spec/arborist/node_spec.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160606141735 vs spec/arborist/node_spec.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160829140603
- old
+ new
@@ -354,10 +354,12 @@
all_of('postgres', 'rabbitmq', 'memcached', on: 'svchost'),
any_of('webproxy', on: ['fe-host1','fe-host2','fe-host3'])
+ config os: 'freebsd-10'
update( 'song' => 'Around the World', 'artist' => 'Daft Punk', 'length' => '7:09' )
@@ -398,20 +400,22 @@
old_node = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(node) )
node_copy = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(node) )
old_node.instance_variable_set( :@parent, 'foo' )
old_node.instance_variable_set( :@description, 'Some older description' )
+ old_node.instance_variable_set( :@config, {'os' => 'freebsd-8'} )
old_node.tags( :bunker, :lucky, :tickle, :trucker )
old_node.source = '/somewhere/else'
node.restore( old_node )
expect( node.parent ).to eq( node_copy.parent )
expect( node.description ).to eq( node_copy.description )
expect( node.tags ).to eq( node_copy.tags )
expect( node.source ).to eq( node_copy.source )
expect( node.dependencies ).to eq( node_copy.dependencies )
+ expect( node.config ).to eq( node_copy.config )
it "doesn't replace dependencies if they've changed" do
old_node = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(node) )
@@ -463,30 +467,29 @@
expect( cloned_node ).to eq( node )
- it "an ACKed node goes back to ACKed when re-added to the tree" do
+ it "can be marshalled" do
+ data = Marshal.dump( node )
+ cloned_node = Marshal.load( data )
+ expect( cloned_node ).to eq( node )
+ end
+ it "an ACKed node stays ACKed when serialized and restored" do
node.update( error: "there's a fire" )
node.update( ack: {
message: 'We know about the fire. It rages on.',
sender: '1986 Labyrinth David Bowie'
- cloned_node = concrete_class.from_hash( node.to_h )
- node_added_event = Arborist::Event.create( :sys_node_added, cloned_node )
- cloned_node.handle_event( node_added_event )
+ expect( node ).to be_acked
- expect( cloned_node ).to be_acked
- end
+ restored_node = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(node) )
- it "can be marshalled" do
- data = Marshal.dump( node )
- cloned_node = Marshal.load( data )
- expect( cloned_node ).to eq( node )
+ expect( restored_node ).to be_acked
@@ -637,10 +640,11 @@
let( :node ) do
concrete_class.new( 'foo' ) do
parent 'bar'
description "The prototypical node"
tags :chunker, :hunky, :flippin, :hippo
+ config os: 'freebsd-10'
'song' => 'Around the World',
'artist' => 'Daft Punk',
'length' => '7:09',
@@ -687,9 +691,15 @@
it "can be matched with its identifier" do
expect( node ).to match_criteria( identifier: 'foo' )
expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( identifier: 'bar' )
+ end
+ it "can be matched with config values" do
+ expect( node ).to match_criteria( config: {os: 'freebsd-10'} )
+ expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( config: {os: 'macosx-10.11.3'} )
it "can be matched with its user properties" do
expect( node ).to match_criteria( song: 'Around the World' )