spec/aquarium/aspects/aspect_invocation_spec.rb in aquarium-0.1.5 vs spec/aquarium/aspects/aspect_invocation_spec.rb in aquarium-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -70,9 +70,21 @@
aspect1.pointcuts.should eql(aspect2.pointcuts)
aspect1.join_points_matched.should eql(aspect2.join_points_matched)
aspect1.advice.should eql(aspect2.advice)
+ it "should advise an equivalent join point when :type => T and :method => m is used or :pointcut => join_point is used, where join_point matches :type => T and :method => m." do
+ # pending "working on Pointcut.new first."
+ advice = proc {|jp,*args| "advice"}
+ aspect1 = Aspect.new :after, :type => Watchful, :method => :public_watchful_method, &advice
+ join_point = Aquarium::Aspects::JoinPoint.new :type => Watchful, :method => :public_watchful_method
+ aspect2 = Aspect.new :after, :pointcut => join_point, &advice
+ aspect1.join_points_matched.should eql(aspect2.join_points_matched)
+ aspect1.advice.should eql(aspect2.advice)
+ aspect1.unadvise
+ end
describe Aspect, "#new arguments for specifying the objects and methods" do
it "should advise equivalent join points when :object => o and :method => m is used or :pointcut =>{:object => o, :method => m} is used." do
advice = proc {|jp,*args| "advice"}