lib/arborist/cli.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160128152542 vs lib/arborist/cli.rb in arborist-0.0.1.pre20160606141735
- old
+ new
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
# The command version
version Arborist::VERSION
# Use an OpenStruct for options instead of a Hash
- use_openstruct( true )
+ # use_openstruct( true )
# Subcommand options are independent of global[:ones]
subcommand_option_handling :normal
# Strict argument validation
@@ -60,21 +60,22 @@
Pathname( value.strip )
# Global options
- desc "Specify the config file to load"
+ desc "Load the specified CONFIGFILE."
+ arg_name :CONFIGFILE
flag [:c, :config], type: Pathname
desc 'Enable debugging output'
switch [:d, :debug]
desc 'Enable verbose output'
switch [:v, :verbose]
desc 'Set log level to LEVEL (one of %s)' % [Loggability::LOG_LEVELS.keys.join(', ')]
- default_value Loggability[self].level
+ arg_name :LEVEL
flag [:l, :loglevel], must_match: Loggability::LOG_LEVELS.keys
desc "Don't actually do anything, just show what would happen."
switch [:n, 'dry-run']
@@ -84,28 +85,45 @@
# GLI Event callbacks
+ # Set up global options
pre do |global, command, options, args|
- if loglevel = global[:loglevel]
- Loggability.level = loglevel.to_sym
- else
- Loggability.level = :fatal
- end
+ self.set_logging_level( global[:l] )
# Include a 'lib' directory if there is one
$LOAD_PATH.unshift( 'lib' ) if 'lib' )
- self.require_additional_libs( global.requires ) if global.requires
+ self.require_additional_libs( global[:r] ) if global[:r]
self.load_config( global )
+ self.set_logging_level( global[:l] ) if global[:l] # again; override config file
+ self.setup_output( global )
+ # Write the error to the log on exceptions.
+ on_error do |exception|
+ case exception
+ when OptionParser::ParseError, GLI::CustomExit
+ self.log.debug( exception )
+ else
+ self.log.error( exception )
+ end
+ exception.backtrace.each {|frame| self.log.debug(frame) }
+ true
+ end
# Registered subcommand modules
singleton_attr_accessor :subcommand_modules
@@ -160,10 +178,20 @@
def self::reset_prompt
@prompt = nil
+ ### Set the global logging +level+ if it's defined.
+ def self::set_logging_level( level=nil )
+ if level
+ Loggability.level = level.to_sym
+ else
+ Loggability.level = :fatal
+ end
+ end
### Load any additional Ruby libraries given with the -r global option.
def self::require_additional_libs( requires)
requires.each do |path|
path = "arborist/#{path}" unless path.start_with?( 'arborist/' )
require( path )
@@ -179,10 +207,11 @@
cs[:error] = [ :bold, :red ]
cs[:up] = [ :green ]
cs[:down] = [ :red ]
cs[:unknown] = [ :dark, :yellow ]
cs[:disabled] = [ :dark, :white ]
+ cs[:quieted] = [ :dark, :green ]
cs[:acked] = [ :yellow ]
cs[:highlight] = [ :bold, :yellow ]
cs[:search_hit] = [ :black, :on_white ]
cs[:prompt] = [ :cyan ]
cs[:even_row] = [ :bold ]
@@ -192,11 +221,11 @@
### Load the config file using either arborist-base's config-loader if available, or
### fall back to DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
def self::load_config( global={} )
- Arborist.load_config( global.config ) if global.config
+ Arborist.load_config( global[:c] ) if global[:c]
# Set up the logging formatter
Loggability.format_with( :color ) if $stdout.tty?
@@ -219,24 +248,9 @@
if global[:debug]
$DEBUG = true
Loggability.level = :debug
- end
- # Write the error to the log on exceptions.
- on_error do |exception|
- case exception
- when OptionParser::ParseError, GLI::CustomExit
- self.log.debug( exception )
- else
- self.log.error( exception )
- end
- exception.backtrace.each {|frame| self.log.debug(frame) }
- true
# GLI subcommands