in ardb-0.28.3 vs in ardb-0.29.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,266 @@
# Ardb
-Activerecord database tools.
+Tools for using ActiveRecord with or without Rails.
## Usage
-TODO: Write code samples and usage instructions here
+Given configured database connection parameters, Ardb provides a CLI and assorted tools for working with an ActiveRecord database. Ardb is designed to be used with or without Rails.
+### Configuration
+By default, Ardb looks for database configuration in the `config/db.rb` file. You can override this using the `ENV["ARDB_DB_FILE"]` env var.
+The configuration includes typical database configuration parameters:
+# in config/db.rb
+require "ardb"
+Ardb.configure do |c|
+ c.logger$stdout)
+ c.root_path File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)
+ c.db.adapter "postgresql"
+ c.db.encoding "unicode"
+ c.db.min_messages "WARNING"
+ c.db.url "localhost:5432"
+ c.db.username "testuser"
+ c.db.password "secret"
+ c.db.database "testdb"
+#### Rails configuration
+If using Ardb with Rails, add a `config/db.rb` file to have Ardb use Rails's configuration settings:
+# in config/db.rb
+require_relative "./environment"
+require "ardb"
+# This Ardb configuration matches Rails's settings.
+Ardb.configure do |c|
+ rails_db_config = Rails.application.config_for("database")
+ c.root_path = Rails.root
+ c.logger = Rails.logger
+ c.schema_format = Rails.application.config.active_record.schema_format || :ruby
+ c.default_timezone = :utc
+ c.adapter = rails_db_config["adapter"]
+ = rails_db_config["host"]
+ c.port = rails_db_config["port"]
+ c.username = rails_db_config["username"]
+ c.password = rails_db_config["password"]
+ c.database = rails_db_config["database"]
+ c.encoding = rails_db_config["encoding"]
+ c.min_messages = rails_db_config["min_messages"]
+ c.migrations_path = "db/migrate"
+ c.schema_path = "db/schema"
+### CLI
+$ ardb --help
+Usage: ardb [COMMAND] [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ connect Connect to the configured DB
+ create Create the configured DB
+ drop Drop the configured DB
+ generate-migration Generate a MIGRATION-NAME migration file
+ migrate Migrate the configured DB
+ migrate-up Migrate the configured DB up
+ migrate-down Migrate the configured DB down
+ migrate-forward Migrate the configured DB forward
+ migrate-backward Migrate the configured DB backward
+#### `connect` command
+$ ardb connect --help
+Usage: ardb connect [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ Connect to the configured DB
+$ ardb connect
+error: database "some_database" does not exist
+$ ardb create
+created postgresql db "some_database"
+$ ardb connect
+connected to postgresql db "some_database"
+Use this command to verify the connection parameter configuration is correct.
+#### `create` command
+$ ardb create --help
+Usage: ardb create [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ Create the configured DB
+$ ardb create
+created postgresql db "some_database"
+$ ardb create
+error: database "some_database" already exists
+#### `drop` command
+$ ardb drop --help
+Usage: ardb drop [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ Drop the configured DB
+$ ardb drop
+dropped postgresql db "some_database"
+$ ardb drop
+error: database "some_database" does not exist
+#### `generate-migration` command
+$ ardb generate-migration add_projects --help
+Usage: ardb generate-migration MIGRATION-NAME [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ Generate a MIGRATION-NAME migration file
+$ ardb generate-migration add_projects
+generated /path/to/app/db/migrate/20191222074043_add_projects.rb
+#### `migrate` command
+$ ardb migrate --help
+Usage: ardb migrate [options]
+ --version
+ --help
+ Migrate the configured DB
+$ ardb migrate
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrating ======================================
+-- create_table(:projects)
+ -> 0.0276s
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrated (0.0277s) =============================
+#### `migrate-up` command
+$ ardb migrate-up --help
+Usage: ardb migrate-up [options]
+ -t, --target-version VALUE version to migrate to
+ --version
+ --help
+ Migrate the configured DB up
+$ ardb migrate-up
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrating ======================================
+-- create_table(:projects)
+ -> 0.0510s
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrated (0.0511s) =============================
+#### `migrate-down` command
+$ ardb migrate-down --help
+Usage: ardb migrate-down [options]
+ -t, --target-version VALUE version to migrate to
+ --version
+ --help
+ Migrate the configured DB down
+$ ardb migrate-down
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: reverting ======================================
+-- drop_table(:projects)
+ -> 0.0092s
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: reverted (0.0132s) =============================
+#### `migrate-forward` command
+$ ardb migrate-forward --help
+Usage: ardb migrate-forward [options]
+ -s, --steps VALUE number of migrations to migrate
+ --version
+ --help
+ Migrate the configured DB forward
+$ ardb migrate-forward
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrating ======================================
+-- create_table(:projects)
+ -> 0.0510s
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: migrated (0.0511s) =============================
+#### `migrate-backward` command
+$ ardb migrate-backward --help
+Usage: ardb migrate-backward [options]
+ -s, --steps VALUE number of migrations to migrate
+ --version
+ --help
+ Migrate the configured DB backward
+$ ardb migrate-backward
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: reverting ======================================
+-- drop_table(:projects)
+ -> 0.0092s
+== 20191222074043 AddProjects: reverted (0.0132s) =============================
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
- gem 'ardb'
+ gem "ardb"
And then execute:
$ bundle