Specs.md in architect4r- vs Specs.md in architect4r-0.3.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,37 @@
# Specs
Some code which might define the future interface of the gem.
+ # Defining
+ class Character < Architect4r::Model::Node
+ property :name, :cast_to => String
+ property :human, :cast_to => TrueClass
+ timestamps!
+ def ships
+ class.find_by_cypher("start s=node(#{id}) match s-[:CrewMembership]->d return d", "d")
+ end
+ def crew_memberships
+ class.find_by_cypher("start s=node(#{id}) match s-[r:CrewMembership]->d return d, r", "d")
+ end
+ end
+ class Ship < Architect4r::Model::Node
+ property :name, :cast_to => String
+ end
+ class CrewMembership < Architect4r::Model::Relationship
+ property :rank, :cast_to => String
+ end
+ neo = Character.find_by_id(15)
+ neo.
# Finding records
Instrument.find_by_name("Klavier", :de)
Instrument.find_by_cypher("start cat=(123) match (cat)--(x) return x limit 2")
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