lib/arclight/repository.rb in arclight-0.1.4 vs lib/arclight/repository.rb in arclight-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -5,34 +5,17 @@
# Static information about a given repository identified by a unique `slug`
class Repository
include ActiveModel::Conversion # for to_partial_path
- FIELDS = %i[name
- description
- visit_note
- building
- address1
- address2
- city
- state
- zip
- country
- phone
- contact_info
- thumbnail_url
- google_request_url
- google_request_mappings
- collection_count].freeze
+ attr_accessor :slug, :collection_count
- attr_accessor :slug, *FIELDS
# @param [String] `slug` the unique identifier for the repository
# @param [Hash] `data`
def initialize(slug, data = {})
@slug = slug
- FIELDS.each do |field|
- value = data[field.to_s]
+ data.each do |field, value|
+ self.class.attr_accessor field.to_sym
send("#{field}=", value) if value.present?
# @return [String] handles the formatting of "city, state zip, country"