :new) do |*args|
+ @ardb_adapter ||= Ardb::AdapterSpy.new(*args)
- assert_not_nil Adapter.current
- exp_adapter = Adapter.send(subject.config.db.adapter)
- assert_equal exp_adapter, Adapter.current
- assert_same Adapter.current, subject.adapter
+ ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'] = 'test/support/require_test_db_file'
+ @ardb_config.adapter = Adapter::VALID_ADAPTERS.sample
+ @ardb_config.database = Factory.string
+ teardown do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = @orig_ar_logger
+ ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'] = @orig_env_ardb_db_file
+ ENV['PWD'] = @orig_env_pwd
+ end
- should "establish an AR connection on init" do
- assert_raises(LoadError) do
- # not going to test this b/c I don't want to bring in all the crap it
- # takes to actually establish a connection with AR (adapters, etc)
- # plus, most of this should be handled by AR, ns-options, and the above
- # tests anyway
- subject.init
- end
+ end
+ class InitMethodTests < InitMethodSetupTests
+ desc "`init` method"
+ should "require the autoloaded active record files" do
+ subject.init
+ assert_false require('ardb/require_autoloaded_active_record_files')
+ should "require the db file" do
+ subject.init
+ assert_false require(ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'])
+ end
+ should "require the db file relative to the working directory if needed" do
+ ENV['PWD'] = 'test/support'
+ ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'] = 'relative_require_test_db_file'
+ subject.init
+ assert_false require(File.expand_path(ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'], ENV['PWD']))
+ end
+ should "raise an invalid db file error when it can't require it" do
+ ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE'] = Factory.file_path
+ error = assert_raises(InvalidDBFileError){ subject.init }
+ exp = "can't require `#{ENV['ARDB_DB_FILE']}`, check that the " \
+ "ARDB_DB_FILE env var is set to the file path of your db file"
+ assert_equal exp, error.message
+ end
+ should "validate its config" do
+ validate_called = false
+ Assert.stub(@ardb_config, :validate!){ validate_called = true }
+ subject.init
+ assert_true validate_called
+ end
+ should "build an adapter using its config" do
+ subject.init
+ assert_not_nil @ardb_adapter
+ assert_equal subject.config, @ardb_adapter.config
+ assert_same @ardb_adapter, subject.adapter
+ end
+ should "optionally establish an AR connection" do
+ assert_nil @ardb_adapter
+ subject.init
+ assert_equal 1, @ardb_adapter.connect_db_called_count
+ subject.init(true)
+ assert_equal 2, @ardb_adapter.connect_db_called_count
+ subject.init(false)
+ assert_equal 2, @ardb_adapter.connect_db_called_count
+ end
- class InitTests < UnitTests
+ class InitTests < InitMethodSetupTests
desc "when init"
setup do
- # don't establish connection, otherwise this errors if it can't connect to
- # an actual DB
- @module.init(false)
+ @module.init
should "demeter its adapter" do
pattern = "%#{Factory.string}\\#{Factory.string}_"
exp = subject.adapter.escape_like_pattern(pattern)
assert_equal exp, subject.escape_like_pattern(pattern)
+ end
+ end
+ class ConfigTests < UnitTests
+ desc "Config"
+ setup do
+ @config_class = Ardb::Config
+ end
+ subject{ @config_class }
+ should "know its activerecord attrs" do
+ exp = [
+ :adapter,
+ :database,
+ :encoding,
+ :host,
+ :port,
+ :username,
+ :password,
+ :pool,
+ :checkout_timeout,
+ :min_messages
+ ]
+ assert_equal exp, subject::ACTIVERECORD_ATTRS
+ end
+ should "know its default migrations path" do
+ assert_equal 'db/migrations', subject::DEFAULT_MIGRATIONS_PATH
+ end
+ should "know its default schema path" do
+ assert_equal 'db/schema', subject::DEFAULT_SCHEMA_PATH
+ end
+ should "know its schema formats" do
+ assert_equal :ruby, subject::RUBY_SCHEMA_FORMAT
+ assert_equal :sql, subject::SQL_SCHEMA_FORMAT
+ exp = [subject::RUBY_SCHEMA_FORMAT, subject::SQL_SCHEMA_FORMAT]
+ assert_equal exp, subject::VALID_SCHEMA_FORMATS
+ end
+ end
+ class ConfigInitTests < ConfigTests
+ desc "when init"
+ setup do
+ @config = @config_class.new
+ end
+ subject{ @config }
+ should have_accessors *Ardb::Config::ACTIVERECORD_ATTRS
+ should have_accessors :logger, :root_path
+ should have_readers :schema_format
+ should have_writers :migrations_path, :schema_path
+ should have_imeths :activerecord_connect_hash, :validate!
+ should "default its attributs" do
+ assert_instance_of Logger, subject.logger
+ assert_equal ENV['PWD'], subject.root_path
+ exp = File.expand_path(@config_class::DEFAULT_MIGRATIONS_PATH, subject.root_path)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.migrations_path
+ exp = File.expand_path(@config_class::DEFAULT_SCHEMA_PATH, subject.root_path)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.schema_path
+ assert_equal @config_class::RUBY_SCHEMA_FORMAT, subject.schema_format
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its paths" do
+ new_root_path = Factory.path
+ new_migrations_path = Factory.path
+ new_schema_path = Factory.path
+ subject.root_path = new_root_path
+ subject.migrations_path = new_migrations_path
+ subject.schema_path = new_schema_path
+ assert_equal new_root_path, subject.root_path
+ exp = File.expand_path(new_migrations_path, new_root_path)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.migrations_path
+ exp = File.expand_path(new_schema_path, new_root_path)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.schema_path
+ end
+ should "allow setting absolute paths" do
+ new_migrations_path = "/#{Factory.path}"
+ new_schema_path = "/#{Factory.path}"
+ subject.root_path = [Factory.path, nil].sample
+ subject.migrations_path = new_migrations_path
+ subject.schema_path = new_schema_path
+ assert_equal new_migrations_path, subject.migrations_path
+ assert_equal new_schema_path, subject.schema_path
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing the schema format" do
+ new_schema_format = Factory.string
+ subject.schema_format = new_schema_format
+ assert_equal new_schema_format.to_sym, subject.schema_format
+ end
+ should "know its activerecord connection hash" do
+ attrs_and_values = @config_class::ACTIVERECORD_ATTRS.map do |attr_name|
+ value = [Factory.string, nil].sample
+ subject.send("#{attr_name}=", value)
+ [attr_name.to_s, value] if !value.nil?
+ end.compact
+ assert_equal Hash[attrs_and_values], subject.activerecord_connect_hash
+ end
+ should "raise errors with invalid attribute values using `validate!`" do
+ subject.adapter = Factory.string
+ subject.database = Factory.string
+ assert_nothing_raised{ subject.validate! }
+ subject.adapter = nil
+ assert_raises(ConfigurationError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.adapter = Factory.string
+ subject.database = nil
+ assert_raises(ConfigurationError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.database = Factory.string
+ subject.schema_format = Factory.string
+ assert_raises(ConfigurationError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.schema_format = @config_class::VALID_SCHEMA_FORMATS.sample
+ assert_nothing_raised{ subject.validate! }
+ end
+ should "know if its equal to another config" do
+ attrs = @config_class::ACTIVERECORD_ATTRS + [
+ :logger,
+ :root_path,
+ :schema_format,
+ :migrations_path,
+ :schema_path
+ ]
+ attrs.each do |attr_name|
+ subject.send("#{attr_name}=", Factory.string)
+ end
+ other_config = @config_class.new
+ attrs.each do |attr_name|
+ other_config.send("#{attr_name}=", subject.send(attr_name))
+ end
+ assert_equal other_config, subject
+ attr_name = attrs.sample
+ other_config.send("#{attr_name}=", Factory.string)
+ assert_not_equal other_config, subject
+ end
+ end
+ class AdapterTests < UnitTests
+ desc "Adapter"
+ setup do
+ @config = Factory.ardb_config
+ @adapter_module = Ardb::Adapter
+ end
+ subject{ @adapter_module }
+ should have_imeths :new
+ should have_imeths :sqlite, :sqlite3
+ should have_imeths :postgresql, :postgres
+ should have_imeths :mysql, :mysql2
+ should "know its valid adapters" do
+ exp = [
+ 'sqlite',
+ 'sqlite3',
+ 'postgresql',
+ 'postgres',
+ 'mysql',
+ 'mysql2'
+ ]
+ assert_equal exp, subject::VALID_ADAPTERS
+ end
+ should "build an adapter specific class using the passed config" do
+ adapter_key, exp_adapter_class = [
+ ['sqlite', Ardb::Adapter::Sqlite],
+ ['postgresql', Ardb::Adapter::Postgresql],
+ ['mysql', Ardb::Adapter::Mysql]
+ ].sample
+ @config.adapter = adapter_key
+ adapter = subject.new(@config)
+ assert_instance_of exp_adapter_class, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ end
+ should "know how to build a sqlite adapter" do
+ adapter = subject.sqlite(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Sqlite, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ adapter = subject.sqlite3(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Sqlite, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ end
+ should "know how to build a postgresql adapter" do
+ adapter = subject.postgresql(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Postgresql, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ adapter = subject.postgres(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Postgresql, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ end
+ should "know how to build a mysql adapter" do
+ adapter = subject.mysql(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Mysql, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config
+ adapter = subject.mysql2(@config)
+ assert_instance_of Ardb::Adapter::Mysql, adapter
+ assert_equal @config, adapter.config