spec/arborist/manager_spec.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160606141735 vs spec/arborist/manager_spec.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160829140603
- old
+ new
@@ -162,43 +162,59 @@
expect( manager.restore_node_states ).to be_falsey
it "checkpoints the state file periodically if an interval is configured" do
- described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: 20, state_file: 'arb.tree'} )
+ described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: 20_000, state_file: 'arb.tree'} )
+ zloop = instance_double( ZMQ::Loop, register: nil, :verbose= => nil )
timer = instance_double( ZMQ::Timer, "checkpoint timer" )
- expect( ZMQ::Timer ).to receive( :new ).with( 20, 0 ).and_return( timer )
+ expect( ZMQ::Loop ).to receive( :new ).and_return( zloop )
+ allow( ZMQ::Timer ).to receive( :new ).and_call_original
+ expect( ZMQ::Timer ).to receive( :new ).with( 20.0, 0 ).and_return( timer )
- expect( manager.start_state_checkpointing ).to eq( timer )
+ manager = described_class.new
+ expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to eq( timer )
it "doesn't checkpoint if no interval is configured" do
described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: nil, state_file: 'arb.tree'} )
- expect( ZMQ::Timer ).to_not receive( :new )
- expect( manager.start_state_checkpointing ).to be_nil
+ manager = described_class.new
+ expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to be_nil
it "doesn't checkpoint if no state file is configured" do
described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: 20, state_file: nil} )
- expect( ZMQ::Timer ).to_not receive( :new )
- expect( manager.start_state_checkpointing ).to be_nil
+ manager = described_class.new
+ expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to be_nil
it "writes a checkpoint if it receives a SIGUSR1"
+ context "heartbeat event" do
+ it "errors if configured with a heartbeat of 0" do
+ expect {
+ described_class.configure( manager: {heartbeat_frequency: 0} )
+ }.to raise_error( Arborist::ConfigError, /positive non-zero/i )
+ end
+ it "is sent at the configured "
+ end
context "a new empty manager" do
let( :node ) do
testing_node 'italian_lessons'
@@ -581,56 +597,69 @@
let( :event_sock ) { instance_double(ZMQ::Socket::Pub, "event socket") }
let( :tree_pollitem ) { instance_double(ZMQ::Pollitem, "tree API pollitem") }
let( :event_pollitem ) { instance_double(ZMQ::Pollitem, "event API pollitem") }
let( :signal_timer ) { instance_double(ZMQ::Timer, "signal timer") }
before( :each ) do
allow( ZMQ::Loop ).to receive( :new ).and_return( zmq_loop )
allow( zmq_context ).to receive( :socket ).with( :REP ).and_return( tree_sock )
allow( zmq_context ).to receive( :socket ).with( :PUB ).and_return( event_sock )
+ allow( zmq_loop ).to receive( :verbose= )
allow( zmq_loop ).to receive( :remove ).with( tree_pollitem )
allow( zmq_loop ).to receive( :remove ).with( event_pollitem )
allow( tree_pollitem ).to receive( :pollable ).and_return( tree_sock )
allow( tree_sock ).to receive( :close )
allow( event_pollitem ).to receive( :pollable ).and_return( event_sock )
allow( event_sock ).to receive( :close )
- end
+ allow( tree_sock ).to receive( :bind ).with( Arborist.tree_api_url )
+ allow( tree_sock ).to receive( :linger= )
- it "sets up its sockets with handlers and starts the ZMQ loop when started" do
- expect( tree_sock ).to receive( :bind ).with( Arborist.tree_api_url )
- expect( tree_sock ).to receive( :linger= ).with( 0 )
+ allow( event_sock ).to receive( :bind ).with( Arborist.event_api_url )
+ allow( event_sock ).to receive( :linger= )
- expect( event_sock ).to receive( :bind ).with( Arborist.event_api_url )
- expect( event_sock ).to receive( :linger= ).with( 0 )
- expect( ZMQ::Pollitem ).to receive( :new ).with( tree_sock, ZMQ::POLLIN|ZMQ::POLLOUT ).
+ allow( ZMQ::Pollitem ).to receive( :new ).with( tree_sock, ZMQ::POLLIN|ZMQ::POLLOUT ).
and_return( tree_pollitem )
- expect( ZMQ::Pollitem ).to receive( :new ).with( event_sock, ZMQ::POLLOUT ).
+ allow( ZMQ::Pollitem ).to receive( :new ).with( event_sock, ZMQ::POLLOUT ).
and_return( event_pollitem )
- expect( tree_pollitem ).to receive( :handler= ).
+ allow( tree_pollitem ).to receive( :handler= ).
with( an_instance_of(Arborist::Manager::TreeAPI) )
- expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register ).with( tree_pollitem )
- expect( event_pollitem ).to receive( :handler= ).
+ allow( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register ).with( tree_pollitem )
+ allow( event_pollitem ).to receive( :handler= ).
with( an_instance_of(Arborist::Manager::EventPublisher) )
- expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register ).with( event_pollitem )
+ allow( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register ).with( event_pollitem )
+ end
+ it "starts handling signals and events when started" do
expect( ZMQ::Timer ).to receive( :new ).
with( described_class::SIGNAL_INTERVAL, 0, manager.method(:process_signal_queue) ).
and_return( signal_timer )
expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register_timer ).with( signal_timer )
+ expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :register_timer ).with( manager.heartbeat_timer )
expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :start )
expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :remove ).with( tree_pollitem )
expect( zmq_loop ).to receive( :remove ).with( event_pollitem )
- end
- end
+ expect( manager.event_publisher.event_queue.length ).to eq( 1 )
+ event = manager.event_publisher.event_queue.first
+ expect( event.first ).to eq( 'sys.startup' )
+ payload = unpack_message( event.last )
+ expect( payload ).to include(
+ 'start_time' => an_instance_of(String),
+ 'version' => an_instance_of(String)
+ )
+ end
+ end